Published papers
from 2011 to 2020
Publication Year 2022
Title: |
Automatic Coronagraph Image
Classification with Machine Learning Methods |
Authors: |
Shan, J. H., Feng, L., Yuan, H.
Q., Zhang, Y., Zhong, X., Gan, W. Q., Li, H., & Huang, Y. |
Publication: |
Acta Astronomica
Sinica, vol. 61, no. 4, article id. 45, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Analysis of a long-duration AR throughout five solar rotations: Magnetic
properties and ejective events |
Authors: |
Iglesias, Francisco A.; Cremades, Hebe; Merenda, Luciano A.; Mandrini, Cristina H.; López, Fernando M.; López Fuentes,
Marcelo C.; Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 65, Issue 6, p. 1641-1653. |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Cut-off features in interplanetary
solar radio type IV emission |
Authors: |
Silja & Talebpour Sheshvan, Nasrin |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research,
Volume 65, Issue 6, p. 1663-1672., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Large non-radial
propagation of a coronal mass ejection on 2011 January 24 |
Authors: |
Cécere, M.; Sieyra,
M. V.; Cremades, H.; Mierla, M.; Sahade, A.; Stenborg, G.;
Costa, A.; West, M. J.; D'Huys, E. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 65, Issue 6, p. 1654-1662. |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Effect of moderate geomagnetic
storms on equatorial plasma bubbles over eastern |
Authors: |
Africa in the year 2012:
Evolution and electrodynamics |
Publication: |
Nigussie Mezgebe, Katamzi-Joseph, Zama T., & Stoneback,
Russell |
Publication Date: |
Advances in Space Research,
Volume 65, Issue 7, p. 1701-1713., 2020 |
Title: |
New ionospheric index for Space
Weather services |
Authors: |
Olga, Rakhlin, Aleksander, Fridman,
Vladimir, & Vybornov, Fedor
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research,
Volume 66, Issue 6, p. 1415-1426., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Quiet-time and storm-time
variations of the African equatorial and low latitude ionosphere during
2009-2015 |
Authors: |
Akala, A. O. & Adewusi, E. O. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research,
Volume 66, Issue 6, p. 1441-1459., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
On extreme space weather
events: Solar eruptions, energetic protons and
geomagnetic storms |
Authors: |
Rositsa |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research,
Volume 66, Issue 8, p. 1977-1991., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Development of a formalism for
computing in situ transits of Earth-directed CMEs - Part 2: Towards a
forecasting tool |
Authors: |
Corona-Romero, Pedro &
Riley, Pete |
Publication: |
Annales Geophysicae,
Volume 38, Issue 3, 2020, pp.657-681, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
06/2020 |
reconstruction of multiple particle acceleration regions during a coronal
mass ejection |
Authors: |
Morosan, D. E., Palmerio, E., Pomoell, J., Vainio, R., Palmroth, M., & Kilpua, E.
K. J. |
Publication: |
& Astrophysics, Volume 635, id.A62, 12 pp., 2020
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Asymmetric expansion
of coronal mass ejections in the low corona |
Authors: |
Cremades, H.; Iglesias,
F. A.; Merenda, L. A. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 635, id.A100, 11 pp |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Space, time and velocity association of successive coronal mass
ejections |
Authors: |
Lara, Alejandro;
Gopalswamy, Nat; Niembro, Tatiana; Pérez-Enríquez,
Román; Yashiro, Seiji |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 635, id.A112, 10 pp |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Numerical simulation and data
analysis of the 23 July 2012 SEP event observed by ACE, STEREO-A, and
Authors: |
Qin, G. & Qi, S. -Y. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 637, id.A48, 10 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
coronal mass ejections and solar energetic particles near the quadrature
configuration of Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory |
Authors: |
Anitha & Michalek,
Grzegorz |
Publication: |
& Astrophysics, Volume 638, id.A42, 11 pp., 2020
Publication Date: |
Title: |
and source structure of solar stationary type IV radio bursts |
Authors: |
Salas-Matamoros, Carolina &
Klein, Karl-Ludwig |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 639, id.A102, 20 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
When do solar erupting hot
magnetic flux ropes form? |
Authors: |
A., Patsourakos, S., Vourlidas,
A., Cheng, X., & Zhang, J. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 642, id.A109, 12 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
characteristics of anemone active regions in the ascending phase of solar
cycle 24 |
Authors: |
R. & Cid, C. |
Publication: |
& Astrophysics, Volume 642, id.A233, 10 pp.,
2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Modeling the Lyα transit absorption
of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b |
Authors: |
P., Erkaev, N. V., Kislyakova,
K. G., Lammer, H., Mezentsev, A. V., Ivanov, V. A.,
Fossati, L., Leitzinger,
M., Kubyshkina, D., & Holmström,
M. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 638, id.A49, 21 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
06/2020 |
Title: |
Kinematics of coronal mass
ejections in the LASCO field of view |
Authors: |
Ravishankar, Anitha, Michałek, Grzegorz, & Yashiro, Seiji |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 639, id.A68, 12 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
External reconnection and
resultant reconfiguration of overlying magnetic fields during sympathetic
eruptions of two filaments |
Authors: |
Hou, Y. J., Li, T., Song, Z.
P., & Zhang, J. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 640, id.A101, 10 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
Title: |
Exploring the coronal evolution
of AR 12473 using time-dependent, data-driven magnetofrictional modelling |
Authors: |
Price, D. J., Pomoell, J., & Kilpua, E.
K. J. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 644, id.A28, 7 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
12/2020 |
Title: |
Exhaustive study of three-time
periods of solar activity due to single active regions: sunspot, flare, CME,
and geo-effectiveness characteristics |
Authors: |
Soni, Shirsh
Lata, Yadav, Manohar Lal, Gupta, Radhe Syam, &
Verma, Pyare Lal |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science,
Volume 365, Issue 12, article id.189, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
12/2020 |
Title: |
Study of the Streamer Current
Sheet with White-Light and UV Observations |
Authors: |
Shi, Guang-lu,
Ying, Bei-li, Feng, Li, Li, Hui, & Yang, Cui-hong
Publication: |
Chinese Astronomy and
Astrophysics, Volume 44, Issue 4, p. 474-489., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Automatic Coronagraph Image
Classification with Machine Learning Methods |
Authors: |
Shan, Jia-hui,
Feng, Li, Yuan, Han-qing, Zhang, Yan, Zhong, Xian,
Gan, Wei-qun, Li, Hui, & Huang, Yu |
Publication: |
Chinese Astronomy and
Astrophysics, Volume 44, Issue 4, p. 507-518., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Comparing the Features of
Generation of CMEs Moving with Different Speed in the Field of View of the
LASCO Coronagraphs |
Authors: |
Yu. S. & Fainshtein, V. G. |
Publication: |
Cosmic Research, Volume 57,
Issue 6, p.413-422, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Flows in the Inner Solar Wind and Near Earth's Orbit |
Authors: |
A. I., Lukanina, L. A., Smirnov, V. M., Chashei, I. V., Bird, M. K., & Pätzold,
M. |
Publication: |
Research, Volume 57, Issue 6, p.423-433, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Title: |
Observation of Disturbed Plasma
Structures in the Environment of the Sun and Near-Earth Space with Radio
Sounding and Local Measurements |
Authors: |
Efimov, A. I., Lukanina, L. A., Chashei, I.
V., Kolomiets, S. F., Bird, M. K., & Paetzold, M. |
Publication: |
Cosmic Research, Volume 58,
Issue 6, p.460-467, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
Title: |
Extreme geomagnetic activities: a statistical study |
Authors: |
Kataoka, Ryuho |
Publication: |
Earth, Planets and Space, Volume 72, Issue 1, article
id.124, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Geomagnetic Activity Control of Irregularities Occurrences
Over the Crests of the African EIA |
Authors: |
Amaechi, P. O., Oyeyemi, E. O., Akala, A. O., & Amory-Mazaudier, C. |
Publication: |
Earth and Space Science, Volume 7, Issue 7, article id.
e01183, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
Distinction in the Interplanetary
Characteristics of Accelerated and Decelerated CMEs/Shocks |
Authors: |
Suresh, K., Shanmugaraju,
A., & Moon, Y. -J. |
Publication: |
Earth, Moon, and Planets,
Volume 122, Issue 3-4, pp. 73-82, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
Statistical Characteristics on
SEPs, Radio-Loud CMEs, Low Frequency Type II and Type III Radio Bursts
Associated with Impulsive and Gradual Flares |
Authors: |
P. Pappa, Shanmugaraju, A., Prakash, O., & Kim,
R. -S. |
Publication: |
Earth, Moon, and Planets,
Volume 123, Issue 3-4, p.61-85, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
Study of Coronal Mass Ejections
Succeeding the Associated X-Ray and γ-Ray Burst Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Abdel-Sattar, Walid & Mawad, Ramy |
Publication: |
Earth, Moon, and Planets,
Volume 124, Issue 1-2, p.15-50, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
Two Successive Type II Radio
Bursts Associated with B-class Flares and Slow CMEs |
Authors: |
Ma, Suli
& Chen, Huadong |
Publication: |
Frontiers in Astronomy and
Space Sciences, Volume 7, id.17 (2020), 2020 |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Title: |
Iterative Tomography: A Key to
Providing Time- dependent 3-D Reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere and
the Unification of Space Weather Forecasting Techniques |
Authors: |
Jackson, Bernard V.,
Buffington, Andrew, Cota, Lucas, Odstrcil, Dusan, Bisi, Mario M., Fallows,
Richard, & Tokumaru, Munetoshi
Publication: |
Frontiers in Astronomy and
Space Sciences, Volume 7, id.76 (2020) |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
Approaches to the Identification of Sources and the Onset of Stealth Coronal
Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Zagainova, Yu. S. & Fainshtein,
V. G. |
Publication: |
and Aeronomy, Volume 59, Issue 8, p.1062-1069, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Prolonged, Weak C1.2 Flares: A
Source of Protons and Electrons |
Authors: |
I. Yu., Struminskii, A. B., & Shakhovskaya, A. N. |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,
Volume 60, Issue 6, p.699-707, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
for the Relationship between the Velocity of a Coronal Mass Ejection and the
Decay Rate of the Magnetic Field in the Region of Mass Emission Generation |
Authors: |
Zagainova, Yu. S., Fainshtein,
V. G., & Rudenko, G. V. |
Publication: |
and Aeronomy, Volume 60, Issue 8, p.1114-1121, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
12/2020 |
Title: |
Impact of space weather on
climate and habitability of terrestrial-type exoplanets |
Authors: |
V. S., Barnes, R., Cohen, O., Collinson, G. A., Danchi, W. C., Dong, C. F.,
Del Genio, A. D., France, K., Garcia-Sage, K., Glocer, A., Gopalswamy, N., Grenfell, J. L., Gronoff, G., Güdel, M., Herbst,
K., Henning, W. G., Jackman, C. H., Jin, M.,
Johnstone, C. P., Kaltenegger, L., Kay, C. D.,
Kobayashi, K., Kuang, W., Li, G., Lynch, B. J., Lüftinger, T., Luhmann, J. G.,
Maehara, H., Mlynczak, M. G., Notsu,
Y., Osten, R. A., Ramirez, R. M., Rugheimer, S., Scheucher, M., Schlieder, J. E., Shibata, K., Sousa-Silva, C., Stamenković, V., Strangeway, R.
J., Usmanov, A. V., Vergados, P., Verkhoglyadova, O. P., Vidotto,
A. A., Voytek, M., Way, M. J., Zank,
G. P., & Yamashiki, Y. |
Publication: |
International Journal of
Astrobiology, vol. 19, issue 2, pp. 136-194, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
Development of Forecast
Algorithm for Coronal Mass Ejection Speed and Arrival Time Based on
Propagation Tracking by Interplanetary Scintillation g-Value |
Authors: |
Park, Sa-Rah, Jeon, Ho-Cheol,
Kim, Rok-soon, Kim, Jong-Hyeon, Kim, Seung-Jin, Cho, Junghee, & Jang, Soojeong |
Publication: |
Journal of Astronomy and Space
Sciences, Vol. 37, p. 43-50, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
New classification parameter of
solar flares based on the maximum flux in soft X-rays and on duration of
flare |
Authors: |
E. A. |
Publication: |
Journal of Astrophysics and
Astronomy, Volume 41, Issue 1, article id.3, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Characteristics of SEPs during
solar cycles 21-24 |
Authors: |
Kumar, Raj, Chandra, Ramesh,
Pande, Bimal, & Pande, Seema |
Publication: |
Journal of Astrophysics and
Astronomy, Volume 41, Issue 1, article id.7, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
12/2020 |
Title: |
A catalog of prominence
eruptions detected automatically in the SDO/AIA 304 Å images |
Authors: |
Yashiro, S., Gopalswamy, N.,
Akiyama, S., & Mäkelä, P. A. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 205, article id. 105324., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Source region
identification and geophysical effects of stealth coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Zagainova, Iu. S.; Fainshtein, V. G.; Gromova, L. I.; Gromov, S. V. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 208, article id. 105391 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Chain of responses of
geomagnetic and ionospheric storms to a bunch of central coronal hole and
high speed stream of solar wind |
Authors: |
Gulyaeva, T. L. & Gulyaev,
R. A. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 208, article id. 105380., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Young Sun, galactic processes,
and origin of life |
Authors: |
Vladimir N., Ragulskaya, Maria V., & Khramova, Elizaveta G. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 208, article id. 105395., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Interplanetary Radio
Emission: A Summary of Recent Results |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, Nat |
Publication: |
Journal of
Computational and Interdisciplinary Science |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
Title: |
Radial Evolution of
Coronal Mass Ejections Between MESSENGER, Venus Express, STEREO, and L1:
Catalog and Analysis |
Authors: |
Salman, T. M.;
Winslow, R. M.; Lugaz, N. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 125, Issue 1, article id. e27084 |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Title: |
Evolution of a Long-Duration
Coronal Mass Ejection and Its Sheath Region Between Mercury and Earth on 9-14
July 2013 |
Authors: |
Lugaz, N.; Winslow, R. M.; Farrugia, C. J. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 125, Issue 1, article id. e27213 |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Title: |
FIDO-SIT: The First
Forward Model for the In Situ Magnetic Field of CME-Driven Sheaths |
Authors: |
Kay, C.;
Nieves-Chinchilla, T.; Jian, L. K. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 125, Issue 2, article id. e27423 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Remote Sensing Estimates of CME
Density in the Ecliptic Using the STEREO Heliospheric
Imagers |
Authors: |
Barnes, David |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 125, Issue 2, article id. e27175, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Comparing the Properties of
ICME-Induced Forbush Decreases at Earth and Mars |
Authors: |
Freiherr von Forstner, Johan L., Guo, Jingnan,
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F., Dumbović, Mateja, Janvier,
Miho, Démoulin, Pascal, Veronig,
Astrid, Temmer, Manuela, Papaioannou,
Athanasios, Dasso, Sergio, Hassler, Donald M.,
& Zeitlin, Cary J. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 125, Issue 3, article id. e27662, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Low Geo-Effectiveness of Fast
Halo CMEs Related to the 12 X-Class Flares in 2002 |
Authors: |
B., Kim, R. -S., Grison, B., Bocchialini, K., Kwon,
R. -Y., Poedts, S., & Demoulin,
P. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research:
Space Physics, Volume 125, Issue 6, article id. e27529, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Title: |
The Deflection of Coronal Mass
Ejections by the Ambient Coronal Magnetic Field Configuration |
Authors: |
Wang, Jingjing, Hoeksema, J.
Todd, & Liu, Siqing |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 125, Issue 8, article id. e27530, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
the Time of Arrival of Coronal Mass Ejections at Earth From Heliospheric Imaging Observations |
Authors: |
Carlos Roberto, Vourlidas, Angelos,
Stenborg, Guillermo, Dal Lago, Alisson, Mendonça, Rafael Rodrigues Souza de, & Echer, Ezequiel |
Publication: |
of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 125, Issue 9, article id.
e27885, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
A comparison of CME expansion
speeds between solar cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Dagnew, Fithanegest, Gopalswamy, Nat, & Belay Tessema, Solomon |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Volume 1620, Issue 1, article id. 012003 (2020) |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
Effect of the Weakened
Heliosphere in Solar Cycle 24 on the Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N., Akiyama, S.,
Yashiro, S., Michalek, G., Xie, H., & Mäkelä, P. |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics: Conference
Series, Volume 1620, Issue 1, article id. 012005 (2020)., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
On the Shock Source of
Sustained Gamma-Ray Emission from the Sun |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N., Mäkelä, P., Yashiro, S., Lara, A., Akiyama, S., &
Xie, H. |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics: Conference
Series, Volume 1332, Issue 1, article id. 012004 (2019). |
Publication Date: |
11/2019 |
Title: |
LUCI onboard Lagrange, the next
generation of EUV space weather monitoring |
Authors: |
West, Matthew J., Kintziger, Christian, Haberreiter,
Margit, Gyo, Manfred, Berghmans,
David, Gissot, Samuel, Büchel,
Valeria, Golub, Leon, Shestov, Sergei, &
Davies, Jackie A. |
Publication: |
Journal of Space Weather and
Space Climate, Volume 10, id.49, 19 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Long-term observation of
magnetic pulsations through the ELF Hylaty station
located in the Bieszczady Mountains (south-eastern
Poland) |
Authors: |
Zenon & Michałek, Grzegorz |
Publication: |
Journal of Space Weather and
Space Climate, Volume 10, id.59, 14 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Investigation of the rigidity
and sensitivity dependence of neutron monitors for cosmic ray modulation
using algorithm-selected Forbush decreases |
Authors: |
O. & Nwuzor, O. C. |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, Volume 493, Issue 2, p.1948-1959, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
Stellar coronal mass ejections
- II. Constraints from spectroscopic observations |
Authors: |
P., Leitzinger, M., Guenther, E. W., & Heinzel, P. |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, Volume 494, Issue 3, pp.3766-3783, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Title: |
The characteristics of
the coronal mass ejections preceding the associated X-ray and γ-ray burst
solar flares |
Authors: |
Mawad, Ramy;
Abdel-Sattar, Walid |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
74, article id. 101285. |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Title: |
The physics of space
weather/solar-terrestrial physics (STP): what we know now and what the
current and future challenges are |
Authors: |
Tsurutani, Bruce T; Lakhina,
Gurbax S.; Hajra, Rajkumar |
Publication: |
Nonlinear Processes in
Geophysics, Volume 27, Issue 1, 2020, pp.75-119 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Solar Electrons
and Protons in the Events of September 4-10, 2017 and Related Phenomena |
Authors: |
Struminskii, A. B.; Grigor'eva,
I. Yu.; Logachev, Yu. I; Sadovskii,
A. M. |
Publication: |
Plasma Physics Reports,
Volume 46, Issue 2, p.174-188 |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Possible detection of solar gamma-rays by ground-level
detectors in solar flares on 2011 March 7 |
Authors: |
Muraki, Yasushi, Valdés-Galicia,
Jose F., González, Luis Xavier, Kamiya, Kohki, Katayose, Yusaku, Koga,
Kiyokazu, Matsumoto, Haruhisa, Masuda, Satoshi,
Matsubara, Yutaka, Nagai, Yuya, Ohnishi, Munehiro,
Ozawa, Syunsuke, Sako,
Takashi, Shibata, Shoichi, Takita, Masato, Tanaka, Yasuyuki, Tsuchiya, Harufumi,
Watanabe, Kyoko, & Zhang, Ji Long |
Publication: |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume
72, Issue 2, id.18, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
Acceleration of Coronal Mass Ejection Plasma in the Low
Corona as Measured by the Citizen CATE Experiment |
Authors: |
Penn, Matthew J., et
al. |
Publication: |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
Volume 132, Issue 1007, id. 014201 (2020)., 14 pp. (2020), 2020 |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Title: |
Interplanetary consequences and geoeffectiveness
of CME associated with major solar flare from NOAA AR 12673 |
Authors: |
Soni, Shirsh Lata, Gupta, Radhe
Shyam, & Verma, Pyare Lala |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 20, Issue
2, id.023, 9 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Sun-Earth connection event of super geomagnetic storm on
2001 March 31: the importance of solar wind density |
Authors: |
Cheng, Li-Bin, Le, Gui-Ming, & Zhao, Ming-Xian |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 20, Issue
3, id.036, 7 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
A study on the
dynamic spectral indices for SEP events on 2000 July 14 and 2005 January 20 |
Authors: |
Zhao, Ming-Xian;
Le, Gui-Ming |
Publication: |
Research in
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 20, Issue 3, id.037, 7 pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Modeling the 2017 September 10 solar energetic particle
event using the iPATH model |
Authors: |
Ding, Zhe-Yi, Li, Gang, Hu, Jun-Xiang,
& Fu, Shuai |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 20, Issue
9, id.145, 12 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Multi-wavelength study of energetic processes during solar
flare occurrence |
Authors: |
Lata Soni, Shirsh, Lal Yadav,
Manohar, Shyam Gupta, Radhe, & Prasad Mishra, Adya |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 20, Issue
9, id.152, 10 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
A Solar-Centric Approach to Improving Estimates of
Exposure Processes for Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Kirchen, Kathrin, Harbert,
William, Apt, Jay, & Granger Morgan, M. |
Publication: |
Risk Analysis, Volume 40, Issue 5, Pages 1020-1039, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Title: |
On the possibility
of predicting flare index and CME velocity using vector magnetograms |
Authors: |
Chen, AnQin ; Wang, JingXiu |
Publication: |
Science China
Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 63, Issue 6, article id.269512 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Concept of the solar ring mission: An overview |
Authors: |
Wang, YuMing, Ji, HaiSheng, Wang, YaMin, Xia, LiDong, Shen, ChengLong, Guo, JingNan, Zhang, QuanHao, Huang,
ZhengHua, Liu, Kai, Li, XiaoLei,
Liu, Rui, Wang, JingXiu, & Wang, Shui |
Publication: |
Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 63, issue 9,
pp. 1699-1713, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Source of
Energetic Protons in the 2014 September 1 Sustained Gamma-ray Emission Event |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.; Mäkelä, P.; Yashiro, S.; Akiyama, S.; Xie, H.; Thakur, N. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics,
Volume 295, Issue 2, article id.18 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Solar Total Eclipse of 21 August 2017: Study of the Inner
Corona Dynamical Events Leading to a CME |
Authors: |
Filippov, Boris, Koutchmy,
Serge, & Lefaudeux, Nicolas |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 2, article id.24, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
CME Productive and Non-productive Recurring Jets Near an
Active Region AR11176 |
Authors: |
Solanki, Ritika, Srivastava, Abhishek K., & Dwivedi,
Bhola N. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 2, article id.27, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
The Solar Wind Speed Expansion Factor [v -fs] Relationship
at the Inner Boundary (18 R⊙) of the Heliosphere |
Authors: |
Wu, Chin-Chun, Liou, Kan, &
Warren, Harry |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 2, article id.25, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Comprehensive Characterization of Solar Eruptions with
Remote and In-Situ Observations, and Modeling: The Major Solar Events on 4
November 2015 |
Authors: |
Cairns, Iver H., Kozarev, Kamen A., Nitta, Nariaki V., Agueda, Neus, Battarbee, Markus,
Carley, Eoin P., Dresing, Nina, Gómez-Herrero,
Raúl, Klein, Karl-Ludwig, Lario, David, Pomoell, Jens,
Salas-Matamoros, Carolina, Veronig, Astrid M., Li,
Bo, & McCauley, Patrick |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 2, article id.32, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
EUV Wave Detection and Characterization Using Deep
Learning |
Authors: |
Xu, Long, Liu, Sixuan, Yan, Yihua, & Zhang, Weiqiang |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 3, article id.44, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
A Geoeffective
CME Caused by the Eruption of a Quiescent Prominence on 29 September 2013 |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V. & Kuzmenko,
I. V. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics,
Volume 295, Issue 4, article id.55, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
Relationships between Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
Characteristics and Geoeffectiveness in the
Declining Phase of Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Lawrance, M. Bendict,
Moon, Y. -J., & Shanmugaraju, A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 4, article id.62, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
On the Relationship Between the Transit Time of ICMEs and
Strength of the Initiated Geomagnetic Storms |
Authors: |
Chertok, I. M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 6, article id.74, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
06/2020 |
On the Emission
Region of Type II Radio Bursts in Interplanetary Shock Fronts |
Authors: |
E. & Corona-Romero, P. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics,
Volume 295, Issue 6, article id.77, 2020 |
Date: |
06/2020 |
Title: |
Sun-to-Earth Observations and Characteristics of Isolated
Earth-Impacting Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections During 2008 - 2014 |
Authors: |
Maričić, D., Vršnak,
B., Veronig, A. M., Dumbović,
M., Šterc, F., Roša, D., Karlica, M., Hržina, D., & Romštajn, I. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 7, article id.91, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
Spectral Analysis of Forbush
Decreases Using a New Yield Function |
Authors: |
Livada, M. & Mavromichalaki, H. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 8, article id.115, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
Title: |
Multiwavelength Analysis of the Kinematics of a Long
Duration Flare-CME Event on 27 January 2012 |
Authors: |
Selvarani, G., Prasanna
Subramanian, S., Shanmugaraju, A., & Suresh, K.
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 9, article id.121, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Estimate of Plasma Temperatures Across a CME-Driven Shock
from a Comparison Between EUV and Radio Data |
Authors: |
Frassati, Federica, Mancuso,
Salvatore, & Bemporad, Alessandro |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 9, article id.124, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Analysis of Large
Deflections of Prominence-CME Events during the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle
24 |
Authors: |
Sieyra, M. Valeria, Cécere,
Mariana, Cremades, Hebe, Iglesias, Francisco A., Sahade,
Abril, Mierla, Marilena, Stenborg, Guillermo, Costa, Andrea, West, Matthew J.,
& D'Huys, Elke |
Publication: |
Solar Physics,
Volume 295, Issue 9, article id.126, 2020 |
Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Twin Null-Point-Associated Major Eruptive Three-Ribbon
Flares with Unusual Microwave Spectra |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V., Meshalkina, N. S., Uralov, A.
M., Kochanov, A. A., Lesovoi,
S. V., Myshyakov, I. I., Kiselev, V. I., Zhdanov,
D. A., Altyntsev, A. T., & Globa,
M. V. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 9, article id.128, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Three-Dimensional Simulations of Solar Wind
Preconditioning and the 23 July 2012 Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Desai, Ravindra T., Zhang, Han, Davies, Emma E., Stawarz, Julia E., Mico-Gomez,
Joan, & Iváñez-Ballesteros, Pilar |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 9, article id.130, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
The Solar Event of 14 - 15 July 2012 and Its Geoeffectiveness |
Authors: |
Gil, Agnieszka, Modzelewska, Renata,
Moskwa, Szczepan, Siluszyk, Agnieszka, Siluszyk,
Marek, Wawrzynczak, Anna, Pozoga,
Mariusz, & Tomasik, Lukasz |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 10, article id.135, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
CMEchaser, Detecting Line-of-Sight
Occultations Due to Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Shaifullah, Golam, Tiburzi, Caterina, & Zucca,
Pietro |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 10, article id.136, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Coherence of Coronal Mass Ejections in Near-Earth Space |
Authors: |
Owens, Mathew J. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 10, article id.148, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
CMEs in the
Heliosphere: III. A Statistical Analysis of the Kinematic Properties Derived
from Stereoscopic Geometrical Modelling Techniques Applied to CMEs Detected
in the Heliosphere from 2008 to 2014 by STEREO/HI-1 |
Authors: |
Barnes, D.,
Davies, J. A., Harrison, R. A., Byrne, J. P., Perry, C. H., Bothmer, V., Eastwood, J. P., Gallagher, P. T., Kilpua, E. K. J., Möstl, C.,
Rodriguez, L., Rouillard, A. P., & Odstrčil, D.
Publication: |
Solar Physics,
Volume 295, Issue 11, article id.150, 2020 |
Date: |
11/2020 |
Title: |
The Distribution Function of the Average Iron Charge State
at 1 AU: From a Bimodal Wind to ICME Identification |
Authors: |
Larrodera, C. & Cid, C. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 11, article id.156, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
Title: |
On the Radial and Longitudinal
Variation of a Magnetic Cloud: ACE, Wind, ARTEMIS and Juno Observations |
Authors: |
Davies, Emma E., Forsyth,
Robert J., Good, Simon W., & Kilpua, Emilia K.
J. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295,
Issue 11, article id.157, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
Title: |
Temporal and Periodic Variation of the MCMESI for the Last
Two Solar Cycles; Comparison with the Number of Different Class X-ray Solar
Flares |
Authors: |
Kilcik, Ali, Chowdhury, Partha, Sarp, Volkan, Yurchyshyn,
Vasyl, Donmez, Burcin, Rozelot, Jean-Pierre, & Ozguc,
Atila |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 295, Issue 11, article id.159, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
Title: |
Four Distinct Pathways to the Element Abundances in Solar
Energetic Particles |
Authors: |
Reames, Donald V. |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume 216, Issue 2, article id.20,
2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Identifying Critical Input Parameters for Improving
Drag-Based CME Arrival Time Predictions |
Authors: |
Kay, C., Mays, M. L., & Verbeke, C. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume 18, Issue 1, article id. e02382,
2020 |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Title: |
The Visual Complexity of Coronal Mass Ejections Follows
the Solar Cycle |
Authors: |
Jones, S. R., Scott, C. J., Barnard, L. A., Highfield, R., Lintott, C. J., & Baeten,
E. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume 18, Issue 10, article id. e02556,
2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
Comparison of Kinematics of Solar Eruptive Prominences and
Spatial Distribution of the Magnetic Decay Index |
Authors: |
Myshyakov, Ivan & Tsvetkov, Tsvetan |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 889, Issue 1, id.28, 7
pp. (2020), 2020 |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Title: |
Spectral Structures of
Type II Solar Radio Bursts and Solar Energetic Particles |
Authors: |
Iwai, Kazumasa;
Yashiro, Seiji; Nitta, Nariaki V.; Kubo, Yûki |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 888, Issue 1, article id. 50, 11 pp. |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Title: |
Relations between Coronal
Mass Ejections and the Photospheric Magnetic Field
in Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Bilenko, Irina A. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 889, Issue 1, id.1, 12 pp. |
Publication Date: |
01/2020 |
Title: |
Fast and Wide CMEs
without Observed >20 MeV Protons |
Authors: |
Lario, D.; Kwon, R. Y.;
Balmaceda, L.; Richardson, I. G.; Krupar, V.; Thompson, B. J.; Cyr, O. C. St; Zhao, L.;
Zhang, M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 889, Issue 2, id.92, 20 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections as the Driver of
Non-recurrent Forbush Decreases |
Authors: |
Papaioannou, Athanasios, Belov,
Anatoly, Abunina, Maria, Eroshenko,
Eugenia, Abunin, Artem, Anastasiadis, Anastasios, Patsourakos, Spiros, & Mavromichalaki,
Helen |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 890, Issue 2, id.101, 14
pp. (2020), 2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
A Study of the Observational Properties of Coronal Mass
Ejection Flux Ropes near the Sun |
Authors: |
Sindhuja, G. & Gopalswamy, N. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 889, Issue 2, id.104, 10
pp. (2020), 2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Reconstruction of a Small Transient Observed by Parker Solar Probe on 2018
November 5 |
Authors: |
Wood, Brian E.; Hess, Phillip;
Howard, Russell A.; Stenborg, Guillermo; Wang,
Yi-Ming |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement Series, Volume 246, Issue 2, id.28, 7 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
CME-CME Interactions
as Sources of CME Geoeffectiveness: The Formation
of the Complex Ejecta and Intense Geomagnetic Storm in 2017 Early September |
Authors: |
Scolini, Camilla; Chané, Emmanuel; Temmer, Manuela; Kilpua, Emilia
K. J.; Dissauer, Karin; Veronig,
Astrid M.; Palmerio, Erika; Pomoell,
Jens; Dumbović, Mateja;
Guo, Jingnan; Rodriguez, Luciano; Poedts, Stefaan |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement Series, Volume 247, Issue 1, id.21, 27 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Results for Solar Energetic Electron Spectra Observed over 12 yr with STEREO/SEPT |
Authors: |
Dresing, Nina, Effenberger,
Frederic, Gómez-Herrero, Raúl, Heber, Bernd, Klassen, Andreas, Kollhoff, Alexander, Richardson, Ian, & Theesen, Solveig |
Publication: |
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 889, Issue 2, id.143, 17 pp. 2020 |
Publication Date: |
02/2020 |
Title: |
Peak Temperatures of Large
Solar X-Ray Flares and Associated CME Speeds and Widths |
Authors: |
Ling, A. G. & Kahler, S. W.
