Webinar | Title | Speaker | Date |
01 | An Overview of the International Space Weather Initiative | Nat Gopalswamy | 2022/04/27 |
02 | A Magneto-Inductive Magnetometer System for Boom-less Satellites, Global Magnetometer Networks and Backyard Citizen-Science Space Weather Monitors | Mark Moldwin | 2022/05/25 |
03 | Large Solar Energetic Particle Events | Pertti Mäkelä | 2022/06/29 |
04 | Magnetic Storm Intensity and Space Weather; PRESTO Program | Ramon E. Lopez | 2022/07/27 |
05 | Dynamical evolution of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections: consequences on geo-space and on galactic cosmic | Sergio Dasso | 2022/09/28 |
06 | Origins of space weather phenomena at the Sun: additional constraints from multi-spacecraft observations and the Solar Orbiter mission | Miho Janvier | 2022/10/25 |
07 | Sun-Earth connections and Space Weather | Christine Amory-Mazaudier | 2022/11/30 |
08 | Realistic Ionosphere (RION): data fusion of GIRO and GNSS nRT capabilities | Ivan Galkin | 2023/01/25 |
09 | Ground-based multi-point network from subauroral to equatorial latitudes by the Optical Mesosphere Thermosphere Imagers (OMTIs) and the PWING Project | Kazuo Shiokawa | 2023/02/22 |
10 | Understanding Space Weather - an interdisciplinary filed of research | Manuela Temmer | 2023/03/29 |
11 | Small Scale Ionospheric Irregularities (and their effects on radio wave propagation) | Keith M. Groves | 2023/04/26 |
12 | Solar Flares and Space Weather, | Lucia Kleint | 2023/06/28 |
13 | NASA's Geospace Dynamics Constellation: Exploring our Connected Atmosphere | Doug Rowland | 2023/09/27 |
14 | Considerations on the morphology of coronal mass ejections | Hebe Cremades | 2023/10/25 |
15 | In-situ and ground-based studies of plasma irregularities in the polar ionosphere | Wojciech Miloch | 2024/01/31 |
16 | Observation of waves in the ionosphere and thermosphere | Jaroslav Chum | 2024/03/27 |
17 | Space Weather Predictability | Ioannis A. Daglis | 2024/04/24 |
18 | Space weather activities in Africa: Infrastructure, capacity building, current research efforts and opportunities | Babatunde Rabiu | 2024/06/26 |
19 | Exploring the Middle Corona (the Second Coronal Transition Region) | Matthew West | 2024/09/25 |
20 | Is there a relationship between solar wind Alfvénic turbulence and magnetospheric dynamics? What Solar Orbiter observations can help with? | Raffaella D'Amicis | 2024/10/30 |
21 | Rare and dangerous extreme solar eruptive events: A new phenomenon | Ilya Usoskin | 2024/11/27 |
22 | The importance of the polar regions to understand the magnetosphere-atmosphere coupling: the AGATA initiative | Lucilla Alfonsi | 2025/01/29 |
23 | Cosmic Rays and Space Weather: Interactions and Implocations | Mihailo Savić | 2025/03/26 |