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 891, Issue 1, id.54, 8 pp. 2020 |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Stronger Southward
Magnetic Field and Geoeffectiveness of ICMEs
Containing Prominence Materials Measured from 1998 to 2011 |
Authors: |
Li, Dongni; Yao, Shuo |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 891, Issue 1, id.79, 8 pp. 2020 |
Publication Date: |
03/2020 |
Title: |
Formation of Post-CME Blobs Observed by LASCO-C2 and K-Cor
on 2017 September 10 |
Authors: |
Lee, Jae-Ok, Cho, Kyung-Suk, Lee, Kyoung-Sun, Cho,
Il-Hyun, Lee, Junggi, Miyashita, Yukinaga, Kim, Yeon-Han, Kim, Rok-Soon,
& Jang, Soojeong |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 892, Issue 2, id.129, 14
pp. 2020 |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
Estimation of the Physical Parameters of a CME at High
Coronal Heights Using Low-frequency Radio Observations |
Authors: |
Mondal, Surajit, Oberoi, Divya,
& Vourlidas, Angelos |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 893, Issue 1, id.28, 13
pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
Quasiperiodic Velocity Fluctuations in Eruptive
Prominences Observed by AIA/SDO |
Authors: |
Tsvetkov, Tsvetan & Petrov,
Nikola |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 893, Issue 1, id.40, 7
pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
Evidence for a Coronal Shock Wave Origin for Relativistic
Protons Producing Solar Gamma-Rays and Observed by Neutron Monitors at Earth |
Authors: |
Kouloumvakos, Athanasios,
Rouillard, Alexis P., Share, Gerald H., Plotnikov, Illya, Murphy, Ronald, Papaioannou, Athanasios, & Wu, Yihong
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 893, Issue 1, id.76, 14
pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
How Does Magnetic
Reconnection Drive the Early-stage Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections? |
Authors: |
Zhu, Chunming; Qiu, Jiong; Liewer, Paulett; Vourlidas, Angelos; Spiegel, Michael; Hu, Qiang |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 893, Issue 2, id.141, 17 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
Heating and Eruption
of a Solar Circular-ribbon Flare |
Authors: |
Lee, Jeongwoo; Karpen, Judith T,;
Liu, Chang; Wang, Haimin |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 893, Issue 2, id.158, 11 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
04/2020 |
Title: |
A New Parameter of the Photospheric Magnetic Field to Distinguish Eruptive-flare
Producing Solar Active Regions |
Authors: |
Lin, Pei Hsuan,
Kusano, Kanya, Shiota, Daikou,
Inoue, Satoshi, Leka, K. D., & Mizuno, Yuta |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 894, Issue 1, id.20, 16 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Title: |
A Modified Spheromak
Model Suitable for Coronal Mass Ejection Simulations |
Authors: |
Singh, Talwinder, Yalim, Mehmet S., Pogorelov,
Nikolai V., & Gopalswamy, Nat |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 894, Issue 1, id.49, 9 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Title: |
Initiation and Early Kinematic
Evolution of Solar Eruptions |
Authors: |
Cheng, X., Zhang, J., Kliem, B., Török, T., Xing, C.,
Zhou, Z. J., Inhester, B., & Ding, M. D. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 894, Issue 2, id.85, 20 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Title: |
An Extreme Ultraviolet Wave
Associated with a Solar Filament Activation |
Authors: |
Zheng, Ruisheng,
Chen, Yao, Wang, Bing, & Song, Hongqiang |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 894, Issue 2, id.139, 11 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Title: |
Statistical Study of GOES X-Ray
Quasi-periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Hayes, Laura A., Inglis, Andrew
R., Christe, Steven, Dennis, Brian, &
Gallagher, Peter T. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 895, Issue 1, id.50, 13 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Title: |
Inferences About the Magnetic
Field Structure of a CME with Both In Situ and Faraday Rotation Constraints |
Authors: |
Wood, Brian E., Tun-Beltran,
Samuel, Kooi, Jason E., Polisensky,
Emil J., & Nieves-Chinchilla, Teresa |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 896, Issue 2, id.99, 13 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
06/2020 |
Title: |
Coronal Magnetic Field Topology
from Total Solar Eclipse Observations |
Authors: |
Benjamin, Habbal, Shadia,
& Druckmüller, Miloslav |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 895, Issue 2, id.123, 14 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
06/2020 |
Title: |
Role of the Coronal Environment
in the Formation of Four Shocks Observed without Coronal Mass Ejections at
Earth's Lagrangian Point L1 |
Authors: |
Pick, M., Magdalenić,
J., Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., Grison, B., Schmieder, B., & Bocchialini,
K. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 895, Issue 2, id.144, 15 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
06/2020 |
Title: |
Coronal Dimmings
Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections on the Solar Limb |
Authors: |
Galina, Dissauer, Karin, Podladchikova,
Tatiana, & Veronig, Astrid M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 896, Issue 1, id.17, 17 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
06/2020 |
Title: |
Inferences About the Magnetic
Field Structure of a CME with Both In Situ and Faraday Rotation Constraints |
Authors: |
Wood, Brian E., Tun-Beltran,
Samuel, Kooi, Jason E., Polisensky,
Emil J., & Nieves-Chinchilla, Teresa |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 896, Issue 2, id.99, 13 pp. (2020) |
Publication Date: |
06/2020 |
Title: |
Solar Filaments and
Interplanetary Magnetic Field Bz |
Authors: |
Aparna, V. & Martens,
Petrus C. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 897, Issue 1, id.68, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
The Streamer Blowout Origin of a Flux Rope and Energetic
Particle Event Observed by Parker Solar Probe at 0.5 au |
Authors: |
Lario, D., Balmaceda, L., Alzate, N.,
Mays, M. L., Richardson, I. G., Allen, R. C., Florido-Llinas,
M., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Koval, A., Lugaz, N., Jian, L. K., Arge, C. N., Macneice,
P. J., Odstrcil, D., Morgan, H., Szabo, A., Desai,
M. I., Whittlesey, P. L., Stevens, M. L., Ho, G. C., & Luhmann, J. G. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 897, Issue 2, id.134,
2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
An In Situ Interplanetary "U-burst": Observation
and Results |
Authors: |
Martínez Oliveros, Juan Carlos, Castillo, Saida Milena
Díaz, Krupar, Vratislav, Pulupa, Marc, Bale, Stuart D., & Calvo-Mozo, Benjamín
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 897, Issue 2, id.170,
2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
The State of the Heliosphere
Revealed by Limb-halo Coronal Mass Ejections in Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, Nat, Akiyama,
Sachiko, & Yashiro, Seiji |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Letters, Volume 897, Issue 1, id.L1, 7 pp. (2020), 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
The Initiation of a Solar Streamer Blowout Coronal Mass
Ejection Arising from the Streamer Flank |
Authors: |
Zheng, Ruisheng, Chen, Yao,
& Wang, Bing |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 897, Issue 2,
id.L21, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
What Determines Solar Flares Producing Interplanetary Type
III Radio Bursts? |
Authors: |
Kou, Y. K., Jing, Z. C., Cheng, X., Pan, W. Q., Liu, Y.,
Li, C., & Ding, M. D. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 898, Issue 1,
id.L24, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
Solar Flare-CME Coupling
throughout Two Acceleration Phases of a Fast CME |
Authors: |
Gou, Tingyu, Veronig, Astrid M., Liu, Rui, Zhuang, Bin, Dumbović, Mateja, Podladchikova, Tatiana, Reid, Hamish A. S., Temmer, Manuela, Dissauer,
Karin, Vršnak, Bojan, & Wang, Yuming |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Letters, Volume 897, Issue 2, id.L36, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
Hard X-Ray Emission from an
Activated Flux Rope and Subsequent Evolution of an Eruptive Long-duration
Solar Flare |
Authors: |
Sahu, Suraj, Joshi, Bhuwan, Mitra, Prabir K., Veronig,
Astrid M., & Yurchyshyn, V. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 897, Issue 2, id.157, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
07/2020 |
Title: |
The Complex Space Weather
Events of 2017 September |
Authors: |
Rajkumar, Tsurutani, Bruce T., & Lakhina, Gurbax S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 899, Issue 1, id.3, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
Title: |
Connecting 3D Evolution of
Coronal Mass Ejections to Their Source Regions |
Authors: |
Majumdar, Satabdwa,
Pant, Vaibhav, Patel, Ritesh, & Banerjee,
Dipankar |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 899, Issue 1, id.6, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
Title: |
Extensive Study of a Coronal
Mass Ejection with UV and White-light Coronagraphs: The Need for
Multiwavelength Observations |
Authors: |
Ying, Beili,
Bemporad, Alessandro, Feng, Li, Lu, Lei, Gan, Weiqun, & Li, Hui |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 899, Issue 1, id.12, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
Title: |
Catalog of Solar Failed
Eruptions and Other Dynamic Features Registered by SDO/AIA |
Authors: |
Tomasz, Kołomański, Sylwester,
Stęślicki, Marek, & Gronkiewicz, Dominik |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Supplement Series, Volume 249, Issue 2, id.21, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
Title: |
An Eruptive Circular-ribbon
Flare with Extended Remote Brightenings |
Authors: |
Liu, Chang, Prasad, Avijeet, Lee, Jeongwoo, &
Wang, Haimin |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 899, Issue 1, id.34, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
Title: |
Clustering of Fast Coronal Mass
Ejections during Solar Cycles 23 and 24 and the Implications for CME-CME
Interactions |
Authors: |
Rodríguez Gómez, Jenny M., Podladchikova, Tatiana, Veronig,
Astrid, Ruzmaikin, Alexander, Feynman, Joan, & Petrukovich, Anatoly |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
899, Issue 1, id.47, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
08/2020 |
Title: |
The Coronal Mass Ejection Visibility Function of Modern
Coronagraphs |
Authors: |
Vourlidas, Angelos,
Balmaceda, L. A., Xie, H., & St. Cyr, O. C. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 900, Issue 2, id.161, 12
pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
The High Helium Abundance and
Charge States of the Interplanetary CME and Its Material Source on the Sun |
Authors: |
Fu, Hui, Harrison, R. A.,
Davies, J. A., Xia, LiDong, Zhu, XiaoShuai, Li, Bo, Huang, ZhengHua,
& Barnes, D. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Letters, Volume 900, Issue 2, id.L18, 7 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Eruptive-Impulsive Homologous
M-class Flares Associated with Double-decker Flux Rope Configuration in Minisigmoid of NOAA 12673 |
Authors: |
Mitra, Prabir K., Joshi, Bhuwan, Veronig, Astrid M.,
Chandra, Ramesh, Dissauer, K., & Wiegelmann, Thomas |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 900, Issue 1, id.23, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Sequential Lid Removal in a Triple-decker Chain of
CME-producing Solar Eruptions |
Authors: |
Joshi, Navin Chandra, Sterling, Alphonse C., Moore, Ronald
L., & Joshi, Bhuwan |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 901, Issue 1, id.38, 15
pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Recurring Homologous Solar Eruptions in NOAA AR 11429 |
Authors: |
Dhakal, Suman K., Zhang, Jie, Vemareddy,
Panditi, & Karna, Nishu
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 901, Issue 1, id.40, 12
pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
The Role of Peak Temperatures in Solar X-Ray Flare
Associations with CME Speeds and Widths and in Flare Size Distributions |
Authors: |
Kahler, S. W. & Ling, A. G. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 901, Issue 1, id.63, 6
pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Statistical Analysis of the Relation
between Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Energetic Particles |
Authors: |
Kosuke, Huang, Yuwei, Nishimura, Nobuhiko, Nitta, Nariaki V., Yashiro, Seiji,
Ichimoto, Kiyoshi, & Asai,
Ayumi |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 900, Issue 1, id.75, 19 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Magnetic Flux of Active Regions
Determining the Eruptive Character of Large Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Li, Ting, Hou, Yijun, Yang, Shuhong, Zhang, Jun, Liu, Lijuan, & Veronig, Astrid M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 900, Issue 2, id.128, 15 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Two Episodes of a Filament
Eruption from a Fan-spine Magnetic Configuration |
Authors: |
Yang, Jiayan,
Hong, Junchao, Li, Haidong,
& Jiang, Yunchun |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 900, Issue 2, id.158, 11 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Role of Successive and Interacting CMEs in the Acceleration and Release of
Solar Energetic Particles: Multi-viewpoint Observations |
Authors: |
Bin, Lugaz, Noé, Gou,
Tingyu, Ding, Liuguan, & Wang, Yuming |
Publication: |
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 901, Issue 1, id.45, 14 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
09/2020 |
Title: |
Recurrent Solar Energetic
Particle Flux Enhancements Observed near Earth and Mars |
Authors: |
C., Thampi, Smitha V., Bhardwaj, Anil, Lee,
Christina O., Kumar, K. Kishore, & Pant, Tarun K. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 902, Issue 1, id.13, 11 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
10/2020 |
Title: |
On the Size of the Flare
Associated with the Solar Proton Event in 774 AD |
Authors: |
E. W., Hayakawa, H., Love, Jeffrey J., & Neidig,
D. F. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 903, Issue 1, id.41, 16 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
Title: |
Prediction of the In Situ
Coronal Mass Ejection Rate for Solar Cycle 25: Implications for Parker Solar
Probe In Situ Observations |
Authors: |
Christian, Weiss, Andreas J., Bailey, Rachel L., Reiss, Martin A., Amerstorfer, Tanja, Hinterreiter,
Jürgen, Bauer, Maike, McIntosh, Scott W., Lugaz, Noé, & Stansby, David |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 903, Issue 2, id.92, 9 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
Title: |
and intracycle variation of halo CME rate obtained from SOHO/LASCO
observations |
Authors: |
Dagnew, Fithanegest, Gopalswamy, Nat, Belay Tessema, Solomon, Akiyama,
Sachiko, Yashiro, Seiji, & Yemane Tesfu, Tesfay |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 903, Issue 2, id.118, 10 pp, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
Title: |
Properties of the Sheath
Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections with or without Shocks from STEREO in situ
Observations near 1 au |
Authors: |
Salman, Tarik M., Lugaz, Noé, Farrugia, Charles
J., Winslow, Reka M., Jian, Lan K., & Galvin,
Antoinette B. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 904, Issue 2, id.177, 14 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
12/2020 |
Title: |
Observations of
Outward-propagating and Mirroring of the Same Energetic Electrons by Wind |
Authors: |
Li, G., Wu, X., Zhao, L., &
Yao, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Letters, Volume 905, Issue 1, id.L1, 6 pp., 2020 |
Publication Date: |
12/2020 |
Title: |
Evolution of the Toroidal Flux
of CME Flux Ropes during Eruption |
Authors: |
Xing, C., Cheng, X., &
Ding, M. D. |
Publication: |
The Innovation, Volume 1, Issue
3, article id. 100059, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
11/2020 |
Title: |
Small-scale solar surface
magnetism |
Authors: |
Rutten, Robert |
Publication: |
"Solar Magnetic
Variability and Climate", by C. de Jager, S. Duhau,
A.C.T. Nieuwenhuizen, ISBN: 978-94-92114-14-3, stip media, 2020, p. 29, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
12/2020 |
Title: |
How Reliable are CME speeds
derived from single viewpoint observations? |
Authors: |
Evangelos, Vourlidas, Angelos, Papaioannou,
Athanasios, & Anastasiadis, Anastasios |
Publication: |
22nd EGU General Assembly, held
online 4-8 May, 2020, id.625, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Catalogue of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the Heliospheric
Imagers throughout the STEREO Mission |
Authors: |
David, Davies, Jackie, & Harrison, Richard |
Publication: |
EGU General Assembly, held online 4-8 May, 2020, id.16546, 2020 |
Publication Date: |
05/2020 |
Publication Year 2019
Title: |
A CME Automatic Detection Method Based on Adaptive
Background Learning Technology |
Authors: |
Qiang, Zhenping,
Bai, Xianyong, Zhang, Qinghui,
& Lin, Hong |
Publication: |
Advances in Astronomy, vol. 2019, id. 6582104, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
11/2019 |
Title: |
Comparison between
statistical properties of Forbush decreases caused
by solar wind disturbances from coronal mass ejections and coronal holes |
Authors: |
Melkumyan, A. A.;
Belov, A. V.;
Abunina, M. A.;
Abunin, A. A.;
Eroshenko, E. A.;
Yanke, V. G.;
Oleneva, V. A. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 63, Issue 2, p. 1100-1109. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
Investigating the Coronal
Mass Ejections associated with DH type-II radio bursts and solar flares
during the ascending phase of the solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 63, Issue 7, p. 2300-2311. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
A statistical study of
CME-associated flare during the solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Shaltout, Abdelrazek
M. K. ; Amin, Eid A. ; Beheary, M. M. ; Hamid, R.
H. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 63, Issue 5, p. 1824-1836. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
03/2019 |
Title: |
A study on radio-loud
interacting/non-interacting CMEs-associated SEPs and solar flares |
Authors: |
P. Pappa Kalaivani, O. Prakash, Li Feng, A. Shanmugaraju,
Liu-Guan Ding, Lei Lu, Weiqun Gan |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 63, Issue 10, p. 3390-3403. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
Studying the properties of interplanetary counterpart of
halo-CMEs and their influences on Dst index |
Authors: |
Goswami, A. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 64, Issue 1, p.
287-298., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Potential role of energetic particle observations in
geomagnetic storm forecasting |
Authors: |
Ameri, Dheyaa & Valtonen, Eino |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 64, Issue 3, p.
801-813., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
Nonstationary processes in the
active region on the Sun before, during, and after the LDE-flare |
Authors: |
A. N., Grigoryeva, I. Yu., & Isayeva, E. A. |
Publication: |
Astronomical &
Astrophysical Transactions, Issue 2, pp. 147-158, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
On the dependence of the solar wind velocity on the
fractional area of coronal holes in latitude |
Authors: |
Akhtemov, Z. S. & Tsap, Yu. T. |
Publication: |
Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions, Issue 2,
pp. 193-198, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
On a method to forecast the
registration time of a Coronal Mass Ejection with a coronagraph |
Authors: |
O. A. & Fridman, V. M. |
Publication: |
Astronomical &
Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 31, Issue 3, p. 379-388, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
Combined geometrical
modelling and white-light mass determination of coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Adam; Mrotzek, Niclas; Vourlidas, Angelos; Bothmer, Volker; Savani, Neel |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 623, id. A139, 11 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
03/2019 |
Title: |
Detection of spike-like
structures near the front of type-II bursts |
Authors: |
Armatas, S.;
Bouratzis, C.;
Hillaris, A.;
Alissandrakis, C. E.;
Preka-Papadema, P.;
Moussas, X.;
Mitsakou, E.;
Tsitsipis, P.;
Kontogeorgos, A. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 624, id.A76, 6 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
The evolution of
coronal mass ejections in the inner heliosphere: Implementing the spheromak model with EUHFORIA |
Authors: |
Verbeke, C.; Pomoell, J.; Poedts, S. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 627, id. A111, 15 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Observation-based modelling of magnetised
coronal mass ejections with EUHFORIA |
Authors: |
Scolini, C., Rodriguez, L., Mierla, M., Pomoell, J., & Poedts, S. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 626, id.A122, 25 pp.,
2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Estimating the mass of CMEs from the analysis of EUV dimmings |
Authors: |
López, F. M., Cremades, H., Balmaceda,
L. A., Nuevo, F. A., & Vásquez, A. M. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 627, id.A8, 9 pp.,
2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
On the Origin of Solar Halo Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Verma, V. K.; Mittal, Nishant |
Publication: |
Astronomy Letters, Volume 45, Issue 3, pp.164-176 2019 |
Publication Date: |
03/2019 |
Title: |
Time Variations in the Fluxes of Suprathermal
Ions and Their Relative Abundances at 1 AU during 1998-2017 |
Authors: |
Zel'dovich, M. A., Logachev, Yu. I., & Kecskeméty,
K. |
Publication: |
Astronomy Reports, Volume 63, Issue 6, pp.508-513, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
y autosimilitud de eyecciones coronales de masa a partir de observaciones
estereoscópicas |
Authors: |
H.; Iglesias, F. A.; Merenda, L. A.; López, F. M.;
Cabello, I. |
Publication: |
de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol. 61a, p.41-45 2019 |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
Development of a
coronal mass ejection arrival time forecasting system using interplanetary
scintillation observations |
Authors: |
Iwai, Kazumasa; Shiota,
Daikou; Tokumaru, Munetoshi; Fujiki, Ken'ichi; Den, Mitsue; Kubo, Yûki |
Publication: |
Earth, Planets and
Space, Volume 71, Issue 1, article id. 39, 11 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
Observations on a
Series of Merging Magnetic Flux Ropes Within an Interplanetary Coronal Mass
Ejection |
Authors: |
Feng, Hengqiang;
Zhao, Yan;
Zhao, Guoqing;
Liu, Qiang;
Wu, Dejin |
Publication: |
Geophysical Research
Letters, Volume 46, Issue 1, pp. 5-10, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
Storm Time Mesoscale
Plasma Flows in the Nightside High-Latitude Ionosphere: A Statistical Survey
of Characteristics |
Authors: |
Gabrielse, Christine; Pinto, Victor; Nishimura,
Yukitoshi; Lyons, Larry; Gallardo-Lacourt, Bea; Deng, Yue |
Publication: |
Geophysical Research
Letters, Volume 46, Issue 8, pp 4079-4088, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
Relation between solar
flares and halo coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Rao, V. Koteswara;
Gopal, K. Rama;
Reddy, R. Ramakrishna;
Amareswari, K.;
Sankarasubramanian, K. |
Publication: |
Journal of
Astrophysics and Astronomy, Volume 40, Issue 1, article id. 1, 10 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
02/2019 |
Title: |
Correlations between
the CME acceleration, other CME parameters and flare energy |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 185, p. 1-6. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
On the prediction of geoeffectiveness of CMEs during the ascending phase of
SC24 using a logistic regression method |
Authors: |
D., Talpeanu, D. -C., Mierla,
M., & Muntean, G. Maris |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 193, article id. 105036., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
10/2019 |
Title: |
White-light polar jets on
rising phase of solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
A. V. & Prosovetsky, D. V. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 193, article id. 105039., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
10/2019 |
Title: |
Long-Term Variations
in Solar Wind Parameters, Magnetopause Location, and Geomagnetic Activity
Over the Last Five Solar Cycles |
Authors: |
A. A. Samsonov, Y. V.
Bogdanova, G. Branduardi-Raymont, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, J.-S.
Park |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research, Volume 124, p. 4049s 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Self-Similarity of
ICME Flux Ropes: Observations by Radially Aligned Spacecraft in the Inner
Heliosphere |
Authors: |
Good, S. W.; Kilpua, E. K. J.; LaMoury, A.
T.; Forsyth, R. J.; Eastwood, J. P.; Möstl, C. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 124, Issue 7, pp. 4960-4982 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Statistical Study on Multispacecraft Widespread Solar Energetic Particle
Events During Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Xie, H.; St. Cyr, O.
C.; Mäkelä, P.; Gopalswamy, N. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 124, Issue 8, pp. 6384-6402 2019 |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
Investigation of a Confined
C-Class Flare in an Arch Filament System Close to a Regular Sunspot |
Authors: |
Louis, Rohan Eugene |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 124, Issue 11, pp. 8255-8270, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
11/2019 |
Title: |
A Further Study of the
Mixing of Relativistic Ideal Gases with Relative Relativistic Velocities: The
Hot Plasma in the Sun's Corona, the Type II Spicules and CMEs. |
Authors: |
E. Gonzalez-Narvaez, E. E. Díaz-Figueroa1, G. Ares
de Parga |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, 1239, 012002 2019 |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
Large Geomagnetic Storms Drives
by Solar Wind in Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Doha & Al-Ramdhan, Wathiq
Publication: |
Journal of Physics: Conference
Series, Volume 1234, Issue 1, article id. 012004 (2019). |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Neural net clustering in the
study of electrical grids failures in relation to geomagnetic storms |
Authors: |
A., Gil, A., Modzelewska, R., Moskwa,
Sz, Siluszyk, M., & Wawrzynczak, A. |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics: Conference
Series, Volume 1391, Issue 1, article id. 012107, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
11/2019 |
Title: |
Numerical simulations
of ICME-ICME interactions |
Authors: |
Niembro, Tatiana;
Lara, Alejandro;
González, Ricardo Francisco;
Cantó, Jorge |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 9, id.A4, 21 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
12/2019 |
Title: |
Mass loss via solar
wind and coronal mass ejections during solar cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Mishra, Wageesh; Srivastava, Nandita; Wang, Yuming;
Mirtoshev, Zavkiddin;
Zhang, Jie; Liu, Rui |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 486, Issue 4, p.4671-4685 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Degree of electric
current neutralization and the activity in solar active regions |
Athors: |
Vemareddy, P. |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 486, Issue 4, p.4936-4946 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Study of some
characteristics of solar energetic particles and associated solar activities
during 1996-2016 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
69, p. 74-87. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
Mass ejections from the solar
atmosphere |
Authors: |
Filippov, B. P. |
Publication: |
Physics - Uspekhi,
Volume 62, Issue 9, pp.847-864, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Study of reconnection
rates and light curves in solar flares from low and mid chromosphere |
Authors: |
Sindhuja, G.;
Srivastava, Nandita;
Veronig, A. M.;
Pötzi, W. |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 482, Issue 3, p.3744-3756, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
The extreme space
weather event in September 1909 |
Authors: |
Hayakawa, Hisashi;
Ebihara, Yusuke;
Cliver, Edward W.;
Hattori, Kentaro;
Toriumi, Shin;
Love, Jeffrey J.;
Umemura, Norio;
Namekata, Kosuke;
Sakaue, Takahito;
Takahashi, Takuya;
Shibata, Kazunari |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 484, Issue 3, p.4083-4099,2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
On the usefulness of existing
solar wind models for pulsar timing corrections |
Authors: |
C., Verbiest, J. P. W., Shaifullah,
G. M., Janssen, G. H., Anderson, J. M., Horneffer,
A., Künsemöller, J., Osłowski,
S., Donner, J. Y., Kramer, M., Kumari, A., Porayko,
N. K., Zucca, P., Ciardi, B., Dettmar,
R. -J., Grießmeier, J. -M., Hoeft,
M., & Serylak, M. |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, Volume 487, Issue 1, p.394-408, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Difference of source regions
between fast and slow coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Filippov, B. |
Publication: |
Publications of the
Astronomical Society of Australia, Volume 36, id. e022, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Small-scale motions in
solar filaments as the precursors of eruptions |
Authors: |
Seki, Daikichi;
Otsuji, Kenichi;
Isobe, Hiroaki;
Ishii, Takako T.;
Ichimoto, Kiyoshi;
Shibata, Kazunari |
Publication: |
Publications of the Astronomical
Society of Japan (PASJ), Volume 71, Issue 3, id.56 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Events as a Great Filter for Electronic Civilizations in the Drake Equation |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Publications of the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 131, Issue 998, pp. 044202
(2019). |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
Solar energetic particles in
the inner heliosphere: status and open questions |
Authors: |
Anastasiadis, Anastasios,
Lario, David, Papaioannou, Athanasios, Kouloumvakos, Athanasios, & Vourlidas,
Angelos |
Publication: |
Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol.
377, issue 2148, p. 20180100, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Is the enhancement of
type II radio bursts during CME interactions related to the associated solar
energetic particle event? |
Authors: |
Ding, Liu-Guan;
Wang, Zhi-Wei;
Feng, Li;
Li, Gang;
Jiang, Yong |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy
and Astrophysics, Volume 19, Issue 1,
article id. 005 (2019). |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections
over Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Lamy, P. L. ; Floyd,
O. ; Boclet, B. ; Wojak,
J. ; Gilardy, H. ; Barlyaeva,
T. |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews,
Volume 215, Issue 5, article id. 39, 129 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
Characteristics of SEP
Events and Their Solar Origin During the Evolution of Active Region NOAA
10069 |
Authors: |
Kashapova, L. K.;
Miteva, R.;
Myagkova, I. N.;
Bogomolov, A. V. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
294, Issue 1, article id. 9, 16 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
Onset Time of the GLE
72 Observed at Neutron Monitors and its Relation to Electromagnetic Emissions |
Authors: |
Kurt, V.;
Belov, A.;
Kudela, K.;
Mavromichalaki, H.;
Kashapova, L.;
Yushkov, B.;
Sgouropoulos, C. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
294, Issue 2, article id. 22, 18 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
Data-driven Modeling of Active Region Evolution Using Energy-optimized Photospheric Electric Fields |
Authors: |
Pomoell, Jens; Lumme,
Erkka; Kilpua, Emilia |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
294, Issue 4, article id. 41, 28 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
Erratum: Correction to:
Statistical Analysis of Solar Events Associated with Storm Sudden Commencements
over One Year of Solar Maximum During Cycle 23: Propagation from the Sun to
the Earth and Effects |
Authors: |
K., Grison, B., Menvielle, M., Chambodut,
A., Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., Fontaine, D., Marchaudon, A., Pick, M., Pitout,
F., Schmieder, B., Régnier,
S., & Zouganelis, I. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294,
Issue 4, article id. 38, 6 pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Study of Interplanetary CMEs/Shocks During Solar Cycle 24 Using
Drag-Based Model: The Role of Solar Wind |
Authors: |
Suresh, K.; Prasanna Subramanian, S.; Shanmugaraju,
A.; Vršnak, Bojan; Umapathy,
S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294, Issue 4, article id. 47, 17 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Coronal Mass Ejections During Solar Cycles 23 and 24: Sun-Earth Propagation
Characteristics and Consequences at the Near-Earth Region |
Authors: |
Syed Ibrahim, M.,
Joshi, Bhuwan, Cho, K. -S., Kim, R. -S., &
Moon, Y. -J. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics,
Volume 294, Issue 5, article id. 54, 17 pp., 2019 |
Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
Temporal Evolution of Heavy-Ion Spectra in Solar Energetic
Particle Events |
Authors: |
Doran, Donald J., Dalla, Silvia, & Zelina,
Peter |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294, Issue 5, article id. 55, 26
pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
CMEs in the
Heliosphere: II. A Statistical Analysis of the Kinematic Properties Derived
from Single-Spacecraft Geometrical Modelling Techniques Applied to CMEs
Detected in the Heliosphere from 2007 to 2017 by STEREO/HI-1 |
Authors: |
Barnes, D.; Davies, J.
A.; Harrison, R. A.; Byrne, J. P.; Perry, C. H.; Bothmer,
V.; Eastwood, J. P.; Gallagher, P. T.; Kilpua, E.
K. J.; Möstl, C.; Rodriguez, L.; Rouillard, A. P.; Odstrčil, D. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
294, Issue 5, article id. 57, 25 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
A Catalogue of Forbush Decreases
Recorded on the Surface of Mars from 2012 Until 2016: Comparison with
Terrestrial FDs |
Authors: |
Papaioannou, A., Belov, A., Abunina, M., Guo, J., Anastasiadis, A., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Eroshenko,
E., Melkumyan, A., Abunin,
A., Heber, B., Herbst, K., & Steigies, C. T. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294, Issue 6, article id. 66, 39
pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Twin CME Launched by a Blowout
Jet Originated from the Eruption of a Quiet-Sun Mini-filament |
Authors: |
Solanki, Ritika, Srivastava, A.
K., Rao, Y. K., & Dwivedi, B. N. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294,
Issue 6, article id. 68, 22 pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
An Extended Study of the
Precursory Signs of Forbush Decreases: New Findings
over the Years 2008 - 2016 |
Authors: |
D., Mavromichalaki, H., Belov, A., Abunina, M., Eroshenko, E.,
& Abunin, A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294,
Issue 6, article id. 70, 18 pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Observations of a
Flare-Generated Blast Wave in a Pseudo Coronal Mass Ejection Event |
Authors: |
V. G., Eselevich, M. V., & Zimovets,
I. V. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294,
Issue 6, article id. 73, 20 pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Cosmic Ray Modulation with the
Maximum CME Speed Index During Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Volkan, Kilcik, Ali, Yurchyshyn,
Vasyl, Ozguc, Atila,
& Rozelot, Jean-Pierre |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294,
Issue 7, article id. 86, 11 pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Coordinated Interplanetary Scintillation Observations in
Japan and Russia for Coronal Mass Ejection Events in Early September 2017 |
Authors: |
Tokumaru, Munetoshi,
Fujiki, Ken'ichi, Iwai,
Kazumasa, Tyul'bashev, Sergey, & Chashei, Igor |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294, Issue 7, article id. 87, 15
pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Unraveling the
Internal Magnetic Field Structure of the Earth-directed Interplanetary
Coronal Mass Ejections During 1995 - 2015 |
Authors: |
Teresa; Jian, Lan K.; Balmaceda, Laura; Vourlidas, Angelos; dos Santos, Luiz F. G.;
Szabo, Adam |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
294, Issue 7, article id. 89, 46 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Properties of
High-Energy Solar Particle Events Associated with Solar Radio Emissions |
Authors: |
Ameri, Dheyaa, Valtonen, Eino, & Pohjolainen, Silja |
Publication: |
Solar Physics,
Volume 294, Issue 9, article id. 122, 33 pp., 2019 |
Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Estimation of Arrival
Time of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Vicinity of the Earth Using SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory
and Solar TErrestrial RElations
Observatory Observations |
Authors: |
Ravishankar, Anitha; Michałek, Grzegorz |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
294, Issue 9, article id. 125, 21 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Onset of a CME-Related Shock
Within the Large-Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) Field of View |
Authors: |
V. G. & Egorov, Y. I. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294,
Issue 9, article id. 126, 14 pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Which Photospheric Characteristics Are Most Relevant to
Active-Region Coronal Mass Ejections? |
Authors: |
Kontogiannis, Ioannis; Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Guerra,
Jordan A.; Park, Sung-Hong; Bloomfield, D. Shaun |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
294, Issue 9, article id. 130, 26 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Are Solar Energetic Particle Events and Type II Bursts
Associated with Fast and Narrow Coronal Mass Ejections? |
Authors: |
Kahler, S. W., Ling, A. G., & Gopalswamy, N. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294, Issue 9, article id. 134, 13
pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Development of a Fast
CME and Properties of a Related Interplanetary Transient |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Kochanov,
A. A.; Uralov, A. M.; Slemzin,
V. A.; Rodkin, D. G.; Goryaev, F. F.; Kiselev, V.
I.; Myshyakov, I. I. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
294, Issue 10, article id. 139, 34 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
10/2019 |
Title: |
Excess H, Suppressed He, and the Abundances of Elements in
Solar Energetic Particles |
Authors: |
Reames, Donald V. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294, Issue 10, article id. 141, 19
pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
10/2019 |
Title: |
Parametric Study of ICME Properties Related to Space
Weather Disturbances via a Series of Three-Dimensional MHD Simulations |
Authors: |
An, Junmo, Magara, Tetsuya,
Hayashi, Keiji, & Moon, Yong-Jae |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 294, Issue 10, article id. 143, 17
pp., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
10/2019 |
Title: |
Benchmarking CME
Arrival Time and Impact: Progress on Metadata, Metrics, and Events |
Authors: |
Verbeke, C.;
Mays, M. L.;
Temmer, M.;
Bingham, S.;
Steenburgh, R.;
Dumbovic, M.;
Núñez, M.;
Jian, L. K.;
Hess, P.;
Wiegand, C.;
Taktakishvili, A.;
Andries, J. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
17, Issue 1, p. 498 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Forecasting the Structure and Orientation of Earthbound Coronal Mass
Ejections |
Authors: |
E. K. J. Kilpua,
N. Lugaz, M. L. Mays, M. Temmer |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 6-26 2019 |
Publication Date: |
02/2019 |
Additive Modeling Combined With Multiple Collinear for ICME Velocity
Forecasting |
Authors: |
J. Y., Jin, C. Q., Wang, M., Ji, H. S., Iluore, K., Guan, H. Y., Li, J. F., & Li, J. Y. |
Publication: |
Weather, Volume 17, Issue 4, pp. 567-585, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
Solar Wind Properties
and Geospace Impact of Coronal Mass Ejection-Driven
Sheath Regions: Variation and Driver Dependence |
Authors: |
Kilpua, E. K. J.; Fontaine, D.; Moissard, C.; Ala-Lahti, M.; Palmerio,
E.; Yordanova, E.; Good, S. W.; Kalliokoski,
M. M. H.; Lumme, E.; Osmane,
A.; Palmroth, M.; Turc, L. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
17, Issue 8, pp. 1257-1280 2019 |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
A Catalog of Type II radio
bursts observed by Wind/WAVES and their Statistical Properties |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N., Mäkelä, P., & Yashiro, S. |
Publication: |
Sun and Geosphere, vol.14, no.2,
p.111-121., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
On the Properties of
Solar Energetic Particle Events Associated with Metric Type II Radio Bursts |
Authors: |
Mäkelä, P. Gopalswamy, N. Xie, H. Akiyama, S.
Yashiro, S. Thakur, N |
Publication: |
Sun and Geosphere,
vol.14, no.2, p.123-129. |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
Filament Disappearance Catalogue |
Authors: |
Seki, D.; Otsuji, K.;
Ishii, T.; Hirose, K.; Iju, T.; UeNo,
S.; Cabezas, D.; Asai, A.; Isobe,
H.; Ichimoto, K.; Shibata, K. |
Publication: |
Sun and Geosphere,
vol.14, no.2, p.95-103. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
12/2019 |
Title: |
The Shock-Driving Capability of
a CME Inferred from Multiwavelength Observations |
Authors: |
Dagnew, F., Gopalswamy, N.,
Tessema, S., Umuhire, A., Yashiro, S., Mäkelä, P.,
& Xie, H. |
Publication: |
Sun and Geosphere, vol.14, no.2,
p.105-110., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
12/2019 |
Title: |
Source Imaging of a
Moving Type IV Solar Radio Burst and Its Role in Tracking Coronal Mass
Ejection from the Inner to the Outer Corona |
Authors: |
Vasanth, V.;
Chen, Yao;
Lv, Maoshui;
Ning, Hao;
Li, Chuangyang;
Feng, Shiwei;
Wu, Zhao;
Du, Guohui |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 870, Issue 1, article id. 30, 11 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
The Origin of Major
Solar Activity: Collisional Shearing between Nonconjugated Polarities of
Multiple Bipoles Emerging within Active Regions |
Authors: |
Chintzoglou, Georgios;
Zhang, Jie;
Cheung, Mark C. M.;
Kazachenko, Maria |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 871, Issue 1, article id. 67, 35 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
A Quasi-periodic
Propagating Wave and Extreme-ultraviolet Waves Excited Simultaneously in a
Solar Eruption Event |
Authors: |
Miao, Y. H.;
Liu, Y.;
Shen, Y. D.;
Li, H. B.;
Abidin, Z. Z.;
Elmhamdi, A.;
Kordi, A. S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 871, Issue 1, article id. L2, 8 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
Comprehensive Analysis
of the Formation of a Shock Wave Associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Frassati, Federica;
Susino, Roberto;
Mancuso, Salvatore;
Bemporad, Alessandro |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 871, Issue 2, article id. 212, 16 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
02/2019 |
Title: |
Infrequent Occurrence
of Significant Linear Polarization in Halpha Solar
Flares |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 872, Issue 1, article id. 74, 9 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
02/2019 |
Title: |
On the Possible
Mechanism of GLE Initiation |
Authors: |
Firoz, K. A.;
Gan, W. Q.;
Li, Y. P.;
Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.;
Kudela, K. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 872, Issue 2, article id. 178, 13 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
02/2019 |
Title: |
Origin of Radio-quiet
Coronal Mass Ejections in Flare Stars |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 873, Issue 1, article id. 1, 10 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
03/2019 |
Title: |
First Unambiguous Imaging of
Large-scale Quasi-periodic Extreme-ultraviolet Wave or Shock |
Authors: |
Shen, Yuandeng,
Chen, P. F., Liu, Ying D., Shibata, Kazunari, Tang, Zehao,
& Liu, Yu |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 873, Issue 1, article id. 22, 13 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
03/2019 |
Title: |
Multiple Magnetic Reconnections
Driven by a Large-scale Magnetic Flux Rope |
Authors: |
Zhou, G. P., Tan, C. M., Su, Y. N., Shen, C. L., Tan, B. L., Jin,
C. L., & Wang, J. X. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 873, Issue 1, article id. 23, 10 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
03/2019 |
Title: |
Frequency-Distance Structure of
Solar Radio Sources Observed by LOFAR |
Authors: |
Mykola, Kontar, Eduard, Browning, Philippa, &
Kuznetsov, Alexey |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 873, Issue 1, article id. 48, 9 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
03/2019 |
Title: |
Filament Eruption and Its
Reformation Caused by Emerging Magnetic Flux |
Authors: |
Yang, Bo & Chen, Huadong |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 874, Issue 1, article id. 96, 14 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
03/2019 |
Title: |
processes: heating, particle acceleration and the formation of a hot channel
before the 2012 October 20 M9.0 limb flare |
Authors: |
Hernandez-Perez, Aaron; Su, Yang; Veronig, Astrid M.; Thalmann, Julia K.; Gömöry, Peter; Joshi, Bhuwan |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 874, Issue 2, article id. 122, 11 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
Empirical Modeling of CME
Evolution Constrained to ACE/SWICS Charge State Distributions |
Authors: |
Rivera, Yeimy
J., Landi, Enrico, Lepri,
Susan T., & Gilbert, Jason A. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 874, Issue 2, article id. 164, 16 pp. (2019)., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
The Role of a Magnetic Topology
Skeleton in a Solar Active Region |
Authors: |
Guo, Juan, Wang, Huaning, Wang, Jingxiu, Zhu, Xiaoshuai, Dai, Xinghua, Huang, Xin, He, Han, Yan, Yan,
& Zhao, Hui |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 874, Issue 2, article id. 181, 10 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
Simulating Solar Coronal Mass
Ejections Constrained by Observations of Their Speed and Poloidal Flux |
Authors: |
Singh, T., Yalim,
M. S., Pogorelov, N. V., & Gopalswamy, N. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Letters, Volume 875, Issue 2, article id. L17, 6 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
A Comparative Study of
2017 July and 2012 July Complex Eruptions: Are Solar Superstorms "Perfect
Storms" in Nature? |
Authors: |
Liu, Ying D.;
Zhao, Xiaowei;
Hu, Huidong;
Vourlidas, Angelos;
Zhu, Bei |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement Series, Volume 241, Issue 2, article id. 15, 9 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
04/2019 |
Title: |
Was the Sun a Slow
Rotator? Sodium and Potassium Constraints from the Lunar Regolith |
Authors: |
Saxena, Prabal;
Killen, Rosemary M.; Airapetian,
Vladimir; Petro, Noah E.; Curran, Natalie M.; Mandell,
Avi M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 876, Issue 1, article id. L16, 10 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
The Disappearing Solar
Filament of 2013 September 29 and Its Large Associated Proton Event: Implications
for Particle Acceleration at the Sun |
Authors: |
Cliver, E. W.; Kahler, S. W.; Kazachenko, M.; Shimojo, M |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 877, Issue 1, article id. 11, 17 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
Connecting the
Properties of Coronal Shock Waves with Those of Solar Energetic Particles |
Authors: |
Athanasios, Rouillard, Alexis P., Wu, Yihong, Vainio, Rami, Vourlidas, Angelos, Plotnikov, Illya, Afanasiev, Alexandr,
& Önel, Hakan |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 876, Issue 1, article id. 80, 18 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
A Statistical Study of the
Magnetic Imprints of X-class Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Lu, Zekun,
Cao, Weiguang, Jin, Gaoxiang, Zhang, Yining, Ding, Mingde, & Guo, Yang |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 876, Issue 2, article id. 133, 9 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
05/2019 |
Title: |
Extreme-ultraviolet Late Phase
Caused by Magnetic Reconnection over Quadrupolar Magnetic Configuration in a
Solar Flare |
Authors: |
Zhou, Zhenjun,
Cheng, Xin, Liu, Lijuan, Dai, Yu, Wang, Yuming,
& Cui, Jun |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
878, Issue 1, article id. 46, 11 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Heliospheric Evolution of Magnetic Clouds |
Authors: |
Vršnak, B.; Amerstorfer,
T.; Dumbović, M.; Leitner, M.; Veronig,
A. M.; Temmer, M.; Möstl,
C.; Amerstorfer, U. V.; Farrugia, C. J.; Galvin, A.
B. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 877, Issue 2, article id. 77, 16 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
The Stellar CME-Flare Relation:
What Do Historic Observations Reveal? |
Authors: |
Sofia-Paraskevi, Drake, Jeremy J., Cohen, Ofer, Alvarado-Gómez, Julián D., Garraffo,
Cecilia, & Fraschetti, Federico |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 877, Issue 2, article id. 105, 18 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Global Energetics of Solar
Flares. VII. Aerodynamic Drag in Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Markus J. & Gopalswamy, Nat |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
877, Issue 2, article id. 149, 14 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
06/2019 |
Title: |
Spectroscopy and
Differential Emission Measure Diagnostics of a Coronal Dimming Associated
with a Fast Halo CME |
Authors: |
Veronig, Astrid M.; Gömöry,
Peter; Dissauer, Karin; Temmer,
Manuela; Vanninathan, Kamalam |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 879, Issue 2, article id. 85, 11 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Comparing Long-duration Gamma-Ray Flares and High-energy
Solar Energetic Particles |
Authors: |
de Nolfo, G. A., Bruno, A.,
Ryan, J. M., Dalla, S., Giacalone, J., Richardson,
I. G., Christian, E. R., Stochaj, S. J., Bazilevskaya, G. A., Boezio,
M., Martucci, M., Mikhailov, V. V., & Munini, R. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 879, Issue 2, article
id. 90, 17 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
First Determination of 2D Speed
Distribution within the Bodies of Coronal Mass Ejections with
Cross-correlation Analysis |
Authors: |
Ying, Beili,
Bemporad, Alessandro, Giordano, Silvio, Pagano,
Paolo, Feng, Li, Lu, Lei, Li, Hui, & Gan, Weiqun
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 880, Issue 1, article id. 41, 14 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
On the Coronal Mass
Ejection Detection Rate during Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Michalek, Grzegorz; Gopalswamy, Nat; Yashiro,
Seiji |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 880, Issue 1, article id. 51, 16 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
07/2019 |
Title: |
Solar Filament Eruptions as Precursors
to Flare-CME Events: Establishing the Temporal Connection |
Authors: |
Sinha, Suvadip,
Srivastava, Nandita, & Nandy, Dibyendu |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 880, Issue 2, article id. 84, 12 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
CME Arrival Time Prediction
Using Convolutional Neural Network |
Authors: |
Wang, Yimin,
Liu, Jiajia, Jiang, Ye, & Erdélyi,
Robert |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 881, Issue 1, article id. 15, 10 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
Direct Estimates of the Solar
Coronal Magnetic Field Using Contemporaneous Extreme-ultraviolet, Radio, and
White-light Observations |
Authors: |
Kumari, Anshu, Ramesh, R., Kathiravan, C., Wang, T. J., & Gopalswamy, N. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 881, Issue 1, article id. 24, 8 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
Current Sheets, Magnetic
Islands, and Associated Particle Acceleration in the Solar Wind as Observed
by Ulysses near the Ecliptic Plane |
Authors: |
Olga, Khabarova, Olga, Bruno, Roberto, Zank, Gary P., Li, Gang, Jackson, Bernard, Bisi, Mario M., Greco, Antonella, Pezzi,
Oreste, Matthaeus, William, Chasapis
Giannakopoulos, Alexandros, Servidio, Sergio, Malova, Helmi, Kislov, Roman, Effenberger, Frederic, le Roux, Jakobus,
Chen, Yu, Hu, Qiang, & Engelbrecht, N. Eugene |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 881, Issue 2, article id. 116, 20 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
Two Types of Confined Solar
Flares |
Authors: |
Li, Ting, Liu, Lijuan, Hou,
Yijun, & Zhang, Jun |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 881, Issue 2, article id. 151, 20 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
08/2019 |
Title: |
Method of Analysis: A Critique of Its Application to Forbush
Events Selection Criteria and Timing |
Authors: |
O. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 882, Issue 1, article id. 15, 12 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Quantifying the Relationship
between Moreton-Ramsey Waves and “EIT Waves” Using Observations of Four
Homologous Wave Events |
Authors: |
Long, David M., Jenkins, Jack,
& Valori, Gherardo |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 882, Issue 2, article id. 90, 10 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Statistical Survey of Coronal
Mass Ejections and Interplanetary Type II Bursts |
Authors: |
V., Magdalenić, J., Eastwood, J. P., Gopalswamy,
N., Kruparova, O., Szabo, A., & Němec, F. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 882, Issue 2, article id. 92, 5 pp. (2019)., 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
the Nature of the Bright Core of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
H. Q., Zhang, J., Cheng, X., Li, L. P., Tang, Y. Z., Wang, B., Zheng, R. S.,
& Chen, Y. |
Publication: |
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 883, Issue 1, article id. 43, 8 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
The Eruption of Outer Spine-like Loops Leading to a Double-stage Circular-ribbon
Flare |
Authors: |
Liu, Chang; Lee, Jeongwoo; Wang, Haimin |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 883, Issue 1, article id. 47, 11 pp.
2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Observations of a Footpoint Drift of an Erupting Flux Rope |
Authors: |
Alena, Dudík, Jaroslav, Aulanier,
Guillaume, Thalmann, Julia K., & Gömöry, Peter |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 883, Issue 1, article id. 96, 13 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
A New Automatic Tool
for CME Detection and Tracking with Machine-learning Techniques |
Authors: |
Wang, Pengyu; Zhang, Yan; Feng, Li; Yuan, Hanqing;
Gan, Yuan; Li, Shuting; Lu, Lei; Ying, Beili; Gan, Weiqun; Li, Hui |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement Series, Volume 244, Issue 1, article id. 9, 11 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
The SDO/EVE Solar Irradiance
Coronal Dimming Index Catalog. I. Methods and Algorithms |
Authors: |
Mason, James Paul, Attie, Raphael, Arge, Charles N., Thompson, Barbara,
& Woods, Thomas N. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Supplement Series, Volume 244, Issue 1, article id. 13, 13 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
09/2019 |
Title: |
Coronal Response to
Magnetically Suppressed CME Events in M-dwarf Stars |
Authors: |
Alvarado-Gómez, Julián D.,
Drake, Jeremy J., Moschou, Sofia P., Garraffo, Cecilia, Cohen, Ofer,
NASA LWS Focus Science Team: Solar-Stellar Connection, Yadav, Rakesh K.,
& Fraschetti, Federico |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Letters, Volume 884, Issue 1, article id. L13, 8 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
10/2019 |
Title: |
Evolution of Coronal
Mass Ejection Properties in the Inner Heliosphere: Prediction for the Solar
Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe |
Authors: |
Nada; Lugaz, Noé; Poedts,
Stefaan; Farrugia, Charles J.; Nieves-Chinchilla,
Teresa; Roussev, Ilia I. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 884, Issue 2, article id. 179, 8 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
10/2019 |
Title: |
Formation and eruption
of sigmoidal structure from a weak field region of NOAA 11942 |
Authors: |
Vasantharaju, N.;
Vemareddy, P.;
Ravindra, B.;
Doddamani, V. H. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 885, Issue 1, article id. 89, 11 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
11/2019 |
Force Evolution Reveals the Energy Build-up Processes during Recurrent
Eruptive Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Ranadeep, Srivastava, Nandita, & Veronig, Astrid M. |
Publication: |
Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 885, Issue 1, article id. L17, 8 pp.
2019 |
Publication Date: |
11/2019 |
of Coronal Mass Ejections at L1 and Forecast of Their Geoeffectiveness
Authors: |
Telloni, Daniele, Antonucci, Ester, Bemporad,
Alessandro, Bianchi, Tiziano, Bruno, Roberto, Fineschi, Silvano, Magli, Enrico, Nicolini, Gianalfredo, & Susino,
Roberto |
Publication: |
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 885, Issue 2, article id. 120, 7 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
11/2019 |
Title: |
Exploring the Asymmetry of the
Solar Corona Electron Density with Very Long Baseline Interferometry |
Authors: |
Dan, Melnikov, Alexey, Pavlov, Dmitry, & Kurdubov,
Sergey |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 885, Issue 2, article id. 159, 8 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
11/2019 |
Title: |
Multiwavelength Stereoscopic
Observation of the 2013 May 1 Solar Flare and CME |
Authors: |
Erica, Krucker, Säm, Zimovets, Ivan, Nizamov, Bulat, White, Stephen, Masuda, Satoshi, Golovin, Dmitriy, Litvak, Maxim, Mitrofanov,
Igor, & Sanin, Anton |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 886, Issue 1, article id. 9, 12 pp. (2019). |
Publication Date: |
11/2019 |
Title: |
Observation of Unidirectional and Bidirectional Alfvén Waves within
Large-scale Magnetic Clouds |
Authors: |
Wang, Zehao,
Feng, Xueshang, & Zheng, Jianchuan
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Letters, Volume 887, Issue 1, article id. L18, 13 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
12/2019 |
Title: |
The Structure of Solar Coronal
Mass Ejections in the Extreme-ultraviolet Passbands |
Authors: |
Song, H. Q., Zhang, J., Li, L.
P., Liu, Y. D., Zhu, B., Wang, B., Zheng, R. S., & Chen, Y. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 887, Issue 2, article id. 124, 8 pp. 2019 |
Publication Date: |
12/2019 |
Burst and Circular Polarization Studies of the Solar Corona at Low
Frequencies |
Authors: |
Patrick I. |
Publication: |
A thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the School of Physics Faculty of Science University of Sydney, Australia |
Publication Date: |
10/2019 |
Title: |
Filaments related to solar
energetic particles |
Authors: |
Tsvetkov, Tsvetan,
Miteva, Rositsa, &
Petrov, Nikola |
Publication: |
AIP Conference Proceedings,
Volume 2075, Issue 1, id.090013, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
02/2019 |
Title: |
New Millennium Solar Physics |
Authors: |
Markus J. |
Publication: |
New Millennium Solar Physics:
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 458. ISBN 978-3-030-13954-4.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019, 2019 |
Publication Date: |
01/2019 |
Title: |
The Physical Processes
of CME/ICME Evolution |
Authors: |
Manchester, Ward, IV, Kilpua, Emilia K. J., Liu, Ying D., Lugaz,
Noé, Riley, Pete, Török,
Tibor, Vršnak, Bojan |
Publication: |
The Scientific
Foundation of Space Weather. Series: Space Sciences Series of ISSI, ISBN:
978-94-024-1587-2. Springer Netherlands (Dordrecht), Edited by Daniel Baker,
André Balogh, Tamas Gombosi, Hannu
E. J. Koskinen, Astrid Veronig and Rudolf von Steiger, vol. 67, pp. 165-225 |
Publication Date: |
2019 |
Publication Year 2018
Title: |
Properties and
relationship between solar eruptive flares and Coronal Mass Ejections during
rising phase of Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Syed Ibrahim, M.;
Shanmugaraju, A.; Moon, Y.-J.;
Vrsnak, B.; Umapathy, S. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 61, Issue 1, p. 540-551. |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Solar flares, CMEs and
solar energetic particle events during solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Pande, Bimal; Pande, Seema; Chandra, Ramesh; Chandra Mathpal, Mahesh |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 61, Issue 2, p. 777-785. |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Effects of space
weather on the ionosphere and LEO satellites' orbital trajectory in
equatorial, low and middle latitude |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 61, Issue 7, p. 1880-1889. |
Publication Date: |
04/2018 |
Title: |
CME productivity
associated with Solar Flare peak X-ray emission flux |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 61, Issue 9, p. 2482-2489. |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
Determination of
projection effects of CMEs using quadrature observations with the two STEREO
spacecraft |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 62, Issue 2, p. 408-416. |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
A statistical study of
CME-Preflare associated events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 62, Issue 2, p. 417-425. |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
Ionospheric and thermospheric response to the 27-28 February 2014
geomagnetic storm over north Africa |
Publication: |
Annales Geophysicae, Volume 36, Issue 4, 2018, pp.987-998 |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
Well-defined EUV wave
associated with a CME-driven shock |
Authors: |
Cunha-Silva, R. D.; Selhorst, C. L.; Fernandes, F. C. R.; Oliveira e Silva, A. J. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 612, id.A100, 6 pp. |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
Measuring the electron
temperatures of coronal mass ejections with future space-based multi-channel
coronagraphs: a numerical test |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 619, id.A25, 12 pp. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Very narrow coronal
mass ejections producing solar energetic particles |
Authors: |
Bronarska, K.; Wheatland, M. S.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Michalek, G. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 619, id.A34, 6 pp. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Association of solar
flares with coronal mass ejections accompanied by Deca-Hectometric
type II radio burst for two solar cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space
Science, Volume 363, Issue 5, article id. #87, 6 pp. |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
Interplanetary type II
radio bursts and their association with CMEs and flares |
Authors: |
Shanmugaraju, A.; Suresh, K.;
Vasanth, V.;
Selvarani, G.; Umapathy, S. |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space
Science, Volume 363, Issue 6, article id. #126, 9 pp. |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Solar radio bursts as
a tool for space weather forecasting |
Authors: |
K.-L.; Matamoros, C. S.; Zucca, P. |
Publication: |
rendus – Physique, Volume 19, Issue 1-2, p36-40 |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Distinction in the
Interplanetary Characteristics of Accelerated and Decelerated CMEs/Shocks |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Earth, Moon, and
Planets, Online First |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Index of the Long-Term
Influence of Sporadic Solar Activity on Cosmic Ray Modulation |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,
Volume 58, Issue 1, pp.1-8 |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Diagnostic Analysis of
the Solar Proton Flares of September 2017 by Their Radio Bursts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy, Volume 58, Issue 4, pp.457-463 |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
On the Dependence of
the Solar Wind Velocity on the Fractional Area of Coronal Holes in Longitude |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy, Volume 58, Issue 8, pp.1187-1191 |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Observations of the
Proton Aurora on Mars With SPICAM on Board Mars Express |
Authors: |
Ritter, B.;
Gérard, J.-C.;
Hubert, B.;
Rodriguez, L.;
Montmessin, F. |
Publication: |
Geophysical Research
Letters, Volume 45, Issue 2, pp. 612-619 |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Higher-speed coronal
mass ejections and their geoeffectiveness |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Astrophysics
and Astronomy, Volume 39, Issue 3, article id. #32, 11 pp. |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Signature of a
possible relationship between the maximum CME speed index and the critical
frequencies of the F1 and F2 ionospheric layers: Data analysis for a
mid-latitude ionospheric station during the solar cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Kilcik, Ali; Ozguc, Atila; Yigit, Erdal; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl; Donmez, Burcin |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 171, p. 131-136. |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Type II solar radio
burst band-splitting: Measure of coronal magnetic field strength |
Authors: |
Mahrous, Ayman; Alielden, Khaled; Vrsnak, Bojan; Youssef, Mohamed |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 172, p. 75-82. |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
Multi-instrument view
on solar eruptive events observed with the Siberian Radioheliograph: From
detection of small jets up to development of a shock wave and CME |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Lesovoi, S. V.; Kochanov, A. A.; Uralov, A. M.; Altyntsev, A. T.; Gubin, A. V.; Zhdanov, D. A.;
Ivanov, E. F.;
Smolkov, G. Ya.; Kashapova, L. K. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 174, p. 46-65. |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Periodic behaviour of coronal mass ejections, eruptive events, and
solar activity proxies during solar cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Barlyaeva, Tatiana; Wojak, Julien; Lamy, Philippe;
Boclet, Brice; Toth, Imre |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 177, p. 12-28. |
Publication Date: |
10/2018 |
Title: |
Three case studies of
height-time profiles of prominence eruptions observed by AIA and LASCO |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 177, p. 29-37. |
Publication Date: |
10/2018 |
Title: |
Specification of the
near-Earth space environment with SHIELDS |
Authors: |
Jordanova, V. K.; Delzanno, G. L.; Henderson, M. G.;
Godinez, H. C.;
Jeffery, C. A.;
Lawrence, E. C.;
Morley, S. K.;
Moulton, J. D.;
Vernon, L. J.;
Woodroffe, J. R.;
Brito, T. V.;
Engel, M. A.;
Meierbachtol, C. S.; Svyatsky, D.; Yu, Y.;
Tóth, G.; Welling, D. T.;
Chen, Y.;
Haiducek, J.; Markidis, S.; Albert, J. M.;
Birn, J.; Denton, M. H.;
Horne, R. B. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 177, p. 148-159. |
Publication Date: |
10/2018 |
Title: |
On the relationship
between filaments and solar energetic particles |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 179, p. 1-10. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
propagation of the 2015 June 21 coronal mass ejection revealed by optical,
EUV, and radio observations |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.;
Mäkelä, P.; Akiyama, S.;
Yashiro, S.;
Xie, H.;
Thakur, N. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 179, p. 225-238. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Comparative analysis
of the proton generation efficiency during 17 March 2003 and 11 April 2004
solar flares |
Authors: |
Bogomolov, A. V.; Myagkova, I. N.; Myshyakov, I.; Tsvetkov, Ts;
Kashapova, L.; Miteva, R. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 179, p. 517-526. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Kinematics of CMEs and
related shocks from LASCO data: Comparative analysis |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 179, p. 538-544. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Solar energetic
particle catalogs: Assumptions, uncertainties and validity of reports |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 180, p. 26-34. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Coronal flux ropes and
their interplanetary counterparts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 180, p. 35-45. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Extreme solar storms
based on solar magnetic field |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 180, p. 46-51. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Solar wind diamagnetic
structures as a source of substorm-like disturbances |
Authors: |
Parkhomov, V. A.; Borodkova, N. L.; Eselevich, V. G.; Eselevich, M. V.; Dmitriev, A. V.;
Chilikin, V. E. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 181, p. 55-67. |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Using Forbush Decreases to Derive the Transit Time of ICMEs
Propagating from 1 AU to Mars |
Authors: |
Freiherr von Forstner, Johan L.; Guo, Jingnan; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.; Hassler, Donald M.;
Temmer, Manuela; Dumbovic, Mateja; Jian, Lan K.;
Appel, Jan K.;
Calogovic, Jasa.; Ehresmann, Bent; Heber, Bernd;
Lohf, Henning; Posner, Arik;
Steigies, Christian T.; Vrsnak, Bojan; Zeitlin, Cary J. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 123, Issue 1, pp. 39-56 |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Model of Energy
Spectrum Parameters of Ground Level Enhancement Events in Solar Cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 123, Issue 1, pp. 76-92 |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Statistical Study of
Magnetic Topology for Eruptive and Confined Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 123, Issue 3, pp. 1704-1714 |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Understanding the
twist distribution inside magnetic flux ropes by anatomizing an
interplanetary magnetic cloud |
Authors: |
Wang, Yuming; Shen, Chenglong; Liu, Rui;
Liu, Jiajia; Guo, Jingnan; Li, Xiaolei; Xu, Mengjiao; Hu, Qiang; Zhang, Tielong |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research:
Space Physics, Volume 123, Issue 5, pp. 3238-3261 |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
Observation of
Intermittency-Induced Critical Dynamics in Geomagnetic Field Time Series
Prior to the Intense Magnetic Storms of March, June, and December 2015 |
Authors: |
Balasis, Georgios; Daglis, Ioannis A.;
Contoyiannis, Yiannis; Potirakis, Stelios M.; Papadimitriou, Constantinos; Melis, Nikolaos S.; GIannakis, Omiros; Papaioannou, Athanasios; Anastasiadis, Anastasios;
Kontoes, Charalampos |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 123, Issue 6, pp. 4594-4613 |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Three-Dimensional Simulation of the Earth's Magnetospheric and Ionospheric
Responses to Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind |
Authors: |
Park, Kyung Sun;
Lee, Dae-Young;
Kim, Myeong Joon; Choi, Cheong Rim;
Kim, Rok Soon; Cho, Kyungsuk; Choi, Kyu-Cheol;
Kim, Jaehun |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 123, Issue 8, pp. 6307-6325 |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
The Effects of
Uncertainty in Initial CME Input Parameters on Deflection, Rotation, Bz, and Arrival Time Predictions |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 123, Issue 9, pp. 7220-7240 |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Reconstructing Solar
Wind Inhomogeneous Structures From Stereoscopic Observations in White Light:
Small Transients Along the Sun-Earth Line |
Authors: |
Li, Xiaolei; Wang, Yuming; Liu, Rui;
Shen, Chenglong; Zhang, Quanhao; Zhuang, Bin;
Liu, Jiajia; Chi, Yutian |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 123, Issue 9, pp. 7257-7270 |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Ultralow Frequency
Waves as an Intermediary for Solar Wind Energy Input Into the Radiation Belts |
Authors: |
Georgiou, M.;
Daglis, I. A.; Rae, I. J.;
Zesta, E.; Sibeck, D. G.; Mann, I. R.;
Balasis, G.; Tsinganos, K. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 123, Issue 12, pp. 10,090-10,108 |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Coronal Jets, and the
Jet-CME Connection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, Volume 1100, Issue 1, article id. 012024 (2018). |
Publication Date: |
10/2018 |
Title: |
Halo Coronal Mass
Ejections during Solar Cycle 24: reconstruction of the global scenario and geoeffectiveness |
Authors: |
Scolini, Camilla; Messerotti, Mauro; Poedts, Stefaan; Rodriguez, Luciano |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 8, id.A9 |
Publication Date: |
02/2018 |
Title: |
A probabilistic
approach to the drag-based model |
Authors: |
Napoletano, Gianluca; Forte, Roberta; Moro, Dario Del; Pietropaolo, Ermanno; Giovannelli, Luca; Berrilli, Francesco |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 8, id.A11, 10 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2018 |
Title: |
Nowcasting of Solar
Energetic Particle Events using near real-time Coronal Mass Ejection
characteristics in the framework of the FORSPEF tool |
Authors: |
Papaioannou, Athanasios; Anastasiadis, Anastasios;
Sandberg, Ingmar;
Jiggens, Piers |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 8, id.A37, 14 pp. |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
An operational solar
wind prediction system transitioning fundamental science to operations |
Authors: |
Wang, Jingjing;
Ao, Xianzhi; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Chuanbing; Cai, Yanxia; Luo, Bingxian; Liu, Siqing; Shen, Chenglong; Zhuang, Bin;
Xue, Xianghui; Gong, Jiancun |
Publication: |
Journal of Space Weather
and Space Climate, Volume 8, id.A39, 21 pp. |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
Analysis and
interpretation of inner-heliospheric SEP events
with the ESA Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) onboard the
INTEGRAL and Rosetta Missions |
Authors: |
Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
Papaioannou, Athanasios; Sandberg, Ingmar;
Anastasiadis, Anastasios;
Daglis, Ioannis A.;
Rodríguez-Gasén, Rosa; Aran, Angels;
Sanahuja, Blai; Nieminen, Petteri |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 8, id.A40, 32 pp. |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Flux rope breaking and
formation of a rotating blowout jet |
Authors: |
Joshi, Navin Chandra;
Nishizuka, Naoto; Filippov, Boris;
Magara, Tetsuya;
Tlatov, Andrey G. |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 476, Issue 1, p.1286-1298 |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
Dispersively formed quasi-periodic fast magnetosonic wavefronts due to the eruption of a nearby
mini-filament |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 477, Issue 1, p.L6-L10 |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Magnetic evolution
linked to the interrelated activity complexes involving transequatorial
coronal holes |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 479, Issue 1, p.1309-1319 |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Formation and dynamics
of a solar eruptive flux tube |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Nature Communications,
Volume 9, id. 174 |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Kink-induced full and
failed eruptions of two coupled flux tubes of the same filament |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
59, p. 45-53. |
Publication Date: |
02/2018 |
Title: |
Solar flares
associated coronal mass ejection accompanied with DH type II radio burst in
relation with interplanetary magnetic field, geomagnetic storms and cosmic
ray intensity |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
60, p. 22-32. |
Publication Date: |
04/2018 |
Title: |
On some
characteristics of large kinetic energy coronal mass ejections during
1996-2015 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
63, p. 6-14. |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
Evidence for a New
Component of High-Energy Solar Gamma-Ray Production |
Authors: |
Linden, Tim;
Zhou, Bei;
Beacom, John F.; Peter, Annika H. G.;
Ng, Kenny C. Y.;
Tang, Qing-Wen |
Publication: |
Physical Review Letters, Volume
121, Issue 13, id.131103 |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Space weather at
planet Venus during the forthcoming BepiColombo
flybys |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Planetary and Space
Science, Volume 152, p. 176-185. |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Coronal mass ejection
hits mercury: A.I.K.E.F. hybrid-code results compared to MESSENGER data |
Authors: |
Exner, W.;
Heyner, D.; Liuzzo, L.;
Motschmann, U.; Shiota, D.;
Kusano, K.; Shibayama, T. |
Publication: |
Planetary and Space
Science, Volume 153, p. 89-99. |
Publication Date: |
04/2018 |
Title: |
Flares before and
after coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Volume 18, Issue 3, article id. 034 (2018). |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Powerful Solar Flares
of 2017 September: Correspondence between Parameters of Microwave Bursts and
Proton Fluxes near Earth |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Research Notes of the
American Astronomical Society, Volume 2, Issue 1, article id. 20, (2018). |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Disintegration of an
eruptive filament via interactions with quasi-separatrix layers |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Science China Physics,
Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 61, Issue 6, article id. 69611, 7 pp. |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Turbulence and Heating
in the Flank and Wake Regions of a Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Fan, Siteng; He, Jiansen; Yan, Limei;
Tomczyk, Steven; Tian, Hui;
Song, Hongqiang; Wang, Linghua; Zhang, Lei |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 1, article id. #6, 16 pp. |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Observations of
Excitation and Damping of Transversal Oscillations in Coronal Loops by
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 2, article id. #22, 15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2018 |
Title: |
The Wind/EPACT Proton
Event Catalog (1996 - 2016) |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 2, article id. #27, 44 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2018 |
Title: |
Statistical Properties
of Ribbon Evolution and Reconnection Electric Fields in Eruptive and Confined
Flares |
Authors: |
Hinterreiter, J.; Veronig, A. M.; Thalmann, J. K.; Tschernitz, J.; Pötzi, W. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 3, article id. #38, 25 pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Analysis of a Failed
Eclipse Plasma Ejection Using EUV Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 3, article id. #42, 16 pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Correlation of ICME
Magnetic Fields at Radially Aligned Spacecraft |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 3, article id. #52, 21 pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Decameter Type IV
Burst Associated with a Behind-the-limb CME Observed on 7 November 2013 |
Authors: |
Melnik, V. N.; Brazhenko, A. I.; Konovalenko, A. A.; Dorovskyy, V. V.; Rucker, H. O.;
Panchenko, M.; Frantsuzenko, A. V.; Shevchuk, M. V. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 3, article id. 53, 10 pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Connecting Coronal
Mass Ejections to Their Solar Active Region Sources: Combining Results from
the HELCATS and FLARECAST Projects |
Authors: |
Murray, Sophie A.;
Guerra, Jordan A.;
Zucca, Pietro; Park, Sung-Hong;
Carley, Eoin P.;
Gallagher, Peter T.;
Vilmer, Nicole; Bothmer, Volker |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 4, article id. #60, 27 pp. |
Publication Date: |
04/2018 |
Title: |
Catalogue of {>} 55
MeV Wide-longitude Solar Proton Events Observed by SOHO, ACE, and the STEREOs
at {≈} 1 AU During 2009 - 2016 |
Authors: |
Paassilta, Miikka; Papaioannou, Athanasios; Dresing, Nina; Vainio, Rami; Valtonen, Eino; Heber, Bernd |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 4, article id. #70, 53 pp. |
Publication Date: |
04/2018 |
Title: |
Fitting and
Reconstruction of Thirteen Simple Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Al-Haddad, Nada; Nieves-Chinchilla, Teresa; Savani, Neel P.; Lugaz, Noé; Roussev, Ilia I. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 5, article id. 73, 11 pp. |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
Statistical Analysis
of Solar Events Associated with Storm Sudden Commencements over One Year of
Solar Maximum During Cycle 23: Propagation from the Sun to the Earth and
Effects |
Authors: |
Bocchialini, K.; Grison, B.; Menvielle, M.; Chambodut, A.; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Fontaine, D.; Marchaudon, A.; Pick, M.; Pitout, F.; Schmieder, B.; Régnier, S.; Zouganelis, I. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 293,
Issue 5, article id. #75, 62 pp. |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
CMEs in the
Heliosphere: I. A Statistical Analysis of the Observational Properties of
CMEs Detected in the Heliosphere from 2007 to 2017 by STEREO/HI-1 |
Authors: |
Harrison, R. A.;
Davies, J. A.;
Barnes, D.;
Byrne, J. P.;
Perry, C. H.;
Bothmer, V.; Eastwood, J. P.;
Gallagher, P. T.;
Kilpua, E. K. J.; Möstl, C.; Rodriguez, L.;
Rouillard, A. P.;
Odstrcil, D. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 5, article id. #77, 28 pp. |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
Single ICMEs and
Complex Transient Structures in the Solar Wind in 2010 - 2011 |
Authors: |
Rodkin, D.;
Slemzin, V.; Zhukov, A. N.;
Goryaev, F.; Shugay, Y.; Veselovsky, I. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 5, article id. #78, 24 pp. |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
The 2015 Summer
Solstice Storm: One of the Major Geomagnetic Storms of Solar Cycle 24
Observed at Ground Level |
Authors: |
Augusto, C. R. A.; Navia, C. E.; de Oliveira, M. N.; Nepomuceno, A. A.; Raulin, J. P.; Tueros, E.; de Mendonça, R. R. S.; Fauth, A. C.; Vieira de Souza, H.; Kopenkin, V.; Sinzi, T. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 5, article id. #84, 28 pp. |
Publication Date: |
05/2018 |
Title: |
Onboard Automated CME
Detection Algorithm for the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph on ADITYA-L1 |
Authors: |
Patel, Ritesh; Amareswari, K.; Pant, Vaibhav;
Banerjee, Dipankar;
Sankarasubramanian, K.; Kumar, Amit |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 7, article id. 103, 25 pp. |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
Flux Accretion and
Coronal Mass Ejection Dynamics |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 7, article id. 113, 37 pp. |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
Effects of Geometries
and Substructures of ICMEs on Geomagnetic Storms |
Authors: |
Lee, Jae-Ok;
Cho, Kyung-Suk;
Kim, Rok-Soon; Jang, Soojeong; Marubashi, Katsuhide |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 9, article id. 129, 20 pp. |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Radio, Hard X-Ray, and
Gamma-Ray Emissions Associated with a Far-Side Solar Event |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Kiselev, V. I.;
Kashapova, L. K.; Kochanov, A. A.; Zimovets, I. V.; Uralov, A. M.; Nizamov, B. A.; Grigorieva, I. Y.;
Golovin, D. V.; Litvak, M. L.;
Mitrofanov, I. G.; Sanin, A. B. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 10, article id. 133, 31 pp. |
Publication Date: |
10/2018 |
Title: |
Magnetic Clouds: Solar
Cycle Dependence, Sources, and Geomagnetic Impacts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 10, article id. 135, 19 pp. |
Publication Date: |
10/2018 |
Title: |
Visibility and Origin
of Compact Interplanetary Radio Type IV Bursts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
293, Issue 11, article id. 148, 18 pp. |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Ion Charge States and
Potential Geoeffectiveness: The Role of Coronal
Spectroscopy for Space-Weather Forecasting |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
16, Issue 6, pp. 694-703 |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Solar Eruptions, Forbush Decreases, and Geomagnetic Disturbances From
Outstanding Active Region 12673 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
16, Issue 10, pp. 1549-1560 |
Publication Date: |
10/2018 |
Title: |
Solar Sources of
Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds Leading to Helicity Prediction |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
16, Issue 11, pp. 1668-1685 |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Prediction of Solar
Energetic Particle Event Peak Proton Intensity Using a Simple Algorithm Based
on CME Speed and Direction and Observations of Associated Solar Phenomena |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
16, Issue 11, pp. 1862-1881 |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Current State of Reduced
Solar Activity: Intense Geomagnetic Storms |
Authors: |
Manoharan, P. K.;
Mahalakshmi, K.;
Johri, A.;
Jackson, B. V.;
Ravikumar, D.;
Kalyanasundaram, K.; Subramanian, S. P.;
Mittal, A. K. |
Publication: |
Sun and Geosphere,
vol.13, no.2, p.135-143. |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
3He-rich Solar Energetic Particles in Helical Jets on the Sun |
Authors: |
Bucík, Radoslav; Innes, Davina E.;
Mason, Glenn M.;
Wiedenbeck, Mark E.; Gómez-Herrero, Raúl;
Nitta, Nariaki V. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 852, Issue 2, article id. 76, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Out-of-ecliptic White-light Imaging of Coronal Mass Ejections Traveling
through the Corona and Heliosphere |
Authors: |
Xiong, Ming;
Davies, Jackie A.;
Harrison, Richard A.;
Zhou, Yufen; Feng, Xueshang; Xia, Lidong; Li, Bo;
Liu, Ying D.;
Hayashi, Keiji; Li, Huichao; Yang, Liping |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 852, Issue 2, article id. 111, 20 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
A Quasi-periodic
Fast-propagating Magnetosonic Wave Associated with
the Eruption of a Magnetic Flux Rope |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 853, Issue 1, article id. 1, 12 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
The Propitious Role of
Solar Energetic Particles in the Origin of Life |
Authors: |
Lingam, Manasvi;
Dong, Chuanfei; Fang, Xiaohua; Jakosky, Bruce M.; Loeb, Abraham |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 853, Issue 1, article id. 10, 10 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Reconnection Fluxes in
Eruptive and Confined Flares and Implications for Superflares
on the Sun |
Authors: |
Tschernitz, Johannes; Veronig, Astrid M.; Thalmann, Julia K.; Hinterreiter, Jürgen; Pötzi, Werner |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 853, Issue 1, article id. 41, 16 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
On the Factors
Determining the Eruptive Character of Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Baumgartner, Christian;
Thalmann, Julia K.; Veronig, Astrid M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 853, Issue 2, article id. 105, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
02/2018 |
Title: |
A New Tool for CME
Arrival Time Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms: CAT-PUMA |
Authors: |
Liu, Jiajia; Ye, Yudong; Shen, Chenglong; Wang, Yuming; Erdélyi, Robert |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 855, Issue 2, article id. 109, 10 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
STEREO Observations of
Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in 2007--2016 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 855, Issue 2, article id. 114, 17 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Two-phase Heating in
Flaring Loops |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 856, Issue 1, article id. 27, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Magnetic Structure of
a Composite Solar Microwave Burst |
Authors: |
Lee, Jeongwoo; White, Stephen M.;
Liu, Chang;
Kliem, Bernhard; Masuda, Satoshi |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 856, Issue 1, article id. 70, 10 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
03/2018 |
Title: |
Plasma Diagnostics of
Coronal Dimming Events |
Authors: |
Vanninathan, Kamalam; Veronig, Astrid M.; Dissauer, Karin; Temmer, Manuela |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 857, Issue 1, article id. 62, 22 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
04/2018 |
Title: |
A Short-term
ESPERTA-based Forecast Tool for Moderate-to-extreme Solar Proton Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 857, Issue 2, article id. 107, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
04/2018 |
Title: |
Pre-eruptive Magnetic
Reconnection within a Multi-flux-rope System in the Solar Corona |
Authors: |
Awasthi, Arun Kumar;
Liu, Rui;
Wang, Haimin; Wang, Yuming; Shen, Chenglong |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 857, Issue 2, article id. 124, 13 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
04/2018 |
Title: |
High-resolution He I
10830 Å Narrowband Imaging for an M-class Flare. II. Multiple Hot Channels:
Their Origin and Destination |
Authors: |
Wang, Ya;
Su, Yingna; Shen, Jinhua;
Yang, Xu;
Cao, Wenda; Ji, Haisheng |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 859, Issue 2, article id. 148, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Statistical study of
magnetic non-potential measures in confined and eruptive flares |
Authors: |
Vasantharaju, N.; Vemareddy, P.; Ravindra, B.;
Doddamani, V. H. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 860, Issue 1, article id. 58, 12 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
An Analytical
Diffusion-Expansion Model for Forbush Decreases
Caused by Flux Ropes |
Authors: |
Dumbovic, Mateja; Heber, Bernd;
Vrsnak, Bojan; Temmer, Manuela; Kirin, Anamarija |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 860, Issue 1, article id. 71, 12 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Motions During a Prominence Eruption as seen from SDO/AIA |
Authors: |
Pant, V.;
Datta, A.;
Banerjee, D.;
Chandrashekhar, K.;
Ray, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 860, Issue 1, article id. 80, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Vertical Oscillation
of a Coronal Cavity Triggered by an EUV Wave |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 860, Issue 2, article id. 113, 10 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections: Their Properties and Relation to the Coronal Magnetic
Field Structure |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 861, Issue 2, article id. 103, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
Association between
Tornadoes and Instability of Hosting Prominences |
Authors: |
Mghebrishvili, Irakli; Zaqarashvili, Teimuraz V.;
Kukhianidze, Vasil; Kuridze, David; Tsiklauri, David; Shergelashvili, Bidzina M.;
Poedts, Stefaan |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 861, Issue 2, article id. 112, 10 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
Plasma Interactions
with the Space Environment in the Acceleration Region: Indications of
CME-trailing Reconnection Regions |
Authors: |
Jensen, Elizabeth A.;
Heiles, Carl; Wexler, David;
Kepley, Amanda A.; Kuiper, Thomas;
Bisi, Mario M.; Domingue Lorin, Deborah; Kuiper, Elizabeth V.;
Vilas, Faith |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 861, Issue 2, article id. 118, 12 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
Does Nearby Open Flux
Affect the Eruptivity of Solar Active Regions? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 861, Issue 2, article id. 131, 10 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
07/2018 |
Title: |
Spatial Organization
of Seven Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Events |
Authors: |
Kocharov, Leon; Pohjolainen, Silja; Reiner, Mike J.;
Mishev, Alexander; Wang, Haimin; Usoskin, Ilya; Vainio, Rami |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 862, Issue 2, article id. L20, 6 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
Suppression of Coronal
Mass Ejections in Active Stars by an Overlying Large-scale Magnetic Field: A
Numerical Study |
Authors: |
Alvarado-Gómez, Julián D.; Drake, Jeremy J.; Cohen, Ofer; Moschou, Sofia P.; Garraffo, Cecilia |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 862, Issue 2, article id. 93, 12 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
How Reliable Are the
Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections Measured from a Single Viewpoint? |
Authors: |
Balmaceda, Laura A.; Vourlidas, Angelos; Stenborg, Guillermo; Dal Lago, Alisson |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 863, Issue 1, article id. 57, 16 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
Observations of Two
Successive EUV Waves and Their Mode Conversion |
Authors: |
Chandra, Ramesh;
Chen, P. F.;
Joshi, Reetika;
Joshi, Bhuwan; Schmieder, Brigitte |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 863, Issue 1, article id. 101, 9 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
Observational Study of
an Earth-affecting Problematic ICME from STEREO |
Authors: |
Chi, Yutian; Zhang, Jie;
Shen, Chenglong; Hess, Phillip;
Liu, Lijuan;
Mishra, Wageesh; Wang, Yuming |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 863, Issue 1, article id. 108, 13 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
Statistics of Coronal Dimmings Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections. I.
Characteristic Dimming Properties and Flare Association |
Authors: |
Dissauer, K.; Veronig, A. M.; Temmer, M.; Podladchikova, T.; Vanninathan, K. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 863, Issue 2, article id. 169, 20 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
A Data-constrained
Model for Coronal Mass Ejections Using the Graduated Cylindrical Shell Method |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 864, Issue 1, article id. 18, 13 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
A Statistical Study to
Determine the Origin of Long-duration Gamma-Ray Flares |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 864, Issue 1, article id. 39, 12 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Size Distributions of
Solar Proton Events and Their Associated Soft X-Ray Flares: Application of
the Maximum Likelihood Estimator |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 864, Issue 1, article id. 48, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Magnetic Flux
Cancelation as the Buildup and Trigger Mechanism for CME-producing Eruptions
in Two Small Active Regions |
Authors: |
Sterling, Alphonse C.;
Moore, Ronald L.;
Panesar, Navdeep K. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 864, Issue 1, article id. 68, 22 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Statistical Analysis
of Torus and Kink Instabilities in Solar Eruptions |
Authors: |
Jing, Ju;
Liu, Chang;
Lee, Jeongwoo; Ji, Hantao; Liu, Nian; Xu, Yan;
Wang, Haimin |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 864, Issue 2, article id. 138, 9 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Dependence of Coronal
Mass Ejection Properties on Their Solar Source Active Region Characteristics
and Associated Flare Reconnection Flux |
Authors: |
Pal, Sanchita; Nandy, Dibyendu; Srivastava, Nandita; Gopalswamy, Nat; Panda, Suman |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 865, Issue 1, article id. 4, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Title: |
Investigation of
Energetic Particle Release Using Multi-point Imaging and In Situ Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 865, Issue 2, article id. 138, 11 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
10/2018 |
Title: |
Analysis of the 2012 July 6 Type II Solar Radio Burst at Low Frequencies |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 867, Issue 1, article id. 40, 6 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Quasi-periodic Fluctuations in C II, Si IV, and Fe XXI Emission during Chromospheric Evaporation in a Flare Ribbon Observed by
IRIS on 2017 September 9 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 867, Issue 2, article id. 85, 17 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Investigation of
White-light Emission in Circular-ribbon Flares |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 867, Issue 2, article id. 159, 13 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Oscillations of 21 Halo Coronal Mass Ejections Using Multi-spacecraft Data |
Authors: |
Lee, Harim;
Moon, Y.-J.;
Nakariakov, V. M.; Na, Hyeonock; Cho, Il-Hyun;
Park, Eunsu |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 868, Issue 1, article id. 18, 8 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Magnetic Field
Modeling of Hot Channels in Four Flare/Coronal Mass Ejection Events |
Authors: |
Liu, Tie; Su, Yingna; Cheng, Xin; van Ballegooijen, Adriaan;
Ji, Haisheng |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 868, Issue 1, article id. 59, 16 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
11/2018 |
Title: |
Interplanetary Type II
Radio Bursts from Wind/WAVES and Sustained Gamma-Ray Emission from Fermi/LAT:
Evidence for Shock Source |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, Nat;
Mäkelä, Pertti; Yashiro, Seiji;
Lara, Alejandro;
Xie, Hong;
Akiyama, Sachiko;
MacDowall, Robert J. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 868, Issue 2, article id. L19, 8 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Genesis and Impulsive
Evolution of the 2017 September 10 Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Veronig, Astrid M.; Podladchikova, Tatiana; Dissauer, Karin; Temmer, Manuela; Seaton, Daniel B.;
Long, David;
Guo, Jingnan; Vrsnak, Bojan; Harra, Louise; Kliem, Bernhard |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 868, Issue 2, article id. 107, 17 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Statistical Study of
ICMEs with Low Mean Carbon Charge State Plasmas Detected from 1998 to 2011 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 868, Issue 2, article id. 124, 14 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Evidence for Downflows
in the Narrow Plasma Sheet of 2017 September 10 and Their Significance for
Flare Reconnection |
Authors: |
Longcope, Dana; Unverferth, John; Klein, Courtney;
McCarthy, Marika;
Priest, Eric |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 868, Issue 2, article id. 148, 16 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
3He-rich Solar Energetic Particles from Sunspot Jets |
Authors: |
Bucík, Radoslav; Wiedenbeck, Mark E.; Mason, Glenn M.;
Gómez-Herrero, Raúl;
Nitta, Nariaki V.;
Wang, Linghua |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 869, Issue 1, article id. L21, 6 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
A Blowout Jet
Associated with One Obvious Extreme-ultraviolet Wave and One Complicated
Coronal Mass Ejection Event |
Authors: |
Miao, Y.;
Liu, Y.;
Li, H. B.;
Shen, Y.;
Yang, S.;
Elmhamdi, A.; Kordi, A. S.; Abidin, Z. Z. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 869, Issue 1, article id. 39, 12 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Low-latitude Aurorae
during the Extreme Space Weather Events in 1859 |
Authors: |
Hayakawa, Hisashi;
Ebihara, Yusuke; Hand, David P.;
Hayakawa, Satoshi;
Kumar, Sandeep;
Mukherjee, Shyamoli;
Veenadhari, B. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 869, Issue 1, article id. 57, 17 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Statistical Relation
between Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections with Respect to Sigmoidal
Structures in Active Regions |
Authors: |
Kawabata, Yusuke;
Iida, Yusuke;
Doi, Takafumi; Akiyama, Sachiko;
Yashiro, Seiji;
Shimizu, Toshifumi |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 869, Issue 2, article id. 99, 16 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Unraveling the Links
among Sympathetic Eruptions |
Authors: |
Wang, Dong;
Liu, Rui;
Wang, Yuming; Gou, Tingyu;
Zhang, Quanhao; Zhou, Zhenjun; Zhang, Min |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 869, Issue 2, article id. 177, 10 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
Characteristics of
Late-phase >100 MeV Gamma-Ray Emission in Solar Eruptive Events |
Authors: |
Share, G. H.;
Murphy, R. J.;
White, S. M.;
Tolbert, A. K.;
Dennis, B. R.;
Schwartz, R. A.;
Smart, D. F.;
Shea, M. A. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 869, Issue 2, article id. 182, 55 pp. (2018). |
Publication Date: |
12/2018 |
Title: |
A Primer on Complex
Systems |
Authors: |
Publication: |
A Primer on Complex
Systems: With Applications to Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, Lecture
Notes in Physics, Volume 943. ISBN 978-94-024-1227-7. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature,
2018 |
Publication Date: |
00/2018 |
Title: |
Study of Stealth CMEs
and associated ICMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Long-term Datasets for
the Understanding of Solar and Stellar Magnetic Cycles, Proceedings of the
International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 340, pp. 89-90 |
Title: |
Coronal mass ejections
as a new indicator of the active Sun |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Long-term Datasets for
the Understanding of Solar and Stellar Magnetic Cycles, Proceedings of the
International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 340, pp. 95-100 |
Publication Date: |
02/2018 |
Title: |
Solar cycle variation
of coronal mass ejections contribution to solar wind mass flux |
Authors: |
Mishra, Wageesh; Srivastava, Nandita;
Mirtoshev, Zavkiddin; Wang, Yuming |
Publication: |
Long-term Datasets for
the Understanding of Solar and Stellar Magnetic Cycles, Proceedings of the
International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 340, pp. 175-176 |
Publication Date: |
02/2018 |
Title: |
Using Forbush decreases to derive the transit time of ICMEs
propagating from 1 AU to Mars |
Authors: |
von Forstner, Johan; Guo, Jingnan; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.; Hassler, Donald M.;
Temmer, Manuela; Dumbovic, Mateja; Jian, Lan K.;
Appel, Jan K.;
Calogovic, Jasa; Ehresmann, Bent; Heber, Bernd;
Lohf, Henning; Posner, Arik;
Vrsnak, Bojan; Zeitlin, Cary J. |
Publication: |
20th EGU General
Assembly, EGU2018, Proceedings from the conference held 4-13 April, 2018 in
Vienna, Austria, p.9306 |
Publication Date: |
04/2018 |
Title: |
Dynamics of solar
Coronal Mass Ejections: forces that impact their propagation |
Authors: |
Sacheva, Nishtha |
Publication: |
of Doctor of Philosophy |
Publication Date: |
01/2018 |
Title: |
Interplanetary radio
type II and type IV bursts as indicators of propagating solar transients |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Proceedings of 2nd
URSI AT-RASC Meeting in Gran Canaria, 28 May - 1
June 2018 |
Publication Date: |
06/2018 |
Title: |
Forecasting Solar
Energetic Particle Events and Associated False Alarms |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Weather of the
Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts, Proceedings of the International
Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 335, pp. 324-327 |
Publication Date: |
08/2018 |
Title: |
Compare Peculiarities
of Forming Coronal Mass Ejections with Different Velocities in the FOV of Lasco Coronagraphs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Physics - the Current State and Prospects. Vol. 2, Astronomy-2018 (XIII
Congress of the International Public Organization "Astronomical
Society"). Conference Abstracts, Moscow: IZMIRAN, 2018. p. 82-85 |
Publication Date: |
09/2018 |
Publication Year 2017
Title: |
A study of the
possible relation of the cardiac arrhythmias occurrence to the polarity
reversal of the solar magnetic field |
Authors: |
Mavromichalaki, H.; Preka-Papadema, P.; Theodoropoulou, A.; Paouris, E.; Apostolou, Th. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 59, Issue 1, p. 366-378. |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
Characteristics of
active regions associated to large solar energetic proton events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 59, Issue 1, p. 384-392. |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
25 MeV solar proton
events in Cycle 24 and previous cycles |
Authors: |
Richardson, Ian G.;
von Rosenvinge, Tycho T.; Cane, Hilary V. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 60, Issue 4, p. 755-767. |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
Southern European
ionospheric TEC maps based on Kriging technique to monitor ionosphere
behavior |
Authors: |
Rodríguez-Bouza, Marta; Paparini, Claudia; Otero, Xurxo; Herraiz, Miguel; Radicella, Sandro M.; Abe, Oladipo E.; Rodríguez-Caderot, Gracia |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 60, Issue 8, p. 1606-1616. |
Publication Date: |
10/2017 |
Title: |
Visibility of coronal
mass ejections in SOHO/LASCO coronagraphs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 60, Issue 9, p. 2108-2115. |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Interplanetary Coronal
Mass Ejection effects on thermospheric density as
inferred from International Space Station orbital data |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 60, Issue 10, p. 2233-2251. |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Blowout jets and
impulsive eruptive flares in a bald-patch topology |
Authors: |
Chandra, R.;
Mandrini, C. H.; Schmieder, B.; Joshi, B.;
Cristiani, G. D.;
Cremades, H.;
Pariat, E.; Nuevo, F. A.;
Srivastava, A. K.;
Uddin, W. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 598, id.A41, 15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2017 |
Title: |
Automated detection of
coronal mass ejections in three-dimensions using multi-viewpoint observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 599, id.A68, 11 pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
A likely detection of
a local interplanetary dust cloud passing near the Earth in the AKARI
mid-infrared all-sky map |
Authors: |
Ishihara, D.;
Kondo, T.;
Kaneda, H.;
Suzuki, T.;
Nakamichi, K.; Takaba, S.; Kobayashi, H.;
Masuda, S.;
Ootsubo, T.; Pyo, J.; Onaka, T. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 603, id.A82, 5 pp. |
Publication Date: |
07/2017 |
Title: |
Characteristics of
events with metric-to-decahectometric type II radio
bursts associated with CMEs and flares in relation to SEP events |
Authors: |
Prakash, O.;
Feng, Li;
Michalek, G.; Gan, Weiqun; Lu, Lei;
Shanmugaraju, A.; Umapathy, S. |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space
Science, Volume 362, Issue 3, article id.56, 20 pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
Stationarity and
periodicities of linear speed of coronal mass ejection: a statistical signal
processing approach |
Authors: |
Chattopadhyay, Anirban;
Khondekar, Mofazzal Hossain;
Bhattacharjee, Anup Kumar |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space
Science, Volume 362, Issue 9, article id.179, 12 pp. |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Analysis of a CME and
EUV waves associated with a solar flare on 13 February 2011 |
Authors: |
Luoni, M. L.; Francile, C.; López, F. M.;
Cremades, H.;
Mandrini, C. H.; Castro, J. I. |
Publication: |
de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol. 59, p. 151-153 |
Publication Date: |
10/2017 |
Title: |
Flares, ejections,
proton events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy, Volume 57, Issue 6, pp.727-737 |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Statistical Studies of
Coronal Mass Ejections and Coronal Holes |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy, Volume 57, Issue 8, pp.952-963 |
Publication Date: |
12/2017 |
Title: |
Solar and
Interplanetary Activities of isolated and non-isolated coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Bendict Lawrance, M.;
Shanmugaraju, A.; Moon, Y. –J.; Umapathy,
S |
Publication: |
Indian Journal of
Physics, Volume 91, Issue 7, pp.711-720 |
Publication Date: |
07/2017 |
Title: |
Effect of Coronal Mass
Ejection on Earth's Magnetic Field during Ascending Phase of Solar Cycles
23-24 |
Authors: |
Nigam, Bharti;
Singh, Prithvi Raj;
Chamadia, Pramod Kumar; Saxena, Ajay Kumar;
Tiwari, Chandra Mani |
Publication: |
International Journal
of Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 7, issue 03, pp. 213-220 |
Publication Date: |
00/2017 |
Title: |
Auto-detection of Halo
CME Parameters as the Initial Condition of Solar Wind Propagation |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Astronomy
and Space Sciences, Vol. 34, p. 315-330 |
Publication Date: |
12/2017 |
Title: |
Coronal Flux Ropes and
their Interplanetary Counterparts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
under review in J. Atmos.
Solar-Terr. Phys. May 24, 2017 |
Publication Date: |
05/2017 |
Title: |
Using the Coronal
Evolution to Successfully Forward Model CMEs' In Situ Magnetic Profiles |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 122, Issue 12, pp. 11,810-11,834 |
Publication Date: |
12/2017 |
Title: |
Toward a Next
Generation Solar Coronagraph: Development of a Compact Diagnostic Coronagraph
on the ISS |
Authors: |
Cho, K.-S.;
Bong, S.-C.;
Choi, S.;
Yang, H.;
Kim, J.;
Baek, J.-H.;
Park, J.;
Lim, E.-K.;
Kim, R.-S.;
Kim, S.;
Kim, Y.-H.;
Park, Y.-D.;
Clarke, S. W.;
Davila, J. M.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Nakariakov, V. M.; Li, B.;
Pinto, R. F. |
Publication: |
Journal of the Korean
Astronomical Society, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 139-149 |
Publication Date: |
10/2017 |
Title: |
Flare magnetic
reconnection fluxes as possible signatures of flare contributions to gradual
SEP events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, Volume 900, Issue 1, article id. 012011 (2017). |
Publication Date: |
09/20 |
Title: |
Large Energetic
Particle Pressures in Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Lario, D.;
Decker, R. B.;
Roelof, E. C.; Viñas, A. F.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.; Berger, L. |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, Volume 900, Issue 1, article id. 012012 (2017). |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Solar signatures and
eruption mechanism of the August 14, 2010 coronal mass ejection (CME) |
Authors: |
D'Huys, Elke; Seaton, Daniel B.;
De Groof, Anik; Berghmans, David; Poedts, Stefaan |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 7, id.A7, 16 pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
Catalogue of 55-80 MeV
solar proton events extending through solar cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Paassilta, Miikka; Raukunen, Osku; Vainio, Rami; Valtonen, Eino; Papaioannou, Athanasios; Siipola, Robert; Riihonen, Esa; Dierckxsens, Mark; Crosby, Norma;
Malandraki, Olga; Heber, Bernd;
Klein, Karl-Ludwig |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 7, id.A14, 19 pp. |
Publication Date: |
06/2017 |
Title: |
Small electron
acceleration episodes in the solar corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 471, Issue 1, p.89-99 |
Publication Date: |
10/2017 |
Title: |
A study of a coronal
hole associated with a large filament eruption |
Authors: |
Gutiérrez, Heidy;
Taliashvili, Lela; Lazarian, Alexandre; Mouradian, Zadig |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 471, Issue 4, p.4776-4787 |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Stellar coronal mass
ejections - I. Estimating occurrence frequencies and mass-loss rates |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 472, Issue 1, p.876-890 |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Coronal mass ejections
are not coherent magnetohydrodynamic structures |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Nature Scientific
Reports, Volume 7, id. 4152 |
Publication Date: |
06/2017 |
Title: |
Relationship of
decametric-hectometric type II radio burst, coronal
mass ejections and solar flare observed during 1997-2014 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
50, p. 60-72. |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
Geoeffectiveness of solar eruptions during the rising
phase of solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
51, p. 74-85. |
Publication Date: |
02/2017 |
Title: |
Multi-wavelength view
of an M2.2 solar flare on 26 november 2000 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
51, p. 105-112. |
Publication Date: |
02/2017 |
Title: |
Study of large solar
energetic particle events with halo coronal mass ejections and their
associated solar flares |
Authors: |
Kharayat, Hema; Prasad, Lalan; Pokharia, Meena; Bhoj, Chandrashekhar; Mathpal, Chandni |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
53, p. 44-52. |
Publication Date: |
05/2017 |
Title: |
Dependence of E >=
100 MeV protons on the associated flares and CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Volume 17, Issue 7, article id. 073 (2017). |
Publication Date: |
07/2017 |
Title: |
Dependence of large
SEP events with different energies on the associated flares and CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Volume 17, Issue 12, article id. 123 (2017). |
Publication Date: |
12/2017 |
Title: |
Origin and Structures
of Solar Eruptions I: Magnetic Flux Rope |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Science China Earth
Sciences, Volume 60, p. 1383-1407 |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
The 26 December 2001
Solar Eruptive Event Responsible for GLE63. II. Multi-Loop Structure of
Microwave Sources in a Major Long-Duration Flare |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V.; Uralov, A. M.; Kiselev, V. I.;
Kochanov, A. A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 1, article id.3, 27 pp. |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
A Statistical Study of
CME Properties and of the Correlation Between Flares and CMEs over Solar
Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 1, article id.5, 19 pp. |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
The Roles of
Reconnected Flux and Overlying Fields in CME Speeds |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 1, article id.17, 16 pp. |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
Flux Accretion and
Coronal Mass Ejection Dynamics |
Authors: |
Publication: |
third revision, resubmitted to Solar
Physics |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
VLA Measurements of
Faraday Rotation through Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Kooi, Jason E.; Fischer, Patrick D.;
Buffo, Jacob J.;
Spangler, Steven R. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 4, article id.56, 45 pp. |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
Main Cause of the
Poloidal Plasma Motion Inside a Magnetic Cloud Inferred from
Multiple-Spacecraft Observations |
Authors: |
Zhao, Ake;
Wang, Yuming; Chi, Yutian; Liu, Jiajia; Shen, Chenglong; Liu, Rui |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 4, article id.58, 18 pp. |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
Characterizing Solar
Energetic Particle Event Profiles with Two-Parameter Fits |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 4, article id.59, 18 pp. |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
The Interaction of
Successive Coronal Mass Ejections: A Review |
Authors: |
Lugaz, Noé; Temmer, Manuela; Wang, Yuming; Farrugia, Charles J. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 4, article id.64, 37 pp. |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
Investigation on
M-class Flare-Associated Coronal Mass Ejections with and Without DH Type II
Radio Bursts |
Authors: |
Selvarani, G.; Shanmugaraju, A.; Vrsnak, Bojan; Lawrance, M. Bendict |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 6, article id.74, 18 pp. |
Publication Date: |
06/2017 |
Title: |
Investigation of the Geoeffectiveness of Disk-Centre Full-Halo Coronal Mass
Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 6, article id.79, 20 pp. |
Publication Date: |
06/2017 |
Title: |
A Study of the
Earth-Affecting CMEs of Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 6, article id.80, 20 pp. |
Publication Date: |
06/2017 |
Title: |
Two-Step Filament
Eruption During 14 - 15 March 2015 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 6, article id.81, 15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
06/2017 |
Title: |
Detection of Coronal
Mass Ejections Using Multiple Features and Space-Time Continuity |
Authors: |
Zhang, Ling;
Yin, Jian-qin;
Lin, Jia-ben;
Feng, Zhi-quan; Zhou, Jin |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 7, article id.91, 16 pp. |
Publication Date: |
07/2017 |
Title: |
Validation of the CME
Geomagnetic Forecast Alerts Under the COMESEP Alert System |
Authors: |
Dumbovic, Mateja; Srivastava, Nandita; Rao, Yamini K.; Vrsnak, Bojan; Devos, Andy; Rodriguez, Luciano |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 8, article id.96, 14 pp. |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
The 26 December 2001
Solar Eruptive Event Responsible for GLE63: III. CME, Shock Waves, and
Energetic Particles |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Kiselev, V. I.;
Uralov, A. M.; Klein, K.-L.;
Kochanov, A. A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 8, article id.102, 34 pp. |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
CME Velocity and
Acceleration Error Estimates Using the Bootstrap Method |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 292,
Issue 8, article id.114, 14 pp. |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
CME Dynamics Using
STEREO and LASCO Observations: The Relative Importance of Lorentz Forces and
Solar Wind Drag |
Authors: |
Sachdeva, Nishtha; Subramanian, Prasad; Vourlidas, Angelos; Bothmer, Volker |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 9, article id.118, 17 pp. |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections Without Obvious Low Coronal Signatures |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 9, article id.125, 26 pp. |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Origin of Radio
Enhancements in Type II Bursts in the Outer Corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 9, article id.127, 39 pp. |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Propagation of Coronal
Mass Ejections Observed During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 9, article id.133, 16 pp. |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Heights of Coronal
Mass Ejections and Shocks Inferred from Metric and DH Type II Radio Bursts |
Authors: |
Shanmugaraju, A.; Bendict Lawrance, M.;
Moon, Y. J.;
Lee, Jae-Ok;
Suresh, K. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 9, article id.136, 15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Understanding Problem
Forecasts of ISEST Campaign Flare-CME Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 10, article id.142, 25 pp. |
Publication Date: |
10/2017 |
Title: |
Development and
Parameters of a Non-Self-Similar CME Caused by the Eruption of a Quiescent
Prominence |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 10, article id.143, 25 pp. |
Publication Date: |
10/2017 |
Title: |
Characterization of
the Complex Ejecta Measured In Situ on 19 - 22 March 2001 by Six Different
Methods |
Authors: |
Ojeda-González, Arian; Klausner, Virginia; Mendes, Odim; Domingues, Margarete Oliveira; Prestes, Alan |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 11, article id.160, 23 pp. |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Strength of the Solar
Coronal Magnetic Field - A Comparison of Independent Estimates Using
Contemporaneous Radio and White-Light Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 11, article id.161, 13 pp. |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Comprehensive Analysis
of the Geoeffective Solar Event of 21 June 2015: Effects on the Magnetosphere,
Plasmasphere, and Ionosphere Systems |
Authors: |
Piersanti, Mirko;
Alberti, Tommaso;
Bemporad, Alessandro; Berrilli, Francesco; Bruno, Roberto;
Capparelli, Vincenzo; Carbone, Vincenzo;
Cesaroni, Claudio; Consolini, Giuseppe; Cristaldi, Alice; Del Corpo, Alfredo; Del Moro, Dario;
Di Matteo, Simone;
Ermolli, Ilaria; Fineschi, Silvano; Giannattasio, Fabio; Giorgi, Fabrizio;
Giovannelli, Luca; Guglielmino, Salvatore Luigi; Laurenza, Monica; Lepreti, Fabio; Marcucci, Maria Federica; Martucci, Matteo; Mergè, Matteo; Pezzopane, Michael; Pietropaolo, Ermanno; Romano, Paolo;
Sparvoli, Roberta; Spogli, Luca; Stangalini, Marco; Vecchio, Antonio;
Vellante, Massimo; Villante, Umberto;
Zuccarello, Francesca;
Heilig, Balázs; Reda, Jan;
Lichtenberger, János |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 11, article id.169, 56 pp. |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Solar Energetic
Particle Forecasting Algorithms and Associated False Alarms |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 11, article id.173, 27 pp. |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Formation of Radio
Type II Bursts During a Multiple Coronal Mass Ejection Event |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
292, Issue 12, article id. #183, 15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2017 |
Title: |
The Physical Processes
of CME/ICME Evolution |
Authors: |
Manchester, Ward;
Kilpua, Emilia K. J.; Liu, Ying D.;
Lugaz, Noé; Riley, Pete;
Török, Tibor; Vrsnak, Bojan |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews,
Volume 212, Issue 3-4, pp. 1159-1219 |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Solar energetic
particle warnings from a coronagraph |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
15, Issue 1, pp. 240-257 |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
Calculating travel
times and arrival speeds of CMEs to Earth: An analytic tool for Space Weather
forecasting |
Authors: |
Corona-Romero, P.; Gonzalez-Esparza, J. A.; Perez-Alanis, C. A.; Aguilar-Rodriguez, E.; de-la-Luz, V.; Mejia-Ambriz, J. C. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
15, Issue 3, pp. 464-483 |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
Modeling observations
of solar coronal mass ejections with heliospheric
imagers verified with the Heliophysics System
Observatory |
Authors: |
Möstl, C.; Isavnin, A.; Boakes, P. D.; Kilpua, E. K. J.; Davies, J. A.;
Harrison, R. A.;
Barnes, D.;
Krupar, V.; Eastwood, J. P.;
Good, S. W.;
Forsyth, R. J.;
Bothmer, V.; Reiss, M. A.;
Amerstorfer, T.; Winslow, R. M.;
Anderson, B. J.;
Philpott, L. C.;
Rodriguez, L.;
Rouillard, A. P.;
Gallagher, P.;
Nieves-Chinchilla, T.;
Zhang, T. L. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
15, Issue 7, pp. 955-970 |
Publication Date: |
07/2017 |
Title: |
Tracking CMEs using
data from the Solar Stormwatch project; observing
deflections and other properties |
Authors: |
Jones, Shannon R.;
Barnard, Luke A.;
Scott, Christopher J.;
Owens, Mathew J.;
Wilkinson, Julia |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
15, Issue 9, pp. 1125-1140 |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Solar cycle dependence
of Wind/EPACT protons, solar flares and coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Miteva, R.; Samwel, S. W.; Costa-Duarte, M. V.; Malandraki, O. E. |
Publication: |
Sun and Geosphere,
vol.12, no.1, p.11-19. |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
Challenging Some
Contemporary Views of Coronal Mass Ejections. II. The Case for Absent
Filaments |
Authors: |
Howard, T. A.;
DeForest, C. E.; Schneck, U. G.; Alden, C. R. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 834, Issue 1, article id. 86, 17 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
Magnetic Properties of
Solar Active Regions That Govern Large Solar Flares and Eruptions |
Authors: |
Toriumi, Shin; Schrijver, Carolus J.;
Harra, Louise K.; Hudson, Hugh;
Nagashima, Kaori |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 834, Issue 1, article id. 56, 19 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
Evidence of
Significant Energy Input in the Late Phase of a Solar Flare from NuSTAR X-Ray Observations |
Authors: |
Kuhar, Matej; Krucker, Säm; Hannah, Iain G.;
Glesener, Lindsay; Saint-Hilaire, Pascal;
Grefenstette, Brian W.; Hudson, Hugh S.;
White, Stephen M.;
Smith, David M.;
Marsh, Andrew J.;
Wright, Paul J.;
Boggs, Steven E.;
Christensen, Finn E.;
Craig, William W.;
Hailey, Charles J.;
Harrison, Fiona A.;
Stern, Daniel;
Zhang, William W. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 835, Issue 1, article id. 6, 8 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
Time Evolution of
Elemental Ratios in Solar Energetic Particle Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 835, Issue 1, article id. 71, 13 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
01/2017 |
Title: |
Observations of the
Formation, Development, and Structure of a Current Sheet in an Eruptive Solar
Flare |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 139, 12 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
02/2017 |
Title: |
Detection and Interpretation
of Long-lived X-Ray Quasi-periodic Pulsations in the X-class Solar Flare on
2013 May 14 |
Authors: |
Dennis, Brian R.;
Tolbert, Anne K.;
Inglis, Andrew;
Ireland, Jack;
Wang, Tongjiang; Holman, Gordon D.;
Hayes, Laura A.;
Gallagher, Peter T. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 836, Issue 1, article id. 84, 15 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
02/2017 |
Title: |
Comparing Automatic
CME Detections in Multiple LASCO and SECCHI Catalogs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 836, Issue 1, article id. 134, 9 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
02/2017 |
Title: |
Investigating the Wave
Nature of the Outer Envelope of Halo Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 836, Issue 2, article id. 246, 16 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
02/2017 |
Title: |
An Alternative Method
for Identifying Interplanetary Magnetic Cloud Regions |
Authors: |
Ojeda-Gonzalez, A.; Mendes, O.; Calzadilla, A.; Domingues, M. O.; Prestes, A.; Klausner, V. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 837, Issue 2, article id. 156, 11 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
Investigating the Wave
Nature of the Outer Envelope of Halo Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 836, Issue 2, article id. 246, 16 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
02/2017 |
Title: |
Propagation of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal
Letters, Volume 837, Issue 2, article id. L17, 8 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
The Pale Green Dot: A
Method to Characterize Proxima Centauri b Using Exo-Aurorae |
Authors: |
Luger, Rodrigo;
Lustig-Yaeger, Jacob;
Fleming, David P.;
Tilley, Matt A.;
Agol, Eric; Meadows, Victoria S.;
Deitrick, Russell;
Barnes, Rory |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 837, Issue 1, article id. 63, 17 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
Active Longitude and
Coronal Mass Ejection Occurrences |
Authors: |
Gyenge, N.; Singh, T.;
Kiss, T. S.;
Srivastava, A. K.;
Erdélyi, R. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 838, Issue 1, article id. 18, 10 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
The Solar Energetic Particle
Event of 2010 August 14: Connectivity with the Solar Source Inferred from
Multiple Spacecraft Observations and Modeling |
Authors: |
Lario, D.;
Kwon, R.-Y.;
Richardson, I. G.;
Raouafi, N. E.; Thompson, B. J.;
von Rosenvinge, T. T.; Mays, M. L.;
Mäkelä, P. A.; Xie, H.;
Bain, H. M.;
Zhang, M.;
Zhao, L.;
Cane, H. V.;
Papaioannou, A.; Thakur, N.;
Riley, P. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 838, Issue 1, article id. 51, 24 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
Which Bow Shock Theory,
Gasdynamic or Magnetohydrodynamic, Better Explains
CME Stand-off Distance Ratios from LASCO-C2 Observations ? |
Authors: |
Lee, Jae-Ok;
Moon, Y.-J.;
Lee, Jin-Yi; Kim, R.-S.;
Cho, K.-S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 838, Issue 1, article id. 70, 7 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejection Catalog Based on STEREO COR2 Observations |
Authors: |
Vourlidas, Angelos; Balmaceda, Laura A.; Stenborg, Guillermo; Dal Lago, Alisson |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 838, Issue 2, article id. 141, 17 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
The Deflection of the
Cartwheel CME: ForeCAT Results |
Authors: |
Capannolo, Luisa; Opher, Merav; Kay, Christina;
Landi, Enrico |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 839, Issue 1, article id. 37, 7 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
Statistical Study of
Solar Dimmings Using CoDiT |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 839, Issue 1, article id. 50, 7 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
Investigating the
Origins of Two Extreme Solar Particle Events: Proton Source Profile and
Associated Electromagnetic Emissions |
Authors: |
Kocharov, Leon; Pohjolainen, Silja; Mishev, Alexander; Reiner, Mike J.;
Lee, Jeongwoo; Laitinen, Timo; Didkovsky, Leonid V.; Pizzo, Victor J.; Kim, Roksoon; Klassen, Andreas;
Karlicky, Marian; Cho, Kyung-Suk;
Gary, Dale E.;
Usoskin, Ilya; Valtonen, Eino; Vainio, Rami |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 839, Issue 2, article id. 79, 21 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
Development of a Full
Ice-cream Cone Model for Halo Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 839, Issue 2, article id. 82, 9 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
Formation and Eruption
Process of a Filament in Active Region NOAA 12241 |
Authors: |
Wang, Jincheng;
Yan, Xiaoli; Qu, ZhongQuan; Xue, Zhike; Yang, Liheng |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 839, Issue 2, article id. 128, 12 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
04/2017 |
Title: |
Observations of a Coronal
Shock Wave and the Production of Solar Energetic Particles |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 840, Issue 1, article id. 38, 10 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
05/2017 |
Title: |
Solar Energetic Electrons inside Multiple Interplanetary Flux Ropes |
Authors: |
Gómez-Herrero, Raúl; Dresing, Nina; Klassen, Andreas; Heber, Bernd; Temmer, Manuela; Veronig, Astrid; Bucík, Radoslav; Hidalgo, Miguel A.; Carcaboso, Fernando; Blanco, Juan J.; Lario, David |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 840, Issue 2, article id. 85, 15 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
05/2017 |
Title: |
Mass-loss Rates from
Coronal Mass Ejections: A Predictive Theoretical Model for Solar-type Stars |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 840, Issue 2, article id. 114, 10 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
05/2017 |
Title: |
Study on Precursor
Activity of the X1.6 Flare in the Great AR 12192 with SDO, IRIS, and Hinode |
Authors: |
Bamba, Yumi;
Lee, Kyoung-Sun;
Imada, Shinsuke; Kusano, Kanya |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 840, Issue 2, article id. 116, 13 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
05/2017 |
Title: |
Determination of Coronal Mass Ejections' Kinematics in 3D |
Authors: |
Braga, Carlos Roberto; Dal Lago, Alisson; Echer, Ezequiel; Stenborg, Guillermo; Rodrigues Souza de Mendonça, Rafael |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 842, Issue 2, article id. 134, 25 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
06/2017 |
Title: |
New Evidence for a
Coronal Mass Ejection-driven High Frequency Type II Burst near the Sun |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 843, Issue 1, article id. 10, 7 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
07/2017 |
Title: |
Heating of an Erupting
Prominence Associated with a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection on 2012 January 27 |
Authors: |
Lee, Jin-Yi; Raymond, John C.;
Reeves, Katharine K.;
Moon, Yong-Jae;
Kim, Kap-Sung |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 844, Issue 1, article id. 3, 16 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
07/2017 |
Title: |
Dependence of the Peak
Fluxes of Solar Energetic Particles on CME 3D Parameters from STEREO and SOHO |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 844, Issue 1, article id. 17, 6 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
07/2017 |
Title: |
The Causes of
Quasi-homologous CMEs |
Authors: |
Liu, Lijuan;
Wang, Yuming; Liu, Rui;
Zhou, Zhenjun; Temmer, M.; Thalmann, J. K.; Liu, Jiajia; Liu, Kai;
Shen, Chenglong; Zhang, Quanhao; Veronig, A. M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 844, Issue 2, article id. 141, 19 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
Successive Homologous
Coronal Mass Ejections Driven by Shearing and Converging Motions in Solar
Active Region NOAA 12371 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 845, Issue 1, article id. 59, 14 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
Transient Mass-loss
Analysis of Solar Observations Using Stellar Methods |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 845, Issue 1, article id. 67, 14 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
The Significance of
the Influence of the CME Deflection in Interplanetary Space on the CME
Arrival at Earth |
Authors: |
Zhuang, Bin;
Wang, Yuming; Shen, Chenglong; Liu, Siqing; Wang, Jingjing;
Pan, Zonghao; Li, Huimin; Liu, Rui |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 845, Issue 2, article id. 117, 12 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
Two Distinct Types of
CME-flare Relationships Based on SOHO and STEREO Observations |
Authors: |
Jang, Soojeong; Moon, Yong-Jae;
Kim, Rok-Soon; Kim, Sujin; Lee, Jae-Ok |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 845, Issue 2, article id. 169, 7 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
Magnetic Flux Rope
Identification and Characterization from Observationally Driven Solar Coronal
Models |
Authors: |
Affiliation: |
AA(Department of
Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
0000-0001-8318-8229), AB(Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham
University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK 0000-0002-2728-4053) |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 846, Issue 2, article id. 106, 13 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Global Energetics of
Solar Flares. VI. Refined Energetics of Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 847, Issue 1, article id. 27, 19 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Explosive Chromospheric Evaporation and Warm Rain in a C3.1 Flare
Observed by IRIS, Hinode/EIS, and RHESSI |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 848, Issue 1, article id. 39, 12 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
10/2017 |
Title: |
On the Link between
the Release of Solar Energetic Particles Measured at Widespread Heliolongitudes and the Properties of the Associated
Coronal Shocks |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 847, Issue 2, article id. 103, 22 pp. (2017). ( |
Publication Date: |
10/2017 |
Title: |
Prominence Eruption
Initiated by Helical Kink Instability of an Embedded Flux Rope |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 850, Issue 1, article id. 38, 12 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
A Monster CME
Obscuring a Demon Star Flare |
Authors: |
Moschou, Sofia-Paraskevi; Drake, Jeremy J.; Cohen, Ofer; Alvarado-Gomez, Julian D.; Garraffo, Cecilia |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. 191, 9 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
12/2017 |
Title: |
Observations of the
Coronal Mass Ejection with a Complex Acceleration Profile |
Authors: |
Reva, A. A.;
Kirichenko, A. S.; Ulyanov, A. S.;
Kuzin, S. V. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 851, Issue 2, article id. 108, 15 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
12/2017 |
Title: |
A Sun-to-Earth Analysis
of Magnetic Helicity of the 2013 March 17--18 Interplanetary Coronal Mass
Ejection |
Authors: |
Pal, Sanchita; Gopalswamy, Nat;
Nandy, Dibyendu; Akiyama, Sachiko;
Yashiro, Seiji;
Makela, Pertti;
Xie, Hong |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 851, Issue 2, article id. 123, 10 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
12/2017 |
Title: |
Is There a CME Rate
Floor? CME and Magnetic Flux Values for the Last Four Solar Cycle Minima |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 851, Issue 2, article id. 142, 10 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
12/2017 |
Title: |
Propagation of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 837, Issue 2, article id. L17, 8 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
03/2017 |
Title: |
First Detection of
Prominence Material Embedded within a 2 × 106 K CME Front
Streaming away at 100-1500 km s-1 in the Solar Corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 842, Issue 1, article id. L7, 9 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
06/2017 |
Title: |
Direct Observation of
Two-step Magnetic Reconnection in a Solar Flare |
Authors: |
Gou, Tingyu; Veronig, Astrid M.; Dickson, Ewan C.; Hernandez-Perez, Aaron; Liu, Rui |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 845, Issue 1, article id. L1, 8 pp. (2017). |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
Assessing the Nature
of Collisions of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Inner Heliosphere |
Authors: |
Mishra, Wageesh; Wang, Yuming; Srivastava, Nandita;
Shen, Chenglong |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement Series, Volume 232, Issue 1, article id. 5, 24 pp. (2017).
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Title: |
Characteristics of Sustained >100 MeV Gamma-ray
Emission Associated with Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Share, G. H.;
Murphy, R. J.;
Tolbert, A. K.;
Dennis, B. R.;
White, S. M.;
Schwartz, R. A.;
Tylka, A. J. |
Publication: |
Submitted to Astrophysical
Journal Supplement |
Publication Date: |
11/2017 |
Title: |
Extreme solar storms
based on solar magnetic field |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Conference in Varna June 2016; doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2017.07.018 |
Publication Date: |
08/2017 |
Title: |
Extreme Solar
Eruptions and their Space Weather Consequences |
Authors: |
Publication: |
accepted on August 8, 2017 to
be published by Elsevier as a chapter in the book, "Extreme Events in
the Geospace: Origins, Predictability and Consequences",
Ed. Natalia Buzulukova |
Publication Date: |
09/2017 |
Publication Year 2016
Title: |
On geomagnetic storms
and associated solar activity phenomena observed during 1996-2009 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Acta Astronautica, Volume 121, p. 179-199. |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Storm-time variation
of the horizontal and vertical components of the geomagnetic fields and rate
of induction at different latitudes |
Authors: |
Falayi, E. O.; Oyebanjo, O. A.; Omotosho, T. V.; Okusanya, A. A. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research,
Volume 58, Issue 7, p. 1208-1218. |
Publication Date: |
10/2016 |
Title: |
Development of a
formalism for computing transits of Earth-directed CMEs, plasma sheaths, and
shocks. Towards a forecasting tool |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 58, Issue 10, p. 2007-2017. |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Solar eruptions: The
CME-flare relationship |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomische Nachrichten,
Vol.337, Issue 10, p.1002 |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Kinematical properties
of coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomische Nachrichten,
Vol.337, Issue 10, p.1010 |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Plasma diagnostics in
two kinematic classes of CMEs observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
onboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomische Nachrichten,
Vol.337, Issue 10, p.1016 |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
The injection of ten
electron/3He-rich SEP events |
Authors: |
Wang, Linghua; Krucker, Säm; Mason, Glenn M.;
Lin, Robert P.;
Li, Gang |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 585, id.A119, 7 pp. |
Publication Date: |
01/2016 |
Title: |
Injection of solar
energetic particles into both loop legs of a magnetic cloud |
Authors: |
Dresing, N.; Gómez-Herrero, R.;
Heber, B.;
Hidalgo, M. A.;
Klassen, A.;
Temmer, M.; Veronig, A. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 586, id.A55, 10 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2016 |
Title: |
Hot prominence
detected in the core of a coronal mass ejection: Analysis of SOHO/UVCS Lalpha and SOHO/LASCO visible-light observations |
Authors: |
Heinzel, P.; Susino, R.; Jejcic, S.; Bemporad, A.; Anzer, U. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 589, id.A128, 11 pp. |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Iron-rich solar
particle events measured by SOHO/ERNE during two solar cycles |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 589, id.A138, 14 pp. |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Coronal O VI emission
observed with UVCS/SOHO during solar flares: Comparison with soft X-ray
observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 591, id.A4, 7 pp. |
Publication Date: |
06/2016 |
Title: |
Observations of high
and low Fe charge states in individual solar wind streams with coronal-hole
origin |
Authors: |
Heidrich-Meisner, Verena;
Peleikis, Thies; Kruse, Martin;
Berger, Lars;
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 593, id.A70, 9 pp. |
Publication Date: |
09/2016 |
Title: |
Quantitative model for
the generic 3D shape of ICMEs at 1 AU |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 595, id.A19, 14 pp. |
Publication Date: |
10/2016 |
Title: |
Distribution of CME
Speeds and the Temporal Variation of the Number of CMEs during the Last Two
Solar Cycles: Their Possible Connection with Ap and Dst
Indices |
Authors: |
Kilcik, A.; Yurchyshyn, V. V.; Donmez, B.; Ozguc, A.; Rozelot, J. P. |
Publication: |
Central European
Astrophysical Bulletin, Vol. 40, p. 111-121 |
Publication Date: |
00/2016 |
Title: |
A Study on the
Kinematics of a CME-Shock Interaction Event Associated with Flares and Type
II Burst on 22 May 2013 |
Authors: |
Prasanna Subramanian,
S.; Shanmugaraju, A.; Vrrnal,
B. |
Publication: |
Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, Vol. 40, p. 163-176. |
Publication Date: |
01/2016 |
Title: |
Relationship between
X-class Flares and Geomagnetic Effects |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Chinese Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Volume 40, Issue 1, p. 32-44. |
Publication Date: |
01/2016 |
Title: |
Observational Study on
Current Sheet of Magnetic Reconnection in Two Solar Eruptions |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Chinese Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Volume 40, Issue 3, p. 352-372. |
Publication Date: |
07/2016 |
Title: |
prediction of type II solar radio emission from the Sun to 1 AU |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geophysical Research
Letters, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp. 50-57 |
Publication Date: |
01/2016 |
Title: |
Geomagnetic storms:
historical perspective to modern view |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geoscience Letters,
Volume 3, article id.5, 11 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
History and
development of coronal mass ejections as a key player in solar terrestrial
relationship |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geoscience Letters,
Volume 3, article id.8, 18 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
Photometric and
Statistical Analysis of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) for the Peak of Solar
Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
International Journal
of Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 6, issue 03, pp. 276-287 |
Publication Date: |
00/2016 |
Title: |
Observations of Two Explosive Events and Their Effects on the Solar
Atmosphere |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Astronomy
and Space Sciences, Vol. 33, p. 197-205 |
Publication Date: |
09/2016 |
Title: |
Probing geomagnetic
storm-driven magnetosphere-ionosphere dynamics in D-region via propagation
characteristics of very low frequency radio signals |
Authors: |
Nwankwo, Victor U. J.;
Chakrabarti, Sandip K.;
Ogunmodimu, Olugbenga |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 145, p. 154-169. |
Publication Date: |
07/2016 |
Title: |
The association
between Space Weather conditions and emergency hospital admissions for
myocardial infarction during different stages of solar activity |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 149, p. 52-58. |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Numerical simulation
of multiple CME-driven shocks in the month of 2011 September |
Authors: |
Wu, Chin-Chun;
Liou, Kan; Vourlidas, Angelos; Plunkett, Simon;
Dryer, Murray;
Wu, S. T.;
Socker, Dennis;
Wood, Brian E.;
Hutting, Lynn;
Howard, Russell A. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 3, pp. 1839-1856 |
Publication Date: |
03/2016 |
Title: |
CME flux rope and
shock identifications and locations: Comparison of white light data,
Graduated Cylindrical Shell model, and MHD simulations |
Authors: |
Schmidt, J. M.;
Cairns, Iver H.; Xie, Hong;
St. Cyr, O. C.;
Gopalswamy, N. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 3, pp. 1886-1906 |
Publication Date: |
03/2016 |
Title: |
Prolonged multiple
excitation of large-scale Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances (TADs) by
successive and interacting coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Guo, Jianpeng; Wei, Fengsi; Feng, Xueshang; Forbes, Jeffrey M.;
Wang, Yuming; Liu, Huixin; Wan, Weixing; Yang, Zhiliang; Liu, Chaoxu |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 3, pp. 2662-2668 |
Publication Date: |
03/2016 |
Title: |
Coronal electron
density distributions estimated from CMEs, DH type II radio bursts, and polarized
brightness measurements |
Authors: |
Lee, Jae-Ok;
Moon, Y.-J.;
Lee, Jin-Yi; Lee, Kyoung-Sun;
Kim, R.-S. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 4, pp. 2853-2865 |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the inner heliosphere |
Authors: |
Merkin, V. G.;
Lyon, J. G.;
Lario, D.;
Arge, C. N.;
Henney, C. J. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 4, pp. 2866-2890 |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Near-Earth heliospheric magnetic field intensity since 1750: 1.
Sunspot and geomagnetic reconstructions |
Authors: |
Owens, M. J.;
Cliver, E.; McCracken, K. G.;
Beer, J.;
Barnard, L.;
Lockwood, M.;
Rouillard, A.;
Passos, D.; Riley, P.;
Usoskin, I.; Wang, Y.-M. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 7, pp. 6048-6063 |
Publication Date: |
07/2016 |
Title: |
Energy dependence of
SEP electron and proton onset times |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 7, pp. 6168-6183 |
Publication Date: |
07/2016 |
Title: |
On the reduced geoeffectiveness of solar cycle 24: A moderate storm
perspective |
Authors: |
Selvakumaran, R.;
Veenadhari, B.; Akiyama, S.;
Pandya, Megha;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Yashiro, S.;
Kumar, Sandeep;
Mäkelä, P.; Xie, H. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 9, pp. 8188-8202 |
Publication Date: |
09/2016 |
Title: |
A model for stealth
coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Lynch, B. J.;
Masson, S.;
Li, Y.;
DeVore, C. R.;
Luhmann, J. G.; Antiochos, S. K.; Fisher, G. H. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 11, pp. 10,677-10,697 |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
A New Method to Determine
Temperature of CMES Using a Coronagraph Filter System |
Authors: |
Cho, Kyuhyoun; Chae, Jongchul; Lim, Eun-kyung; Cho, Kyung-suk; Bong, Su-Chan; Yang, Heesu |
Publication: |
Journal of the Korean
Astronomical Society, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 45-51 |
Publication Date: |
02/2016 |
Title: |
Solar flares, coronal
mass ejections and solar energetic particle event characteristics |
Authors: |
Papaioannou, Athanasios; Sandberg, Ingmar;
Anastasiadis, Anastasios;
Kouloumvakos, Athanasios; Georgoulis, Manolis K.;
Tziotziou, Kostas; Tsiropoula, Georgia; Jiggens, Piers; Hilgers, Alain |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 6, id.A42, 29 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
Predicting coronal mass
ejections transit times to Earth with neural network |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 456, Issue 2, p.1542-1548 |
Publication Date: |
02/2016 |
Title: |
On the statistical
characteristics of radio-loud and radio-quiet halo coronal mass ejections and
their associated flares during solar cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Mittal, Nishant;
Sharma, Joginder;
Verma, Virendar Kumar; Garg, Vijay |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
47, p. 64-80. |
Publication Date: |
08/2016 |
Title: |
Detection of coronal
mass ejections using AdaBoost on grayscale statistic features |
Authors: |
Zhang, Ling;
Yin, Jian-qin;
Lin, Jia-ben;
Wang, Xiao-fan;
Guo, Juan |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
48, p. 49-57. |
Publication Date: |
10/2016 |
Title: |
Homologous prominence
non-radial eruptions: A case study |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
48, p. 66-73. |
Publication Date: |
10/2016 |
Title: |
Damped large amplitude
oscillations in a solar prominence and a bundle of coronal loops |
Authors: |
Zhang, Quan-Hao;
Wang, Yu-Ming;
Liu, Rui;
Shen, Cheng-Long;
Zhang, Min;
Gou, Ting-Yu;
Liu, Jia-Jia;
Liu, Kai;
Zhou, Zhen-Jun;
Wang, Shui |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Volume 16, Issue 11, article id. 167 (2016). |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Interplanetary Coronal
Mass Ejections Observed by MESSENGER and Venus Express |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 1, pp.239-263 |
Publication Date: |
01/2016 |
Title: |
Forbush Decrease Prediction Based on Remote
Solar Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 1, pp.285-302 |
Publication Date: |
01/2016 |
Title: |
Propagation of Solar
Energetic Particles During Multiple Coronal Mass Ejection Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 2, pp.487-511 |
Publication Date: |
02/2016 |
Title: |
Two Exceptions in the
Large SEP Events of Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Thakur, N.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Mäkelä, P.; Akiyama, S.;
Yashiro, S.;
Xie, H. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 2, pp.513-530 |
Publication Date: |
02/2016 |
Title: |
Temperature of the
Source Plasma in Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 3, pp.911-930 |
Publication Date: |
03/2016 |
Title: |
hemispheric periodicities in the >25 MeV solar proton event rate during
the rising and peak phases of solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Interplanetary Type IV
Bursts |
Authors: |
Hillaris, Alexander; Bouratzis, Constantine; Nindos, Alexander |
Publication: |
Solar Physics |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
A Tiny Eruptive
Filament as a Flux-Rope Progenitor and Driver of a Large-Scale CME and Wave |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Uralov, A. M.; Kochanov, A. A.; Kuzmenko, I. V.; Prosovetsky, D. V.; Egorov, Y. I.;
Fainshtein, V. G.; Kashapova, L. K. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 4, pp.1173-1208 |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Classification of CMEs
Based on Their Dynamics |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 5, pp.1417-1432 |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
Temporal Offsets
Between Maximum CME Speed Index and Solar, Geomagnetic, and Interplanetary
Indicators During Solar Cycle 23 and the Ascending Phase of Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 291,
Issue 5, pp.1533-1546 |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
First Simultaneous
Views of the Axial and Lateral Perspectives of a Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 6, pp.1799-1817 |
Publication Date: |
08/2016 |
Title: |
Interplanetary Type IV
Bursts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 7, pp.2049-2069 |
Publication Date: |
08/2016 |
Title: |
Hemispheric Periodicities in the {>} 25 MeV Solar Proton Event Rate During
the Rising and Peak Phases of Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 7, pp.2117-2134 |
Publication Date: |
08/2016 |
Title: |
Typical Profiles and
Distributions of Plasma and Magnetic Field Parameters in Magnetic Clouds at 1
AU |
Authors: |
Rodriguez, L.;
Masías-Meza, J. J.; Dasso, S.; Démoulin, P.; Zhukov, A. N.;
Gulisano, A. M.; Mierla, M.; Kilpua, E.; West, M.;
Lacatus, D.; Paraschiv, A.; Janvier, M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 7, pp.2145-2163 |
Publication Date: |
08/2016 |
Title: |
Comparing SSN Index to
X-Ray Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection Rates from Solar Cycles 22 - 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 9-10, pp. 3011-3023 |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Moreton and EUV Waves
Associated with an X1.0 Flare and CME Ejection |
Authors: |
Francile, Carlos; López, Fernando M.; Cremades, Hebe; Mandrini, Cristina H.; Luoni, María Luisa; Long, David M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 11, pp.3217-3249 |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
The Broken Lane of a
Type II Radio Burst Caused by Collision of a Coronal Shock with a Flare
Current Sheet |
Authors: |
Gao, Guannan; Wang, Min;
Wu, Ning;
Lin, Jun;
Ebenezer, E.;
Tan, Baolin |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 11, pp.3369-3384 |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Sources of Hard
X-Ray Pulsations in Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Kuznetsov, S. A.;
Zimovets, I. V.; Morgachev, A. S.; Struminsky, A. B. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 11, pp.3385-3426 |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
The 26 December 2001
Solar Event Responsible for GLE63. I. Observations of a Major Long-Duration Flare
with the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 12, pp.3705-3723 |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
LASCO White-Light
Observations of Eruptive Current Sheets Trailing CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 12, pp.3725-3749 |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
Statistical Analysis
of Periodic Oscillations in LASCO Coronal Mass Ejection Speeds |
Authors: |
Michalek, G.; Shanmugaraju, A.; Gopalswamy, N.;
Yashiro, S.;
Akiyama, S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
291, Issue 12, pp.3751-3764 |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
PAMELA's measurements
of geomagnetic cutoff variations during the 14 December 2006 storm |
Authors: |
Shiota, D.; Kataoka,
R. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
14, Issue 2, pp. 56-75 |
Publication Date: |
02/2016 |
Title: |
The radial
speed-expansion speed relation for Earth-directed CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
14, Issue 5, pp. 368-378 |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
On the origins and
timescales of geoeffective IMF |
Authors: |
Lockwood, Mike;
Owens, Mathew J.;
Barnard, Luke A.;
Bentley, Sarah;
Scott, Chris J.;
Watt, Clare E. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
14, Issue 6, pp. 406-432 |
Publication Date: |
06/2016 |
Title: |
Improving solar wind
persistence forecasts: Removing transient Space Weather events, and using
observations away from the Sun-Earth line |
Authors: |
Kohutova, Petra; Bocquet, François-Xavier; Henley, Edmund M.; Owens, Matthew J. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
14, Issue 10, pp. 802-818 |
Publication Date: |
10/2016 |
Title: |
Analysis of the Energy
Transferred from the Solar Wind into the Magnetosphere during the April 11,
2001 Geomagnetic Storm |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Sun and Geosphere,
vol.11, no.2, p.97-104. |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
Spectral Properties of
Large Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events. I. Fe, O, and Seed Material |
Authors: |
Desai, M. I.;
Mason, G. M.;
Dayeh, M. A.; Ebert, R. W.;
Mccomas, D. J.; Li, G.;
Cohen, C. M. S.;
Mewaldt, R. A.; Schwadron, N. A.; Smith, C. W. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 816, Issue 2, article id. 68, 18 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
01/2016 |
Title: |
Observations of a
Series of Flares and Associated Jet-like Eruptions Driven by the Emergence of
Twisted Magnetic Fields |
Authors: |
Lim, Eun-Kyung;
Yurchyshyn, Vasyl; Park, Sung-Hong;
Kim, Sujin; Cho, Kyung-Suk;
Kumar, Pankaj;
Chae, Jongchul; Yang, Heesu; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Song, Donguk; Kim, Yeon-Han |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 817, Issue 1, article id. 39, 11 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
01/2016 |
Title: |
Are There Two Distinct
Solar Energetic Particle Releases in the 2012 May 17 Ground Level Enhancement
Event? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 818, Issue 2, article id. 169, 6 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
02/2016 |
Title: |
Properties of a Widespread Solar Energetic Particle Event on 2014 February
25: Evolution of the Associated CME Shock |
Authors: |
Lario, D.;
Kwon, R.-Y.;
Vourlidas, A.; Raouafi, N. E.; Haggerty, D. K.;
Ho, G. C.;
Anderson, B. J.;
Papaioannou, A.; Gómez-Herrero, R.;
Dresing, N.; Riley, P. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 819, Issue 1, article id. 72, 23 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
03/2016 |
Title: |
Solar Energetic
Particle Event Onsets: Far Backside Solar Sources and the East-West
Hemispheric Asymmetry |
Authors: |
Affiliation: |
AA(Air Force Research
Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate, 3550 Aberdeen Avenue, Kirtland AFB,
NM 87117, USA) |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 819, Issue 2, article id. 105, 6 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
03/2016 |
Title: |
Chain Reconnections
Observed in Sympathetic Eruptions |
Authors: |
Joshi, Navin Chandra; Schmieder, Brigitte; Magara, Tetsuya; Guo, Yang; Aulanier, Guillaume |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 820, Issue 2, article id. 126, 20 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Interrupted Eruption
of Large Quiescent Filament Associated with a Halo CME |
Authors: |
Gosain, S.; Filippov, Boris; Ajor Maurya, Ram; Chandra, Ramesh |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 821, Issue 2, article id. 85, 11 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Observations of a Widely distributed Solar Energetic Particle Event: The Role
of EUV Waves and White-light Shock Signatures |
Authors: |
Kouloumvakos, A.; Patsourakos, S.; Nindos, A.; Vourlidas, A.; Anastasiadis, A.;
Hillaris, A.; Sandberg, I. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 821, Issue 1, article id. 31, pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Comparison between 2D
and 3D Parameters of 306 Front-side Halo CMEs from 2009 to 2013 |
Authors: |
Jang, Soojeong; Moon, Y.-J.;
Kim, R.-S.;
Lee, Harim;
Cho, K.-S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 821, Issue 2, article id. 95, 8 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Predicting Coronal
Mass Ejections Using Machine Learning Methods |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 821, Issue 2, article id. 127, 7 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Large solar energetic
particle event that occurred on 2012 March 7 and its VDA analysis |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Accepted in The
Astrophysical Journal |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
The Nature of CME-Flare
Associated Coronal Dimming |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Accepted in The
Astrophysical Journal |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Observation of a
Quasiperiodic Pulsation in Hard X-Ray, Radio, and Extreme-ultraviolet Wavelengths |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 822, Issue 1, article id. 7, pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
Peculiar Stationary
EUV Wave Fronts in the Eruption on 2011 May 11 |
Authors: |
Chandra, R.;
Chen, P. F.;
Fulara, A.; Srivastava, A. K.;
Uddin, W. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 822, Issue 2, article id. 106, 8 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
Peculiar Stationary
EUV Wave Fronts in the Eruption on 2011 May 11 |
Authors: |
Chandra, R.;
Chen, P. F.;
Fulara, A.; Srivastava, A. K.;
Uddin, W. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 822, Issue 2, article id. 106, pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
Probability of CME Impact on Exoplanets Orbiting M Dwarfs and Solar-Like Stars |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Accepted in The Astrophysical Journal |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
Slipping Magnetic
Reconnections with Multiple Flare Ribbons during an X-class Solar Flare |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 823, Issue 2, article id. 136, pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
06/2016 |
Title: |
On the State of a
Solar Active Region Before Flares and CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 823, Issue 2, article id. 153, pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
06/2016 |
Title: |
Decameter Stationary
Type IV Burst in Imaging Observations on the 6th of September 2014 |
Authors: |
Koval, Artem; Stanislavsky, Aleksander;
Chen, Yao;
Feng, Shiwei; Konovalenko, Aleksander; Volvach, Yaroslav |
Publication: |
Accepted in The
Astrophysical Journal |
Publication Date: |
06/2016 |
Title: |
An Assessment of
Sunspot Number Data Composites over 1845-2014 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 824, Issue 1, article id. 54, 17 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
06/2016 |
Title: |
The Nature of
CME-flare-Associated Coronal Dimming |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 825, Issue 1, article id. 37, 14 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
07/2016 |
Title: |
Geometry of a Current Sheet in the High Solar Corona: Evidence for
Reconnection in the Late Stage of the Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 826, Issue 1, article id. 94, 12 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
07/2016 |
Title: |
Why is a Flare-rich
Active Region CME-poor? |
Authors: |
Liu, Lijuan;
Wang, Yuming; Wang, Jingxiu; Shen, Chenglong; Ye, Pinzhong; Liu, Rui;
Chen, Jun;
Zhang, Quanhao; Wang, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 826, Issue 2, article id. 119, 10 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
08/2016 |
Title: |
Observations and Transport Modeling of Energetic Electrons for a Series of
Solar Particle Events in August 2010 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 826, Issue 2, article id. 134, 17 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
08/2016 |
Title: |
The Formation and
Early Evolution of a Coronal Mass Ejection and its Associated Shock Wave on 2014
January 8 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 826, Issue 2, article id. 174, 7 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
08/2016 |
Title: |
Probability of CME
Impact on Exoplanets Orbiting M Dwarfs and Solar-like Stars |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 826, Issue 2, article id. 195, 16 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
08/2016 |
Title: |
Redefining the
Boundaries of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections from Observations at the
Ecliptic Plane |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 828, Issue 1, article id. 11, 9 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
09/2016 |
Title: |
Flare-generated Shock
Wave Propagation through Solar Coronal Arcade Loops and an Associated Type II
Radio Burst |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 828, Issue 1, article id. 28, 11 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
09/2016 |
Title: |
Relationship of EUV
Irradiance Coronal Dimming Slope and Depth to Coronal Mass Ejection Speed and
Mass |
Authors: |
Mason, James Paul;
Woods, Thomas N.;
Webb, David F.;
Thompson, Barbara J.;
Colaninno, Robin C.; Vourlidas, Angelos |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 830, Issue 1, article id. 20, 12 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
10/2016 |
Title: |
Determination of
Coronal Mass Ejection Physical Parameters from a Combination of Polarized Visible
Light and UV Lyalpha Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 830, Issue 2, article id. 58, 13 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
10/2016 |
Title: |
Projection Effects in
Coronal Dimmings and Associated EUV Wave Event |
Authors: |
Dissauer, K.; Temmer, M.; Veronig, A. M.; Vanninathan, K.; Magdalenic, J. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 830, Issue 2, article id. 92, 11 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
10/2016 |
Title: |
Coupling of Coronal
and Heliospheric Magnetohydrodynamic Models:
Solution Comparisons and Verification |
Authors: |
Merkin, V. G.;
Lionello, R.; Lyon, J. G.;
Linker, J.;
Török, T.; Downs, C. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 831, Issue 1, article id. 23, 14 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Global Energetics of
Solar Flares. IV. Coronal Mass Ejection Energetics |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 831, Issue 1, article id. 105, 34 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Dependence of
Occurrence Rates of Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections on the Solar Cycle
Phase and the Importance of Large-scale Connectivity |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 831, Issue 2, article id. 131, 5 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Current Sheet
Structures Observed by the TESIS EUV Telescope during a Flux Rope Eruption on
the Sun |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 832, Issue 1, article id. 16, 9 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Constraining the Solar
Coronal Magnetic Field Strength using Split-band Type II Radio Burst
Observations |
Authors: |
Kishore, P.;
Ramesh, R.;
Hariharan, K.;
Kathiravan, C.; Gopalswamy, N. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 832, Issue 1, article id. 59, 7 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
11/2016 |
Title: |
Association of
3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particles with Large-scale Coronal Waves |
Authors: |
Bucík, Radoslav; Innes, Davina E.;
Mason, Glenn M.;
Wiedenbeck, Mark E. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 833, Issue 1, article id. 63, 13 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
Automated Detection of
Coronal Mass Ejections in STEREO Heliospheric
Imager Data |
Authors: |
Pant, V.; Willems, S.; Rodriguez, L.; Mierla, M.; Banerjee, D.; Davies, J. A. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 833, Issue 1, article id. 80, 15 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
The 2012 July 23 Backside
Eruption: An Extreme Energetic Particle Event? |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.;
Yashiro, S.;
Thakur, N.;
Mäkelä, P.; Xie, H.;
Akiyama, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 833, Issue 2, article id. 216, 20 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
Observation of Slipping Reconnection in a Double Candle-flame-shaped Solar
Flare |
Authors: |
Gou, Tingyu;
Liu, Rui;
Wang, Yuming; Liu, Kai;
Zhuang, Bin;
Chen, Jun;
Zhang, Quanhao; Liu, Jiajia |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 821, Issue 2, article id. L28, pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
04/2016 |
Title: |
Homologous Jet-driven
Coronal Mass Ejections from Solar Active Region 12192 |
Authors: |
Panesar, Navdeep K.;
Sterling, Alphonse C.;
Moore, Ronald L. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 822, Issue 2, article id. L23, pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
Microfilament-eruption Mechanism for Solar Spicules |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 828, Issue 1, article id. L9, 6 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
09/2016 |
Title: |
Scaling Relations in
Coronal Mass Ejections and Energetic Proton Events Associated with Solar Superflares |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 833, Issue 1, article id. L8, 6 pp. (2016). |
Publication Date: |
12/2016 |
Title: |
High Dynamic Range
Observations of Solar Coronal Transients at Low Radio Frequencies with a
Spectro-correlator |
Authors: |
Hariharan, K.;
Ramesh, R.;
Kathiravan, C.; Abhilash, H. N.;
Rajalingam, M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement Series, Volume 222, Issue 2, article id. 21, 7 pp. (2016).
Publication Date: |
02/2016 |
Title: |
The Characteristics of
the Footpoints of Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes during
Eruptions |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement Series, Volume 225, Issue 1, article id. 16, 23 pp.
(2016). |
Publication Date: |
07/2016 |
Title: |
Low-Frequency Radio
Bursts and Space Weather |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Invited paper to be
presented at the URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference in Seoul, August
21-25, 2016 |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
A Study of the 2012
January 19 Complex Type II Radio Burst Using Wind, SOHO, and STEREO
Observations |
Authors: |
Teklu, T. B.; Gholap, A. V.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Yashiro, S.;
Mäkelä, P.; Akiyama, S.;
Thakur, N.;
Xie, H. |
Publication: |
contributed paper to
be presented at the URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference in Seoul,
August 21-25, 2016 |
Publication Date: |
05/2016 |
Title: |
Coronal Dimming Catalog |
Authors: |
Publication: |
SDO 2016: Unraveling
the Sun's Complexity, Proceedings of the conference held 17-21 October, 2016
in Burlington, VT. Online at,
id.39 |
Publication Date: |
10/2016 |
Publication Year 2015
Title: |
Transit time of
CME/shock associated with four major geo-effective CMEs in solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research,
Volume 55, Issue 1, p. 407-415. |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Fractal and wavelet
analysis evaluation of the mid latitude ionospheric disturbances associated
with major geomagnetic storms |
Authors: |
López-Montes, R.; Pérez-Enríquez, H. R.; Araujo-Pradere, E. A.; Antonio, J.; Cruz-Abeyro, L. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 55, Issue 1, p. 586-596. |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Filament disappearances in relation to coronal mass ejections
during the solar cycle 23 |
Authors: |
R. Mawas,
Mosalam Shaltout, M.
Yousef, S. Yosef, M. Ewaida |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 55, Issue 1, p. 688-695. |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
How do fast impulse
CMEs related to powerful flares but unrelated to eruptive filaments appear
and move? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 55, Issue 3, p. 822-834. |
Publication Date: |
02/2015 |
Title: |
Eruption of the
magnetic flux rope in a quick decaying active region |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 55, Issue 6, p. 1553-1562. |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
Effects of plasma drag
on low Earth orbiting satellites due to solar forcing induced perturbations
and heating |
Authors: |
Nwankwo, Victor U. J.;
Chakrabarti, Sandip K.;
Weigel, Robert S. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 56, Issue 1, p. 47-56. |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Title: |
Shock wave driven by CME evidenced by metric type II burst and EUV wave |
Authors: |
Cunha-Silva, R.,; Femandes, F. C.,; Selhorst, C. L. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 56, Issue 12, p. 2804-2810. |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
Wavelet analysis of
CME, X-ray flare, and sunspot series |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 573, id.A64, 10 pp. |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Short-term variability
of inner-source pickup ions at 1 AU. SOHO/CELIAS observations |
Authors: |
Berger, L.;
Drews, C.;
Taut, A.;
Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 576, id.A54, 6 pp. |
Publication Date: |
04/2015 |
Title: |
Solar type II radio
bursts associated with CME expansions as shown by EUV waves |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Accepted for publication in Astronomy
& Astrophysics |
Publication Date: |
04/2015 |
Title: |
Excitation of kink
oscillations of coronal loops: statistical study |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 577, id.A4, 12 pp. |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
Properties of solar
energetic particle events inferred from their associated radio emission |
Authors: |
Kouloumvakos, A.; Nindos, A.; Valtonen, E.; Alissandrakis, C. E.; Malandraki, O.; Tsitsipis, P.; Kontogeorgos, A.; Moussas, X.; Hillaris, A. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 580, id.A80, 17 pp. |
Publication Date: |
08/2015 |
Title: |
Recurrent flares in
active region NOAA 11283 |
Authors: |
Romano, P.;
Zuccarello, F.;
Guglielmino, S. L.; Berrilli, F.; Bruno, R.;
Carbone, V.;
Consolini, G.; de Lauretis, M.; Del Moro, D.;
Elmhamdi, A.; Ermolli, I.; Fineschi, S.; Francia, P.;
Kordi, A. S.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.;
Laurenza, M.; Lepreti, F.; Marcucci, M. F.; Pallocchia, G.; Pietropaolo, E.; Romoli, M.; Vecchio, A.;
Vellante, M.; Villante, U. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 582, id.A55, 11 pp. |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
Supergranular-scale magnetic flux emergence beneath
an unstable filament |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 583, id.A47, 9 pp. |
Publication Date: |
11/2015 |
Title: |
Arrival time of solar
eruptive CMEs associated with ICMEs of magnetic cloud and ejecta |
Authors: |
Shanmugaraju, A.; Syed Ibrahim, M.;
Moon, Y.-J.;
Kasro Lourdhina, K.;
Dharanya, M. |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space
Science, Volume 357, article id.69 10pp |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
Preliminary Analysis on the Interplanetary Cause of Geomagnetically Induced Current and Its Effect on Power Systems |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Chinese Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Volume 39, Issue 1, p. 78-88. |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
On the occurrence and
the motion of fast impulsive coronal mass ejections associated with powerful
flares and unassociated with eruptive filaments |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Cosmic Research,
Volume 53, Issue 1, pp.31-46 |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Coronal mass ejections
and type II radio bursts in cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,
Volume 55, Issue 8, pp.1141-1151 |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
Characteristics of the
motion of coronal mass ejections and related shocks depending on the
heliocentric distance |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy, Volume 55, Issue 8, pp.1165-1170 |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
Near-Sun speed of CMEs
and the magnetic nonpotentiality of their source active regions |
Authors: |
Tiwari, Sanjiv K.;
Falconer, David A.;
Moore, Ronald L.;
Venkatakrishnan, P.;
Winebarger, Amy R.;
Khazanov, Igor G. |
Publication: |
Geophysical Research
Letters, Volume 42, Issue 14, pp. 5702-5710 |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Title: |
Plasma distribution of
Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) observed using the radio scintillation method |
Authors: |
Iju, Tomoya; Abe, Shinsuke; Tokumaru, Munetoshi; Fujiki, Ken'ichi |
Publication: |
Icarus, Volume 252, p.
301-310. |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
On some statistical
characteristics of radio-rich CMEs in the solar cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Astronomy
and Geophysics, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 44-47. |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
On the arrival times
of halo Coronal Mass Ejections in the vicinity of the Earth |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Astronomy
and Geophysics, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 100-105. |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
The response of the
ionosphere to intense geomagnetic storms in 2012 using GPS-TEC data from East
Africa longitudinal sector |
Authors: |
Tesema, T.; Damtie, B.; Nigussie, M. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmosphereic and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 135,
p. 143-151. |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
Analysis of a coronal
mass ejection and corotating interaction region as they travel from the Sun
passing Venus, Earth, Mars, and Saturn |
Authors: |
Prise, A. J.; Harra, L. K.; Matthews, S. A.;
Arridge, C. S.; Achilleos, N. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 120, Issue 3, pp. 1566-1588 |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
BARREL observations of
an ICME-shock impact with the magnetosphere and the resultant radiation belt
electron loss |
Authors: |
Halford, A. J.;
McGregor, S. L.;
Murphy, K. R.;
Millan, R. M.;
Hudson, M. K.;
Woodger, L. A.;
Cattel, C. A.;
Breneman, A. W.;
Mann, I. R.;
Kurth, W. S.; Hospodarsky, G. B.; Gkioulidou, M.; Fennell, J. F. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 120, Issue 4, pp. 2557-2570 |
Publication Date: |
04/2015 |
Title: |
Internal structure of
a coronal mass ejection revealed by Akatsuki radio occultation observations |
Authors: |
Ando, H.;
Shiota, D.;
Imamura, T.;
Tokumaru, M.; Asai, A.; Isobe, H.; Päzold, M.; Häusler, B.; Nakamura, M. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 120, Issue 7, pp. 5318-5328 |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Title: |
Interplanetary coronal
mass ejections from MESSENGER orbital observations at Mercury |
Authors: |
Winslow, Reka M.; Lugaz, Noé; Philpott, Lydia C.;
Schwadron, Nathan A.; Farrugia, Charles J.;
Anderson, Brian J.;
Smith, Charles W. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 120, Issue 8, pp. 6101-6118 |
Publication Date: |
08/2015 |
Title: |
Characteristics of
four SPE groups with different origins and acceleration processes |
Authors: |
Kim, R.-S.;
Cho, K.-S.;
Lee, J.;
Bong, S.-C.;
Joshi, A. D.;
Park, Y.-D. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 120, Issue 9, pp. 7083-7093 |
Publication Date: |
09/2015 |
Title: |
Properties and geoeffectiveness of magnetic clouds during solar cycles
23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.;
Yashiro, S.;
Xie, H.;
Akiyama, S.;
Mäkelä, P. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 120, Issue 11, pp. 9221-9245 |
Publication Date: |
11/2015 |
Title: |
Kinematics of
interacting CMEs of 25 and 28 September 2012 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 120, Issue 12, pp. 10,221-10,236 |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
Are 3-D coronal mass
ejection parameters from single-view observations consistent with multiview ones? |
Authors: |
Lee, Harim;
Moon, Y.-J.;
Na, Hyeonock; Jang, Soojeong; Lee, Jae-Ok |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 120, Issue 12, pp. 10,237-10,249. |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
A Space Weather
mission concept: Observatories of the Solar Corona and Active Regions (OSCAR) |
Authors: |
Strugarek, Antoine; Janitzek, Nils; Lee, Arrow;
Löschl, Philipp; Seifert, Bernhard;
Hoilijoki, Sanni; Kraaikamp, Emil; Isha Mrigakshi, Alankrita; Philippe, Thomas;
Spina, Sheila;
Bröse, Malte; Massahi, Sonny; O'Halloran, Liam;
Pereira Blanco, Victor;
Stausland, Christoffer;
Escoubet, Philippe; Kargl, Günter |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 5, id.A4, 14 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2015 |
Title: |
Investigating the
kinematics of coronal mass ejections with the automated CORIMP catalog |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 5, id.A19, 14 pp. |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Title: |
Heliospheric tracking of enhanced density structures of the 6 October 2010 CME |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate, Volume 5, id.A20, 20pp |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Title: |
The solar magnetic
activity band interaction and instabilities that shape quasi-periodic
variability |
Authors: |
McIntosh, Scott W.;
Leamon, Robert J.;
Krista, Larisza D.; Title, Alan M.;
Hudson, Hugh S.;
Riley, Pete;
Harder, Jerald W.;
Kopp, Greg;
Snow, Martin;
Woods, Thomas N.;
Kasper, Justin C.;
Stevens, Michael L.;
Ulrich, Roger K. |
Publication: |
Nature Communications,
Volume 6, id. 6491 (2015). |
Publication Date: |
04/2015 |
Title: |
Short term Variability
of the Sun Earth System: An Overview of Progress Made during the CAWSES II
Period |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Progress in Earth and Planetary
Science, Volume 2, article id.13, 41 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
Responsibility of a
Filament Eruption for the Initiation of a Flare, CME, and Blast Wave, and its
Possible Transformation into a Bow Shock |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Uralov, A. M.; Kuzmenko, I. V.; Kochanov, A. A.; Chertok, I. M.; Kalashnikov, S. S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 1, pp.129-158 |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Decameter U-burst
Harmonic Pair from a High Loop |
Authors: |
Dorovskyy, V. V.; Melnik, V. N.; Konovalenko, A. A.; Bubnov, I. N.; Gridin, A. A.; Shevchuk, N. V.; Rucker, H. O.;
Poedts, S.; Panchenko, M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 1, pp.181-192 |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Fine Structure of
Metric Type IV Radio Bursts Observed with the ARTEMIS-IV Radio-Spectrograph:
Association with Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Bouratzis, C.; Hillaris, A.; Alissandrakis, C. E.; Preka-Papadema, P.; Moussas, X.; Caroubalos, C.; Tsitsipis, P.; Kontogeorgos, A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 1, pp.219-286 |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Time Evolution of
Force-Free Parameter and Free Magnetic Energy in Active Region NOAA 10365 |
Authors: |
Valori, G.; Romano, P.;
Malanushenko, A.; Ermolli, I.; Giorgi, F.;
Steed, K.;
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Zuccarello, F.;
Malherbe, J.-M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 2, pp.491-506 |
Publication Date: |
02/2015 |
Title: |
Evolution and
Consequences of Interacting CMEs of 9 - 10 November 2012 Using STEREO/SECCHI
and In Situ Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 2, pp.527-552 |
Publication Date: |
02/2015 |
Title: |
Geoeffectiveness of Coronal Mass Ejections in the SOHO
Era |
Authors: |
Dumbovic, M.; Devos, A.; Vrsnak, B.; Sudar, D.; Rodriguez, L.; Ruzdjak, D.; Leer, K.; Vennerstrøm, S.; Veronig, A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 2, pp.579-612 |
Publication Date: |
02/2015 |
Title: |
An Interpretation of a
Possible Mechanism for the First Ground-Level Enhancement of Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 2, pp.613-626 |
Publication Date: |
02/2015 |
Title: |
Correlation Between CME Occurrence Rate and Current Helicity in the Global Magnetic Field of Solar Cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 3, pp.811-818 |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
Statistical Evidence
for Contributions of Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections to Major Solar Energetic
Particle Events |
Authors: |
Trottet, G.; Samwel, S.; Klein, K.-L.;
Dudok de Wit, T.; Miteva, R. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 3, pp.819-839 |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
Relationship between
Solar Energetic Particles and Properties of Flares and CMEs: Statistical
Analysis of Solar Cycle 23 Events |
Authors: |
Dierckxsens, M.; Tziotziou, K.; Dalla, S.;
Patsou, I.; Marsh, M. S.;
Crosby, N. B.;
Malandraki, O.; Tsiropoula, G. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 3, pp.841-874 |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
Investigation on
Radio-Quiet and Radio-Loud Fast CMEs and Their Associated Flares During Solar
Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 3, pp.875-889 |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
Dynamics of CMEs in
the LASCO Field of View |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 3, pp.903-917 |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
Update of the
Photometric Calibration of the LASCO-C2 Coronagraph Using Stars |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 3, pp.997-1009 |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
On the Statistical
Relationship Between CME Speed and Soft X-Ray Flux and Fluence of the
Associated Flare |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 5, pp.1337-1353 |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
Relationship Between Interplanetary Flux Ropes and Their Solar Sources |
Authors: |
Marubashi, K.; Akiyama, S.;
Yashiro, S.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Cho, K.-S.;
Park, Y.-D. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 5, pp.1371-1397 |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
Empirical Relationship
Between CME Parameters and Geo-effectiveness of Halo CMEs in the Rising Phase
of Solar Cycle 24 (2011 - 2013) |
Authors: |
Shanmugaraju, A.; Syed Ibrahim, M.;
Moon, Y.-J.;
Mujiber Rahman, A.; Umapathy, S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 290,
Issue 5, pp.1417-1427 |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections
from the Same Active Region Cluster: Two Different Perspectives |
Authors: |
Cremades, H.;
Mandrini, C. H.; Schmieder, B.; Crescitelli, A. M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 6, pp.1671-1686 |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
The Properties of
Solar Energetic Particle Event-Associated Coronal Mass Ejections Reported in
Different CME Catalogs |
Authors: |
Richardson, Ian G.;
von Rosenvinge, Tycho T.; Cane, Hilary V. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 290,
Issue 6, pp.1741-1759 |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Ensemble modeling of
CMEs using the WSA-ENLIL+Cone model |
Authors: |
Mays, M. L.;
Taktakishvili, A.; Pulkkinen, A. A.; MacNeice, P. J.;
Rastaetter, L.; Odstrcil, D.; Jian, L. K.;
Richardson, I. G.;
LaSota, J. A.; Zheng, Y.;
Kuznetsova, M. M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 290,
Issue 6, pp.1775-1814 |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Investigation of the Geoeffectiveness of CMEs Associated with IP Type II Radio
Bursts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 6, pp.1815-1826 |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Quiescent and Eruptive
Prominences at Solar Minimum: A Statistical Study via an Automated Tracking
System |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 7, pp.1963-1980 |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Title: |
Kinematics of
ICMEs/Shocks: Blast Wave Reconstruction Using Type-II Emissions |
Authors: |
Corona-Romero, P.; Gonzalez-Esparza, J. A.; Aguilar-Rodriguez, E.; De-la-Luz, V.; Mejia-Ambriz, J. C. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 9, pp.2439-2454 |
Publication Date: |
09/2015 |
Title: |
Low-Frequency Type-II
Radio Detections and Coronagraph Data Employed to Describe and Forecast the
Propagation of 71 CMEs/Shocks |
Authors: |
Cremades, H.;
Iglesias, F. A.;
St. Cyr, O. C.;
Xie, H.;
Kaiser, M. L.;
Gopalswamy, N. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 9, pp.2455-2478 |
Publication Date: |
09/2015 |
Title: |
3D Reconstruction of
Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Remote-Sensing Data: Global Solar Wind Boundaries for
Driving 3D-MHD Models |
Authors: |
Yu, H.-S.;
Jackson, B. V.;
Hick, P. P.;
Buffington, A.;
Odstrcil, D.; Wu, C.-C.;
Davies, J. A.;
Bisi, M. M.; Tokumaru, M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 290,
Issue 9, pp.2519-2538 |
Publication Date: |
09/2015 |
Title: |
Detection of Solar
Wind Disturbances: Mexican Array Radio Telescope IPS Observations at 140 MHz |
Authors: |
Romero-Hernandez, E.; Gonzalez-Esparza, J. A.; Aguilar-Rodriguez, E.; Ontiveros-Hernandez, V.; Villanueva-Hernandez, P. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 290,
Issue 9, pp.2553-2566 Solar Physics |
Publication Date: |
09/2015 |
Title: |
Relations Between
Microwave Bursts and Near-Earth High-Energy Proton Enhancements and Their
Origin |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Kiselev, V. I.;
Meshalkina, N. S.; Chertok, I. M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 10, pp.2827-2855 |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
A Statistical Study of
Distant Consequences of Large Solar Energetic Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 10, pp.2943-2950 |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
An Application of the
Stereoscopic Self-similar-Expansion Model to the Determination of CME-Driven
Shock Parameters |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 10, pp.3005-3022 |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
Triggering an Eruptive
Flare by Emerging Flux in a Solar Active-Region Complex |
Authors: |
Louis, Rohan E.;
Kliem, Bernhard; Ravindra, B.;
Chintzoglou, Georgios |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
290, Issue 12, pp.3641-3662 |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
Review on Current
Sheets in CME Development: Theories and Observations |
Authors: |
Lin, Jun;
Murphy, Nicholas A.;
Shen, Chengcai; Raymond, John C.;
Reeves, Katharine K.;
Zhong, Jiayong; Wu, Ning;
Li, Yan |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews,
Volume 194, Issue 1-4, pp. 237-302 |
Publication Date: |
11/2015 |
Title: |
Automatic CME front edge
detection from STEREO white-light coronagraph images |
Authors: |
Kirnosov, Vladimir; Chang, Lin-Ching; Pulkkinen, Antti |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
13, Issue 11, pp. 469-483 |
Publication Date: |
08/2015 |
Title: |
Dynamic SEP event
Probability Forecast |
Authors: |
Kahler, S. W.; Ling, A |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
13, Issue 11, pp. 665-675 |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
Automatic analysis of
double coronal mass ejections from coronagraph images |
Authors: |
Jacobs, Matthew;
Chang, Lin-Ching;
Pulkkinen, Antti; Romano, Michelangelo |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
13, Issue 11, pp. 761-777 |
Publication Date: |
11/2015 |
Title: |
CMEs during the Two
Activity Peaks in Cycle 24 and their Space Weather Consequences |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.;
Makela, P.;
Akiyama, S.;
Yashiro, S.;
Thakur, N. |
Publication: |
Sun and Geosphere,
vol.10, no.2, p.111-118. |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
A Trio of Confined Flares
in AR 11087 |
Authors: |
Joshi, Anand D.;
Forbes, Terry G.;
Park, Sung-Hong;
Cho, Kyung-Suk |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 798, Issue 2, article id. 97, 13 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Mass and Energy of
Erupting Solar Plasma Observed with the X-Ray Telescope on Hinode |
Authors: |
Lee, Jin-Yi; Raymond, John C.;
Reeves, Katharine K.;
Moon, Yong-Jae;
Kim, Kap-Sung |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 798, Issue 2, article id. 106, 14 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Circumsolar Energetic Particle
Distribution on 2011 November 3 |
Authors: |
Gómez-Herrero, R.; Dresing, N.; Klassen, A.; Heber, B.; Lario, D.; Agueda, N.; Malandraki, O. E.; Blanco, J. J.; Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.; Banjac, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 799, Issue 1, article id. 55, 17 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
01/2015 |
Title: |
Near-Earth Cosmic Ray
Decreases Associated with Remote Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Thomas, S. R.;
Owens, M. J.;
Lockwood, M.;
Barnard, L.;
Scott, C. J. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 801, Issue 1, article id. 5, 8 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
Prominence Activation
By Coronal Fast Mode Shock |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 801, Issue 1, article id. 37, 11 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
Direct Spatial
Association of an X-Ray Flare with the Eruption of a Solar Quiescent Filament |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 804, Issue 2, article id. 108, 8 pp. (2015) |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
Observations of a Partially Eruptive Filament on 2011 September 8 |
Authors: |
Zhang, Q. M.;
Ning, Z. J.;
Guo, Y.;
Zhou, T. H.;
Cheng, X.;
Ji, H. S.;
Feng, L.;
Wiegelmann, T. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 805, Issue 1, article id. 4, 18 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
First detection of
>100 MeV gamma rays associated with a behind-the-limb solar flare |
Authors: |
Pesce-Rollins, Melissa; Omodei, Nicola; Petrosian, Vahe'; Liu, Wei; Rubio da Costa, Fatima;
Allafort, Alice; Chen, Qingrong |
Publication: |
Accepted for publication in The
Astrophysical Journal, May 13, 2015 |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
Global Trends of CME
Deflections Based on CME and Solar Parameters |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 805, Issue 2, article id. 168, 20 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Large Solar Energetic
Particle Events Associated with Filament Eruptions Outside of Active Regions |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.;
Makela, P.;
Akiyama, S.;
Yashiro, S.;
Xie, H.;
Thakur, N.;
Kahler, S. W. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 806, Issue 1, article id. 8 (2015). |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Magnetic Untwisting in
Solar Jets that Go into the Outer Corona in Polar Coronal Holes |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 806, Issue 1, article id. 11, 20 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Estimating the Height
of CMEs Associated with a Major SEP Event at the Onset of the Metric Type II
Radio Burst during Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Mäkelä, P.; Gopalswamy, N.;
Akiyama, S.;
Xie, H.;
Yashiro, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 806, Issue 1, article id. 13, 11 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Correcting for
Interplanetary Scattering in Velocity Dispersion analysis of Solar Energetic
Particles |
Authors: |
Laitinen, T.; Huttunen-Heikinmaa, K.; Valtonen, E.; Dalla, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 806, Issue 1, article id. 114, 10 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Solar Sources of 3He-rich
Solar Energetic Particle Events in Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Nitta, Nariaki V.;
Mason, Glenn M.;
Wang, Linghua; Cohen, Christina M. S.;
Wiedenbeck, Mark E. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 806, Issue 2, article id. 235, 12 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Investigation of
Helicity and Energy Flux Transport in Three Emerging Solar Active Regions |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 806, Issue 2, article id. 245, 13 pp. (2015) |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
Contraction and Subsequent Disruption of Coronal Loops During Various Phases
of the M6.2 Flare Associated with the Confined Flux Rope Eruption |
Authors: |
Kushwaha, Upendra;
Joshi, Bhuwan; Veronig, Astrid M.; Moon, Yong-Jae |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 807, Issue 1, article id. 101, 18 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Title: |
Radial Evolution of a
Magnetic Cloud: MESSENGER, STEREO, and Venus Express Observations |
Authors: |
Good, S. W.;
Forsyth, R. J.;
Raines, J. M.;
Gershman, D. J.;
Slavin, J. A.; Zurbuchen, T. H. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 807, Issue 2, article id. 177, 12 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Title: |
Study of Solar
Energetic Particle Associations with Coronal Extreme-ultraviolet Waves |
Authors: |
Park, Jinhye; Innes, D. E.;
Bucik, R.; Moon, Y.-J.;
Kahler, S. W. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 808, Issue 1, article id. 3, 10 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Title: |
Influence of a CME's
Initial Parameters on the Arrival of the Associated Interplanetary Shock at
Earth and the Shock Propagational Model Version 3 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 809, Issue 1, article id. 44, 9 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
08/2015 |
Title: |
Secondary Flare Ribbons Associated with a Failed Eruption |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 809, Issue 1, article id. 45, 9 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
08/2015 |
Title: |
Kinematic and
Energetic Properties of the 2012 March 12 Polar Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 809, Issue 1, article id. 106, 10 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
08/2015 |
Title: |
Dynamics of a Solar
Prominence Tornado Observed by SDO/AIA on November 7-8, 2012 |
Authors: |
Mghebrishvili, Irakli; Zaqarashvili, Teimuraz V.;
Kukhianidze, Vasil; Ramishvili, Giorgi; Shergelashvili, Bidzina;
Veronig, Astrid; Poedts, Stefaan |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 810, Issue 2, article id. 89, 9 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
09/2015 |
Title: |
Destabilization of a Solar
Prominence/Filament Field System by a Series of Eight Homologous Eruptive
Flares Leading to a CME |
Authors: |
Panesar, Navdeep K.;
Sterling, Alphonse C.;
Innes, Davina E.;
Moore, Ronald L. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 811, Issue 1, article id. 5, 11 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
09/2015 |
Title: |
An Observational
Revisit of Band-split Solar Type-II Radio Bursts |
Authors: |
Du, Guohui; Kong, Xiangliang; Chen, Yao;
Feng, Shiwei; Wang, Bing;
Li, Gang |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 812, Issue 1, article id. 52, 7 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
Observations of EUV
Waves in 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events |
Authors: |
Bucík, R.; Innes, D. E.;
Guo, L.;
Mason, G. M.;
Wiedenbeck, M. E. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 812, Issue 1, article id. 53, 7 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
On the Enhanced Coronal
Mass Ejection Detection Rate since the Solar Cycle 23 Polar Field Reversal |
Authors: |
Affiliation: |
AA(National Solar
Observatory, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA) |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 812, Issue 1, article id. 74, 14 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
Physical Conditions of
Coronal Plasma at the Transit of a Shock Driven by a Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 812, Issue 2, article id. 119, 13 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
Gradual Magnetic
Evolution of Sunspot Structure and Filament-Corona Dynamics Associated with
the X1.8 Flare in AR11283 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 812, Issue 2, article id. 120, 7 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
Propagation of the 7
January 2014 CME and Resulting Geomagnetic Non-event |
Authors: |
Mays, M. L.;
Thompson, B. J.;
Jian, L. K.;
Colaninno, R. C.; Odstrcil, D.; Möstl, C.; Temmer, M.; Savani, N. P.; Collinson, G.;
Taktakishvili, A.; MacNeice, P. J.;
Zheng, Y. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 812, Issue 2, article id. 145, 15 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
Seed Population in
Large Solar Energetic Particle Events and the Twin-CME Scenario |
Authors: |
Ding, Liu-Guan;
Li, Gang;
Le, Gui-Ming;
Gu, Bin;
Cao, Xin-Xin |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 812, Issue 2, article id. 171, 9 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
Complex Flare Dynamics
Initiated by a Filament-Filament Interaction |
Authors: |
Zhu, Chunming; Liu, Rui;
Alexander, David;
Sun, Xudong; McAteer, R. T. James |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 813, Issue 1, article id. 60, 8 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
11/2015 |
Title: |
Energetic Particle
Pressure at Interplanetary Shocks: STEREO-A Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 813, Issue 2, article id. 85, 11 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
11/2015 |
Title: |
A Full Study on the
Sun-Earth Connection of an Earth-directed CME Magnetic Flux Rope |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 814, Issue 1, article id. 59, 18 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
11/2015 |
Title: |
Using Multiple-viewpoint
Observations to Determine the Interaction of Three Coronal Mass Ejections
Observed on 2012 March 5 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 815, Issue 1, article id. 70, 12 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
12/2015 |
Title: |
Are Halo-like Solar
Coronal Mass Ejections Merely a Matter of Geometric Projection Effects? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 799, Issue 2, article id. L29, 5 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
02/2015 |
Title: |
Constraining the
Masses and the Non-radial Drag Coefficient of a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 801, Issue 2, article id. L21, 6 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
03/2015 |
Title: |
A Determination of the
North--South Heliospheric Magnetic Field Component
from Inner Corona Closed-loop Propagation |
Authors: |
Jackson, B. V.;
Hick, P. P.;
Buffington, A.;
Yu, H.-S.;
Bisi, M. M.; Tokumaru, M.; Zhao, X. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 803, Issue 1, article id. L1, 5 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
04/2015 |
Title: |
Radial and Azimuthal Oscillations
of Halo Coronal Mass Ejections in the Sun |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 803, Issue 1, article id. L7, 6 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
04/2015 |
Title: |
Oscillations of Two Coronal Loops within a Solar Magnetic Arcade |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 804, Issue 1, article id. L19, 7 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
The Peculiar Behavior
of Halo Coronal Mass Ejections in Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.;
Xie, H.;
Akiyama, S.;
Mäkelä, P.; Yashiro, S.;
Michalek, G. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 804, Issue 1, article id. L23, 6 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
05/2015 |
Title: |
First Detection of
>100 MeV Gamma-Rays Associated with a Behind-the-limb Solar Flare |
Authors: |
Pesce-Rollins, M.; Omodei, N.; Petrosian, V.; Liu, Wei; Rubio da Costa, Fatima;
Allafort, A.; Chen, Qingrong |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 805, Issue 2, article id. L15, 6 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
06/2015 |
Title: |
The Heliocentric
Distance where the Deflections and Rotations of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections
Occur |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 811, Issue 2, article id. L36, 6 pp. (2015). |
Publication Date: |
10/2015 |
Title: |
An Atlas of Coronal
Electron Density at 5R&sun;. I. Data Processing and
Calibration |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement Series, Volume 219, Issue 2, article id. 23, 21 pp.
(2015). |
Publication Date: |
08/2015 |
Title: |
The Dynamics of
Eruptive Prominences |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Prominences, Astrophysics
and Space Science Library, Volume 415. ISBN 978-3-319-10415-7. Springer
International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, p. 381 |
Publication Date: |
00/2015 |
Title: |
Eruptive Prominences
and Their Association with Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Prominences, Astrophysics
and Space Science Library, Volume 415. ISBN 978-3-319-10415-7. Springer
International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, p. 411 |
Publication Date: |
00/2015 |
Title: |
Fundamental Aspects of Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Carlos Alexandre Wuensche |
Publication: |
of Cosmic Hazards and Planetary Defense (2015), ed. Joseph N.
Pelton, Firooz Allahadi,
Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 99-116 |
Publication Date: |
00/2015 |
Title: |
A year of operation of
Melibea e-Callisto Solar
Radio Telescope |
Authors: |
Russu, A.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Prieto, M.; Monstein, C.; Ivanov, H.; Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.; Blanco, J. J. |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics: Conference
Series, Volume 632, Issue 1, article id. 012078 (2015). |
Publication Date: |
08/2015 |
Title: |
High-energy solar
particle events in cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.;
Mäkelä, P.; Yashiro, S.;
Xie, H.;
Akiyama, S.;
Thakur, N. |
Publication: |
Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, Volume 642, Issue 1, article id. 012012 (2015). |
Publication Date: |
09/2015 |
Title: |
Coronal Sources of
Impulsive Fe-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Proceeding of The 34th
International Cosmic Ray Conference 30 July - 6 August 2015 |
Publication Date: |
09/2015 |
Title: |
Solar Cycle in the
Heliosphere and Cosmic Rays |
Authors: |
Bazilevskaya, Galina A.; Cliver, Edward W.; Kovaltsov, Gennady A.; Ling, Alan G.;
Shea, M. A.;
Smart, D. F.;
Usoskin, Ilya G. |
Publication: |
The Solar Activity
Cycle: Physical Causes and Consequences, Space Sciences Series of ISSI,
Volume 53. ISBN 978-1-4939-2583-4. Springer Science+Business
Media New York, 2015, p. 409 |
Publication Date: |
00/2015 |
Title: |
The Roles of
Reconnected Flux and Overlying Fields in CME Speeds |
Authors: |
Publication: |
eprint arXiv:1504.02905 |
Publication Date: |
04/2015 |
Title: |
Numerical simulations
of solar energetic particle event timescales associated with ICMES |
Authors: |
Publication: |
eprint arXiv:1507.07655 |
Publication Date: |
07/2015 |
Publication Year 2014
Title: |
Strong geomagnetic activity forecast by neural
networks under dominant southern orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field |
Authors: |
Valach, Fridrich; Bochníček, Josef; Hejda, Pavel; Revallo, Miloš |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 53, Issue 4, p.
589-598. |
Publication Date: |
02/2014 |
Title: |
Testing the asymmetric
cone model for halo CMEs using STEREO/SECCHI coronagraphic observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space
Research, Volume 54, Issue 4, p. 780-787. |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Homologous flare-CME
events and their metric type II radio burst association |
Authors: |
Yashiro, S.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Mäkelä, P.; Akiyama, S.;
Uddin, W.;
Srivastava, A. K.;
Joshi, N. C.;
Chandra, R.;
Manoharan, P. K.;
Mahalakshmi, K.;
Dwivedi, V. C.;
Jain, R.;
Awasthi, A. K.;
Nitta, N. V.;
Aschwanden, M. J.; Choudhary, D. P. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research,
Volume 54, Issue 9, p. 1941-1948. |
Publication Date: |
11/2014 |
Title: |
Sunspot splitting triggering an
eruptive flare |
Authors: |
Louis, Rohan E.;
Puschmann, Klaus G.; Kliem, Bernhard; Balthasar, Horst;
Denker, Carsten |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 562, id.A110, 15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
02/2014 |
Title: |
Long-period intensity pulsations in the solar corona
during activity cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 563, id.A8, pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2014 |
Title: |
Statistical survey of
widely spread out solar electron events observed with STEREO and ACE with
special attention to anisotropies |
Authors: |
Dresing, N.; Gómez-Herrero, R.;
Heber, B.;
Klassen, A.;
Malandraki, O.; Dröge, W.; Kartavykh, Y. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 567, id.A27, 15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
observation of a large-scale flux rope eruption above a kinked small filament |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 572, id.A83, 15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Release timescales of
solar energetic particles in the low corona |
Authors: |
Agueda, N.;
Klein, K.-L.;
Vilmer, N.; Rodríguez-Gasén, R.; Malandraki, O. E.; Papaioannou, A.; Subirà, M.; Sanahuja, B.; Valtonen, E.; Dröge, W.; Nindos, A.; Heber, B.;
Braune, S.; Usoskin, I. G.; Heynderickx, D.; Talew, E.; Vainio, R. |
Publication: |
Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 570, id.A5, 12 pp. (A&A
Homepage) |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
How comets reveal structure of the
inner heliosphere |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume
55, Issue 1, p.1.32-1.35 |
Publication Date: |
02/2014 |
Title: |
Dynamics of the hard X-ray,
gamma-ray, and microwave emission of solar flares produced by the active
region NOAA 0069 in August 2002 |
Authors: |
Bogomolov, A. V.; Kashapova, L. K.; Myagkova, I. N.; Tsap, Yu. T. |
Publication: |
Astronomy Reports, Volume 58,
Issue 3, pp.156-166 |
Publication Date: |
03/2014 |
Title: |
Effects of coronal
mass ejections on distant coronal streamers |
Authors: |
Filippov, B. P.;
Kayshap, P.; Srivastava, A. K.;
Martsenyuk, O. V. |
Publication: |
Astronomy Reports, Volume
58, Issue 8, pp.578-586 (ARep Homepage) |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Solar transients disturbing the terrestrial magnetic
environment at higher latitudes |
Authors: |
Khan, Parvaiz A.; Tripathi, Sharad C.;
Troshichev, O. A.; Waheed, Malik A.; Aslam, A. M.;
Gwal, A. K. |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 349, Issue 2,
pp.647-656 |
Publication Date: |
02/2014 |
Title: |
On the possible mechanism of the
first ground level enhancement in cosmic ray intensity of solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Firoz, Kazi A.; Gan, W. Q.; Li, Y. P.; Rodriguez-Pacheco, J. |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science,
Volume 350, Issue 1, pp.21-32 |
Publication Date: |
03/2014 |
Title: |
Geoeffectiveness and flare
properties of radio-loud CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 350, Issue 1,
pp.33-45 |
Publication Date: |
03/2014 |
Title: |
Temporal offsets among solar
activity indicators |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
350, Issue 2, pp.479-487 |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
Determination of coronal magnetic
fields from 10 to 26 Rsun using the density
compression ratios of CME-driven shocks |
Authors: |
Shanmugaraju, A.; Suresh, K.; Moon, Y.-J. |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
351, Issue 1, pp.67-73 |
Publication Date: |
05/2014 |
Title: |
A statistical study of
the subsurface structure and eruptivity of solar active regions |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space
Science, Volume 352, Issue 2, pp.361-371 |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Interacting CMEs and
their associated flare and SEP activities |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space
Science, Volume 352, Issue 2, pp.385-393 |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
On some properties of
prominence eruptions and the associated CMEs in solar cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space
Science, Volume 352, Issue 2, pp.395-402 |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Solar activity during
first six years of solar cycle 24 and 23: a comparative study |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space
Science, Volume 353, Issue 2, pp.367-371 |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Distribution of CMEs with
Different Angular Widths and Comparison with the Phase of Sunspot Number in
the 23rd Solar Cycle |
Authors: |
Meng, Wei-Juan;
Le, Gui-Ming;
Lin, Zhao-Xiang;
Zhang, Yong;
Yang, Xing-Xing |
Publication: |
Chinese Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 38, Issue 1, p. 85-91. |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
Effect of orientation
of the solar wind magnetic clouds on the seasonal variation of geomagnetic activity |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Cosmic Research, Volume
52, Issue 4, pp.269-277 |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Major solar eruptions and
high-energy particle events during solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, Nat;
Xie, Hong;
Akiyama, Sachiko;
Mäkelä, Pertti A.; Yashiro, Seiji |
Publication: |
Earth, Planets and
Space, Volume 66, article id.104, 15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Anomalous expansion of
coronal mass ejections during solar cycle 24 and its Space Weather
implications |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, Nat;
Akiyama, Sachiko;
Yashiro, Seiji;
Xie, Hong;
Mäkelä, Pertti; Michalek, Grzegorz |
Publication: |
Geophysical Research
Letters, Volume 41, Issue 8, pp. 2673-2680 |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
Prospective of coronal
mass ejections, solar flares and geomagnetic storms |
Authors: |
Singh, A. k.; Tonk, A.; Singh, R. |
Publication: |
Indian Journal of
Physics, 2014, Volume 88, Issue 11, pp 1127-1133 |
Publication Date: |
11/2014 |
Title: |
Global simulation of
extremely fast coronal mass ejection on 23 July 2012 |
Authors: |
Liou, Kan; Wu, Chin-Chun;
Dryer, Murray;
Wu, Shi-Tsan; Rich, Nathan;
Plunkett, Simon;
Simpson, Lynn;
Fry, Craig D.;
Schenk, Kevin |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 121, p. 32-41. |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Comparing the solar minima of
cycles 22/23 and 23/24: The view from LASCO white light coronal images |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research:
Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 1, pp. 47-58 |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
Type II solar radio bursts predicted
by 3-D MHD CME and kinetic radio emission simulations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research:
Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 1, pp. 69-87 |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
On the identification of time interval threshold the
twin-CME scenario |
Authors: |
Liu-Guan Ding, Gang Li, Li-Hua Dong, Yong Jiang, Yi Jian and Bin Gu |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 3, pp. 1463-1475 |
Publication Date: |
03/2014 |
Title: |
Storm time evolution
of ELF/VLF waves observed by DEMETER satellite |
Authors: |
Zhima, Zeren; Cao, JinBin; Liu, WenLong; Fu, HuiShan; Wang, TieYan; Zhang, XueMin; Shen, XuHui |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 4, pp. 2612-2622 |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
Magnetic clouds and origins in STEREO era |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 5, pp. 3237-3246 |
Publication Date: |
05/2014 |
Title: |
Influence of
interplanetary coronal mass ejections on the peak intensity of solar
energetic particle events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 6, pp. 4185-4209 |
Publication Date: |
06/2014 |
Title: |
Full-halo coronal mass
ejections: Arrival at the Earth |
Authors: |
Shen, Chenglong; Wang, Yuming; Pan, Zonghao; Miao, Bin;
Ye, Pinzhong; Wang, S. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 7, pp. 5107-5116 |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
The solar type II
radio bursts of 7 March 2012: Detailed simulation analyses |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 8, pp. 6042-6061 |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Wide longitudinal
distribution of interplanetary electrons following the 7 February 2010 solar
event: Observations and transport modeling |
Authors: |
Dröge, W.; Kartavykh, Y. Y.; Dresing, N.; Heber, B.;
Klassen, A. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 8, pp. 6074-6094 |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Comparison of
interplanetary CME arrival times and solar wind parameters based
on the WSA-ENLIL model with three cone types and observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 9, pp. 7120-7127 |
Publication Date: |
09/2014 |
Title: |
Evolution of the 12
July 2012 CME from the Sun to the Earth: Data-constrained
three-dimensional MHD simulations |
Authors: |
Shen, Fang;
Shen, Chenglong; Zhang, Jie;
Hess, Phillip;
Wang, Yuming; Feng, Xueshang; Cheng, Hongze; Yang, Yi |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 9, pp. 7128-7141 |
Publication Date: |
09/2014 |
Title: |
Forecast of solar
proton flux profiles for well-connected events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 12, pp. 9383-9394 |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
A refined classification of SPEs based on the multienergy channel observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 12, pp. 9419-9429 |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
What flare and CME
parameters control the occurrence of solar proton events? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, Volume 119, Issue 12, pp. 9456-9463 |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Flare on 2011
September 22 and coronal mass ejection from observations in the He I 10830-Å line |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 439, Issue 1, p.193-201 |
Publication Date: |
03/2014 |
Title: |
A filament eruption
with an apparent reshuffle of endpoints |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 442, Issue 4, p.2892-2900 |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
A search for flares
and mass ejections on young late-type stars in the open cluster Blanco-1 |
Authors: |
Leitzinger, M.; Odert, P.; Greimel, R.; Korhonen, H.;
Guenther, E. W.;
Hanslmeier, A.; Lammer, H.;
Khodachenko, M. L. |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 443, Issue 1, p.898-910 |
Publication Date: |
09/2014 |
Title: |
Coronal wave
associated with a non-radial filament eruption observed by the Solar Dynamics
Observatory |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 2, p.1119-1124 |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Downflow-induced brightening following a filament
eruption |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume 26, p. 23-32. |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
Decimetric and metric digital solar radio
spectrometers of the Yunnan Astronomical Observatories and the first-light
results |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume
30, p. 68-78. |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Radio observations of
the fine structure inside a post-CME current sheet |
Authors: |
Gao, Guan-Nan;
Wang, Min;
Lin, Jun;
Wu, Ning;
Tan, Cheng-Ming;
Kliem, Berhard; Su, Yang |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Volume 14, Issue 7, article id. 843-854 (2014). |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Association of CMEs
with solar surface activity during the rise and maximum phases of solar
cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Volume 14, Issue 10, article id. 1289-1300 (2014). |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Investigation of the Coronal
Magnetic Field Using a Type II Solar Radio Burst |
Authors: |
Vasanth, V.;
Umapathy, S.; Vršnak, Bojan; Žic, Tomislav; Prakash, O. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
1, pp.251-261 |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
A Challenging Solar Eruptive Event of 18 November 2003
and the Causes of the 20 November Geomagnetic Superstorm. I. Unusual History
of an Eruptive Filament |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Uralov, A. M.; Slemzin, V. A.; Chertok, I. M.; Filippov, B. P.;
Rudenko, G. V.;
Temmer, M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 1, pp.289-318 |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
The First Ground-Level Enhancement
of Solar Cycle 24 on 17 May 2012 and Its Real-Time Detection |
Authors: |
Papaioannou, A.; Souvatzoglou, G.; Paschalis, P.; Gerontidou, M.; Mavromichalaki, H. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
1, pp.423-436 |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
Coronal Magnetic Field Evolution
from 1996 to 2012: Continuous Non-potential Simulations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
2, pp.631-648 |
Publication Date: |
02/2014 |
Title: |
Different Periodicities in the
Sunspot Area and the Occurrence of Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections in
Solar Cycle 23 - 24 |
Authors: |
Choudhary, D. P.;
Lawrence, J. K.;
Norris, M.;
Cadavid, A. C. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
2, pp.649-656 |
Publication Date: |
02/2014 |
Title: |
Do Solar Coronal Holes Affect the
Properties of Solar Energetic Particle Events? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
2, pp.657-673 |
Publication Date: |
02/2014 |
Title: |
Twist and Writhe of the Magnetic Flux in the Super
Active Region NOAA 11429 |
Authors: |
A. Elmhamdi, P. Romano, A. S. Kordi,
H. A. Al-trabulsy |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Online First |
Publication Date: |
03/2013 |
Title: |
The Association of Solar Flares with Coronal Mass
Ejections During the Extended Solar Minimum |
Authors: |
Nitta, N. V.;
Aschwanden, M. J.; Freeland, S. L.;
Lemen, J. R.; Wülser, J.-P.; Zarro, D. M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 4, pp.1257-1277 |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
A Challenging Solar Eruptive Event
of 18 November 2003 and the Causes of the 20 November Geomagnetic Superstorm.
II. CMEs, Shock Waves, and Drifting Radio Bursts |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Uralov, A. M.; Chertok, I. M.; Slemzin, V. A.; Filippov, B. P.;
Egorov, Y. I.;
Fainshtein, V. G.; Afanasyev, A. N.; Prestage, N. P.; Temmer, M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
4, pp.1279-1312 |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
The Interaction Between Coronal
Mass Ejections and Streamers: A Statistical View over 15 Years (1996 - 2010) |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
4, pp.1313-1339 |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
May 2005 Halo CMEs and Galactic
Cosmic Ray Flux Changes at Earth's Orbit |
Authors: |
Ahluwalia, H. S.;
Alania, M. V.;
Wawrzynczak, A.; Ygbuhay, R. C.; Fikani, M. M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 5,
pp.1763-1782 |
Publication Date: |
05/2014 |
Title: |
Phase Relationships Between the
CME-Energy Cycle, the Sunspot-Area Cycle and the Flare-Index Cycle |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 5,
pp.1831-1841 |
Publication Date: |
05/2014 |
Title: |
CME Expansion as the Driver of
Metric Type II Shock Emission as Revealed by Self-consistent Analysis of
High-Cadence EUV Images and Radio Spectrograms |
Authors: |
Kouloumvakos, A.; Patsourakos, S.; Hillaris, A.; Vourlidas, A.; Preka-Papadema, P.; Moussas, X.; Caroubalos, C.; Tsitsipis, P.; Kontogeorgos, A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
6, pp.2123-2139 |
Publication Date: |
06/2014 |
Title: |
Kinematic Properties of Slow ICMEs and an
Interpretation of a Modified Drag Equation for Fast and Moderate ICMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 6, pp.2157-2175 |
Publication Date: |
06/2014 |
Title: |
Dependence of Geomagnetic Storms
on Their Associated Halo CME Parameters |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
6, pp.2233-2245 |
Publication Date: |
06/2014 |
Title: |
Time Evolution of the Altitude of an Observed Coronal
Wave |
Authors: |
Delannee, Cecile; Artzner, Guy; Schmieder, Brigitte; Parenti, Susanna |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 6, pp.2565-2585 |
Publication Date: |
06/2014 |
Title: |
Solar Energetic Particles and
Associated EIT Disturbances in Solar Cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Miteva, R.; Klein, K.-L.;
Kienreich, I.; Temmer, M.; Veronig, A.; Malandraki, O. E. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
7, pp.2601-2631 |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Are There Different Populations of
Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 7, pp.2633-2652 |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Evolution of Cosmic-Ray
Intensities While the Earth Was Engulfed by the Interplanetary Storm (Blob)
of 1 - 3 October 2013 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
7, pp.2669-2675 |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Ionospheric Disturbances and Their
Impact on IPS Using MEXART Observations |
Authors: |
Rodríguez-Martínez, M.; Pérez-Enríquez, H. R.; Carrillo-Vargas, A.; López-Montes, R.; Araujo-Pradere, E. A.; Casillas-Pérez, G. A.; Cruz-Abeyro, J. A. L. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue
7, pp.2677-2695 |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
> 25 MeV Proton
Events Observed by the High Energy Telescopes on the STEREO A and B
Spacecraft and/or at Earth During the First ˜ Seven Years of the STEREO
Mission |
Authors: |
Richardson, I. G.;
von Rosenvinge, T. T.; Cane, H. V.;
Christian, E. R.;
Cohen, C. M. S.;
Labrador, A. W.;
Leske, R. A.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.; Stone, E. C. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 8, pp.3059-3107 |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Validation of Spherically
Symmetric Inversion by Use of a Tomographically
Reconstructed Three-Dimensional Electron Density of the Solar Corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 10, pp.3723-3745 |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Solar Sources of
Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections During the Solar Cycle 23/24 Minimum |
Authors: |
Kilpua, E. K. J.; Mierla, M.; Zhukov, A. N.; Rodriguez, L.; Vourlidas, A.; Wood, B. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 10, pp.3773-3797 |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Abundance Enhancements
in Impulsive Solar Energetic-Particle Events with Associated Coronal Mass
Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 10, pp.3817-3841 |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Identification of
Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections at Ulysses Using Multiple Solar Wind
Signatures |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 10, pp.3843-3894 |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections
and Non-recurrent Forbush Decreases |
Authors: |
Belov, A.;
Abunin, A.; Abunina, M.; Eroshenko, E.; Oleneva, V.; Yanke, V.; Papaioannou, A.; Mavromichalaki, H.; Gopalswamy, N.;
Yashiro, S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 10, pp.3949-3960 |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Gauribidanur Low-Frequency Solar Spectrograph |
Authors: |
Kishore, P.;
Kathiravan, C.; Ramesh, R.;
Rajalingam, M.;
Barve, Indrajit V. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 10, pp.3995-4005 |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
An Ensemble Study of a
January 2010 Coronal Mass Ejection (CME): Connecting a Non-obvious Solar
Source with Its ICME/Magnetic Cloud |
Authors: |
Webb, D. F.;
Bisi, M. M.; de Koning, C. A.;
Farrugia, C. J.;
Jackson, B. V.;
Jian, L. K.;
Lugaz, N.; Marubashi, K.; Möstl, C.; Romashets, E. P.; Wood, B. E.;
Yu, H.-S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 11, pp.4173-4208 |
Publication Date: |
11/2014 |
Title: |
Influence of the Solar
Global Magnetic-Field Structure Evolution on CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 11, pp.4209-4237 |
Publication Date: |
11/2014 |
Title: |
The Late Gradual Phase
of Large Flares: The Case of November 3, 2003 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 12, pp.4517-4531 |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Bridging EUV and
White-Light Observations to Inspect the Initiation Phase of a
"Two-Stage" Solar Eruptive Event |
Authors: |
Byrne, J. P.;
Morgan, H.;
Seaton, D. B.;
Bain, H. M.;
Habbal, S. R. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 12, pp.4545-4562 |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Statistical Analysis of Large-Scale EUV Waves Observed by
Authors: |
Muhr, N.; Veronig, A. M.; Kienreich, I. W.; Vrsnak, B.; Temmer, M.; Bein, B. M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 12, pp.4563-4588 |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Interaction Between
Two CMEs During 14 - 15 February 2011 and Their Unusual Radio Signature |
Authors: |
Shanmugaraju, A.; Prasanna Subramanian, S.;
Vrsnak, Bojan; Ibrahim, M. Syed |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume
289, Issue 12, pp.4621-4632 |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Solar Cycle in the
Heliosphere and Cosmic Rays |
Authors: |
Bazilevskaya, Galina A.; Cliver, Edward W.; Kovaltsov, Gennady A.; Ling, Alan G.;
Shea, M. A.;
Smart, D. F.;
Usoskin, Ilya G. |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews,
Volume 186, Issue 1-4, pp. 409-435 |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Assessment of GIC risk due to geomagnetic sudden
commencements and identification of the current systems responsible |
Authors: |
R. A. D. Fiori, D. H. Boteler, D. M. Gillies |
Publication: Publication Date: |
Space Weather, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 76-91 01/2014 |
Title: |
Two-step forecast of
geomagnetic storm using coronal mass ejection and solar wind condition |
Authors: |
Kim, R.-S.;
Moon, Y.-J.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Park, Y.-D.;
Kim, Y.-H. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
12, Issue 4, pp. 246-256 |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
MAG4 versus
Alternative Techniques for Forecasting Active-Region Flare Productivity |
Authors: |
Falconer, David;
Moore, Ronald L.;
Barghouty, Abdulnasser F;
Khazanov, Igor |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
12, Issue 5, pp.306-317 |
Publication Date: |
05/2014 |
Title: |
The Solar Stormwatch CME catalogue: Results from the first Space
Weather citizen science project |
Authors: |
Barnard, L.;
Scott, C.;
Owens, M.;
Lockwood, M.;
Tucker-Hood, K.;
Thomas, S.;
Crothers, S.;
Davies, J. A.;
Harrison, R.;
Lintott, C.;
Simpson, R.;
O'Donnell, J.;
Smith, A. M.;
Waterson, N.;
Bamford, S.;
Romeo, F.;
Kukula, M.; Owens, B.;
Savani, N.; Wilkinson, J.;
Baeten, E.; Poeffel, L.; Harder, B. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume
12, Issue 12, pp. 657-674 |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
A Critical Shock Mach Number for Particle Acceleration
in the Absence of Pre-existing Cosmic Rays: M=\sqrt{5} |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 780, Issue 2, article
id. 125, pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
Observations of Energetic Particles between a Pair of
Corotating Interaction Regions |
Authors: |
Wu, Z.; Chen, Y.; Li, G.; Zhao, L. L.; Ebert, R. W.; Desai, M. I.; Mason, G. M.; Lavraud, B.; Zhao, L.; Liu, Y. C.-M.; Guo, F.; Tang, C. L.; Landi, E.; Sauvaud, J. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 781, Issue 1,
article id. 17, pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
Radio Imaging of a Type IVM Radio
Burst on the 14th of August 2010 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
782, Issue 1, article id. 43, 12 pp. (2014) |
Publication Date: |
02/2014 |
Title: |
Do Interacting Coronal Mass
Ejections Play a Role in Solar Energetic Particle Events? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
784, Issue 1, article id. 47, 10 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
03/2014 |
Title: |
Plasma Physical Parameters along
Coronal-mass-ejection-driven Shocks. I. Ultraviolet and White-light
Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 784, Issue 2,
article id. 102, pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
A Comparison of Reconstruction
Methods for the Estimation of Coronal Mass Ejections Kinematics Based on
SECCHI/HI Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
784, Issue 2, article id. 135, 16 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
Plasma Upflows and Microwave Emission in Hot Supra-arcade
Structure Associated with an M1.6 Limb Flare |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 785, Issue 2, article id. 106, 11 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
Spectral Structures
and Their Generation Mechanisms for Solar Radio Type-I Bursts |
Authors: |
Iwai, K.;
Miyoshi, Y.;
Masuda, S.;
Tsuchiya, F.;
Morioka, A.;
Misawa, H. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 789, Issue 1, article id. 4, 9 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Mechanisms and
Observations of Coronal Dimming for the 2010 August 7 Event |
Authors: |
Mason, James Paul;
Woods, T. N.;
Caspi, A.;
Thompson, B. J.;
Hock, R. A. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 789, Issue 1, article id. 61, 9 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Formation of a
Double-decker Magnetic Flux Rope in the Sigmoidal Solar Active Region 11520 |
Authors: |
Cheng, X.;
Ding, M. D.;
Zhang, J.;
Sun, X. D.;
Guo, Y.;
Wang, Y. M.;
Kliem, B.; Deng, Y. Y. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 789, Issue 2, article id. 93, 12 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Stereoscopic Analysis of a Coronal Mass Ejection and Comparison with UV
Spectroscopic Data |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 790, Issue 1, article id. 25, 11 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Self-similar Expansion
of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections: Implications for Lorentz Self-force Driving |
Authors: |
Subramanian, Prasad; Arunbabu, K. P.; Vourlidas, Angelos; Mauriya, Adwiteey |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 790, Issue 2, article id. 125, 7 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Particle Energization
during Solar Maximum: Diffusive Shock Acceleration at Multiple Shocks |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 790, Issue 2, article id. 153, 10 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Solar Energetic
Particle Events in Different Types of Solar Wind |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 791, Issue 1, article id. 4, 8 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
The Longitudinal
Dependence of Heavy-ion Composition in the 2013 April 11 Solar Energetic
Particle Event |
Authors: |
Cohen, C. M. S.;
Mason, G. M.;
Mewaldt, R. A.; Wiedenbeck, M. E. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 793, Issue 1, article id. 35, 10 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
09/2014 |
Title: |
Structures of
Interplanetary Magnetic Flux
Ropes and Comparison with Their Solar Sources |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 793, Issue 1, article id. 53, 21 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
09/2014 |
Title: |
Initiation and Early
Evolution of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2009 May 13 from
Extreme-ultraviolet and White-light Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 793, Issue 2, article id. 140, 12 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
New Insights into the
Physical Nature of Coronal Mass Ejections and Associated Shock Waves within
the Framework of the Three-dimensional Structure |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 794, Issue 2, article id. 148, 14 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Direct Evidence of an Eruptive, Filament-hosting Magnetic Flux Rope Leading to a Fast Solar Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 794, Issue 2, article id. 149, 13 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
An Estimate of the
Coronal Magnetic Field near a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection from Low-frequency
Radio Observations |
Authors: |
Hariharan, K.;
Ramesh, R.;
Kishore, P.;
Kathiravan, C.; Gopalswamy, N. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 795, Issue 1, article id. 14, 9 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
11/2014 |
Title: |
Characteristics of Coronal Mass Ejections without Low-coronal Signatures |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 795, Issue 1, article id. 49, 12 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
11/2014 |
Title: |
An Estimate of the
Magnetic Field Strength Associated with a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection from
Low Frequency Radio Observations |
Authors: |
Sasikumar Raja, K.;
Ramesh, R.;
Hariharan, K.;
Kathiravan, C.; Wang, T. J. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 796, Issue 1, article id. 56, 7 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
11/2014 |
Title: |
Early Evolution of an
Energetic Coronal Mass Ejection and its Relation to EUV Waves |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 797, Issue 1, article id. 37, 15 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Initiation and
Eruption Process of Magnetic Flux Rope from Solar Active Region NOAA 11719 to
Earth-directed CME |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 797, Issue 2, article id. 80, 12 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
Stochasticity and Persistence of
Solar Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 781, Issue 1, article id. L1, 5 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
01/2014 |
Title: |
Is Solar Cycle 24 Producing More
Coronal Mass Ejections Than Cycle 23? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 784, Issue 2, article id. L27, 7 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
04/2014 |
Title: |
Interaction between
Two Coronal Mass Ejections in the 2013 May 22 Large Solar Energetic Particle
Event |
Authors: |
Ding, Liu-Guan;
Li, Gang;
Jiang, Yong;
Le, Gui-Ming;
Shen, Cheng-Long;
Wang, Yu-Ming;
Chen, Yao;
Xu, Fei;
Gu, Bin;
Zhang, Ya-Nan |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 793, Issue 2, article id. L35, 7 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Temporal Spectral
Shift and Polarization of a Band-splitting Solar Type II Radio Burst |
Authors: |
Du, Guohui; Chen, Yao;
Lv, Maoshui; Kong, Xiangliang; Feng, Shiwei; Guo, Fan;
Li, Gang |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 793, Issue 2, article id. L39, 5 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Are the Faint
Structures Ahead of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections Real Signatures of Driven
Shocks? |
Authors: |
Lee, Jae-Ok;
Moon, Y.-J.;
Lee, Jin-Yi; Lee, Kyoung-Sun;
Kim, Sujin; Lee, Kangjin |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 796, Issue 1, article id. L16, 5 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
11/2014 |
Title: |
The Solar Energetic
Particle Event on 2013 April 11: An Investigation of its Solar Origin and
Longitudinal Spread |
Authors: |
Lario, D.; Raouafi, N. E.; Kwon, R.-Y.; Zhang, J.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Dresing, N.; Riley, P. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 797, Issue 1, article id. 8, 16 pp. (2014) |
Publication Date: |
12/2014 |
Title: |
An Interpretation of
GLE71 Concurrent CME-driven Shock Wave |
Authors: |
Firoz, Kazi A.; Zhang, Q. M.; Gan, W. Q.; Li, Y. P.; Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.; Moon, Y.-J.; Kudela, K.; Park, Y.-D.; Dorman, Lev I. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical
Journal Supplement, Volume 213, Issue 2, article id. 24, 14 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
08/2014 |
Title: |
Identifying solar wind structures
related to Garuda 1 satellite anomaly by analyzing solar wind and IMF
parameters |
Authors: |
Abdul Rachman,
Dhani Herdiwijaya |
Publication: |
Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2012):
Science for Health, Food and Sustainable Energy, AIP Conference Proceedings,
Volume 1589, pp. 22-25 (2014). |
Publication Date: |
03/2014 |
Title: |
On-board CME detection
algorithm for the Solar Orbiter-METIS coronagraph |
Authors: |
Bemporad, A.; Andretta, V.;
Pancrazzi, M.; Focardi, M.;
Straus, T.;
Sasso, C.; Spadaro, D.;
Uslenghi, M.; Antonucci, E.;
Fineschi, S.; Abbo, L.; Nicolini, G.; Landini, F.; Romoli, M.; Naletto, G.; Nicolosi, P. |
Publication: |
Proceedings of the
SPIE, Volume 9152, id. 91520K 11 pp. (2014). |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Stream Processing for Solar
Physics: Applications and Implications for Big Solar Data |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Survey paper submitted to Solar
Astronomy Big Data 14 Workshop (IEEE BigData 2014) |
Publication Date: |
09/2014 |
Title: |
A Progress Update for
the COronal Solar Magnetism Observatory for Coronal
and Chromospheric Polarimetry |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Polarization 7,
Proceedings of a workshop held at Expo Garden Hotel, Kunming, China 9-13
September, 2013. Edited by K. N. Nagendra, J. O. Stenflo,
Z. Q. Qu, and M. Sampoorna. AIP Conference Series, Vol. 489. San Francisco:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014, p.323 |
Publication Date: |
10/2014 |
Title: |
Measureing the Magnetis-Field Strength of the Quiet Solar Corona Using "EIT Waves" |
Authors: |
Long, D. M.;
Williams, D. R.; Regnier, S.; Harra,
L. |
Publication: |
Coronal Magnetometry,ed. Steven Tomczky,
Jie Zhang, Timothy Bastian, Springer New York, 2014, pp.105-121 |
Publication Date: |
00/2014 |
Title: |
Space Weather and Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Timothy Howard |
Publication: |
Space Weather and Coronal Mass
Ejections in Springer Briefs in Astronomy (2014), ed. Timothy Howard,
Springer New York |
Publication Date: |
00/2014 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections
from the Sun - Propagation and Near Earth Effects |
Authors: |
Publication: |
PHD THESIS, eprint arXiv:1407.4258 |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Publication Year 2013
Title: |
Helio-geomagnetic influence in
cardiological cases |
Authors: |
Katsavrias, Ch.; Preka-Papadema, P.; Moussas, X.; Apostolou, Th.; Theodoropoulou, A.; Papadima, Th. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 51,
Issue 1, p. 96-106. |
Publication Date: |
01/2013 |
Title: |
Solar and interplanetary precursors of
geomagnetic storms in solar cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 51,
Issue 3, p. 395-410. |
Publication Date: |
02/2013 |
Title: |
Multi-station observation of ionospheric
irregularities over South Africa during strong geomagnetic storms |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 51,
Issue 5, p. 754-771. |
Publication Date: |
03/2013 |
Title: |
A statistical study of post-flare-associated CME
events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 51, Issue 7, p.
1221-1229. |
Publication Date: |
04/2013 |
Title: |
Short term topological changes of coronal holes
associated with prominence eruptions and subsequent CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 51, Issue 10, p.
1824-1833. |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Very intense geomagnetic storms
and their relation to interplanetary and solar active phenomena |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume
51, Issue 10, p. 1842-1856. |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Pseudo-automatic characterization
of the morphological and kinematical properties of coronal mass ejections
using a texture-based technique |
Authors: |
Braga, Carlos Roberto; Dal Lago, Alisson; Stenborg, Guillermo |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume
51, Issue 10, p. 1949-1965. |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Height of shock formation in the solar corona inferred
from observations of type II radio bursts and coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.;
Xie, H.;
Mäkelä, P.; Yashiro, S.;
Akiyama, S.;
Uddin, W.;
Srivastava, A. K.;
Joshi, N. C.;
Chandra, R.;
Manoharan, P. K.;
Mahalakshmi, K.;
Dwivedi, V. C.;
Jain, R.;
Awasthi, A. K.;
Nitta, N. V.;
Aschwanden, M. J.; Choudhary, D. P. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 51, Issue 11, p.
1981-1989. |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
A multiwavelength study of eruptive events on January
23, 2012 associated with a major solar energetic particle event |
Authors: |
Joshi, N. C.;
Uddin, W.;
Srivastava, A. K.;
Chandra, R.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Manoharan, P. K.;
Aschwanden, M. J.; Choudhary, D. P.;
Jain, R.;
Nitta, N. V.;
Xie, H.;
Yashiro, S.;
Akiyama, S.;
Mäkelä, P.; Kayshap, P.; Awasthi, A. K.;
Dwivedi, V. C.;
Mahalakshmi, K. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 52, Issue 1, p.
1-14. |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
CMEs and active regions on the sun |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 52, Issue 3, p.
521-527. |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
Propagation of normal and faster CMEs in the
interplanetary medium |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 52, Issue 6, p.
1168-1177. |
Publication Date: |
09/2013 |
Title: |
Solar energetic particle events during the rise phases
of solar cycles 23 and 24 |
Authors: |
Chandra, R.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Mäkelä, P.; Xie, H.;
Yashiro, S.;
Akiyama, S.;
Uddin, W.;
Srivastava, A. K.;
Joshi, N. C.;
Jain, R.;
Awasthi, A. K.;
Manoharan, P. K.;
Mahalakshmi, K.;
Dwivedi, V. C.;
Choudhary, D. P.;
Nitta, N. V. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 52, Issue 12, p.
2102-2111. |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
On the relationship between interplanetary coronal
mass ejections and magnetic clouds |
Authors: |
Kilpua, E. K.
J.; Isavnin, A.; Vourlidas,
A.; Koskinen, H. E. J.,; Rodriguez,
L |
Publication: |
Annales Geophysicae,Volume
31, Issue 7, 2013, pp.1251-1265 |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
A study of solar and interplanetary parameters of CMEs
causing major geomagnetic storm during SC23 |
Authors: |
Oprea, C.; Mierla, M.; Besliu-lonescu, D.;
Stere, O.; Maris Muntean, G |
Publication: |
Annales Geophysicae,Volume
31, Issue 8, 2013, pp.1285-1295 |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
High-rigidity Forbush
decreases: due to CMEs or shocks? |
Authors: |
Arunbabu, K. P.; Antia, H. M.; Dugad, S. R.; Gupta, S. K.;
Hayashi, Y.;
Kawakami, S.;
Mohanty, P. K.;
Nonaka, T.;
Oshima, A.; Subramanian, P. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 555, id.A139, 11 pp. |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Origin of wide-band IP type II bursts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 558, id.A7, pp. |
Publication Date: |
10/2013 |
Title: |
Comparison of geoeffectiveness
of coronal mass ejections and corotating interaction regions |
Authors: |
Verbanac, G.; Živković, S.; Vršnak, B.; Bandić, M.; Hojsak, T. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 558, id.A85, pp. |
Publication Date: |
10/2013 |
Title: |
Coronal magnetic field strength
from Type II radio emission: complementarity with Faraday rotation
measurements |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 560, id.L1, 4 pp. (A&A Homepage) |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
First results of radio
observations of the sun and powerful discrete radio sources using the Irkutsk
Radar |
Authors: |
Vasil'ev, R. V.; Kushnarev, D. S.; Kashapova, L. K.; Lebedev, V. P.;
Medvedev, A. V.;
Nevedimov, N. I.; Ratovskii, K. G. |
Publication: |
Astronomy Reports, Volume 57,
Issue 11, pp.872-881 |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Study of interacting CMEs and DH
type II radio bursts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
344, Issue 2, pp.305-312 |
Publication Date: |
04/2013 |
Title: |
Investigation on spectral behavior of Solar transients
and their interrelationship |
Authors: |
Tripathi, Sharad C.;
Khan, Parvaiz A.; Aslam, A. M.;
Gwal, A. K.; Purohit, P. K.;
Jain, Rajmal |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 347, Issue 2,
pp.227-233 |
Publication Date: |
10/2013 |
Title: |
Two Solar Flares that Became X-ray Plasma Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, Vol. 37, p.
585-596 |
Publication Date: |
00/2013 |
Title: |
Simultaneous Yohkoh/SXT
and TRACE Observations of Solar Plasma Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Central European Astrophysical
Bulletin, Vol. 37, p. 597-608 |
Publication Date: |
00/2013 |
Title: |
Kinematics of Strongly Accelerated and Strongly
Decelerated DH-type II Associated CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, Vol. 37, p.
673-691 |
Publication Date: |
00/2013 |
Title: |
A review of recent studies on coronal dynamics:
Streamers, coronal mass ejections, and their interactions |
Authors: |
Yao Chen |
Publication: |
Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 14, p.
1599-1624 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Investigation of CME properties
using the data of SDO and PROBA2 spacecraft |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Cosmic Research, Volume 51, Issue
1, pp.1-12 |
Publication Date: |
01/2013 |
Title: |
Coronal mass ejections in July
2005 and an unusual heliospheric event |
Authors: |
Livshits, M. A.; Belov, A. V.;
Shakhovskaya, A. I.; Eroshenko, E. A.; Osokin, A. R.;
Kashapova, L. K. |
Publication: |
Cosmic Research, Volume 51, Issue
5, pp.326-334 |
Publication Date: |
09/2013 |
Title: |
Statistical Study of the CME-Solar
Flares Associated Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Earth, Moon, and Planets, Volume
110, Issue 3-4, pp. 185-195 |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
Impulsive and Long Duration High-Energy Gamma-ray
Emission From the Very Bright 2012 March 7 Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Publication: |
eprint arXiv:1304.5559 |
Publication Date: |
04/2013 |
Title: |
Effects of Plasma Drag on Low Earth Orbiting
Satellites due to Heating of Earth's Atmosphere by Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 56, Issue 1, p.
47-56. |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Relationship between Forbush
effect parameters and the heliolongitude of solar
sources |
Authors: |
Abunina, M. A.; Abunin, A. A.; Belov, A. V.;
Eroshenko, E. A.; Asipenka, A. S.; Oleneva, V. A.; Yanke, V. G. |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 53, Issue 1,
pp.10-18 |
Publication Date: |
01/2013 |
Title: |
Solar activity and geomagnetic
disturbances |
Authors: |
Obridko, V. N.; Kanonidi, Kh. D.;
Mitrofanova, T. A.; Shelting, B. D. |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume
53, Issue 2, pp.147-156 |
Publication Date: |
04/2013 |
Title: |
Long-term variations of geomagnetic activity and their
solar sources |
Authors: |
Kirov, B.;
Obridko, V. N.; Georgieva, K.;
Nepomnyashtaya, E. V.; Shelting, B. D. |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 53, Issue 7,
pp.813-817 |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
Solar Mini-Dimming Kinematics and Their Positive
Correlations with Coronal Mass Ejections and Prominence |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Iranian Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 1, 1,
57, 2013 |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Plasma properties from the multi-wavelength analysis
of the November 1st 2003 CME/shock event |
Authors: |
Benna, Carlo; Mancuso, Salvatore; Giordano, Silvio; Gioannini, Lorenzo |
Publication: |
Journal of Advanced Research, Vol. 4, Issue 3, p.
293-296 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
The response of African equatorial GPS-TEC to intense
geomagnetic storms during the ascending phase of solar cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Akala, A. O.;
Rabiu, A. B.;
Somoye, E. O.; Oyeyemi, E. O.;
Adeloye, A. B. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,
Volume 98, p. 50-62. |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
A statistical study on the
stand-off distances of interplanetary coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Mujiber Rahman, A.; Shanmugaraju, A.; Umapathy, S.; Moon, Y.-J. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 105, p. 181-190. |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
Intense solar near-relativistic electron events at 0.3
AU |
Authors: |
Lario, David;
Ho, George C.;
Roelof, Edmond C.; Anderson, Brian J.;
Korth, Haje |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume
118, Issue 1, pp. 63-73 |
Publication Date: |
01/2013 |
Title: |
UVCS/SOHO catalog of coronal mass ejections from 1996
to 2005: Spectroscopic proprieties |
Authors: |
Giordano, S.;
Ciaravella, A.; Raymond, J. C.;
Ko, Y.-K.;
Suleiman, R. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume
118, Issue 3, pp. 967-981 |
Publication Date: |
03/2013 |
Title: |
Interplanetary shock-induced current sheet
disturbances leading to auroral activations: THEMIS observations |
Authors: |
Zhou, Xiaoyan; Zhou, Xu-Zhi;
Angelopoulos, Vassilis;
Shi, Quanqi; Wang, Chih-Ping; Frey, Harald |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume
118, Issue 6, pp. 3173-3187 |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
Interplanetary and geomagnetic
consequences of 5 January 2005 CMEs associated with eruptive filaments |
Authors: |
Sharma, Rahul;
Srivastava, Nandita;
Chakrabarty, D.;
Möstl, Christian; Hu, Qiang |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research:
Space Physics, Volume 118, Issue 7, pp. 3954-3967 |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Understanding shock dynamics in the inner heliosphere
with modeling and type II radio data: A statistical study |
Authors: |
Xie, H.;
St. Cyr, O. C.;
Gopalswamy, N.;
Odstrcil, D.; Cremades, H. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume
118, Issue 8, pp. 4711-4723 |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
Sawtooth-substorm connections: A closer look |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume
118, Issue 8, pp. 5136-5148 |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
Two different types of plasmoids
in the plasma sheet: Cluster multisatellite
analysis application |
Authors: |
Zhang, Y. C.;
Shen, C.;
Liu, Z. X.;
Rong, Z. J.;
Zhang, T. L.;
Marchaudon, A.; Zhang, H.;
Duan, S. P.;
Ma, Y. H.;
Dunlop, M. W.;
Yang, Y. Y.;
Carr, C. M.; Dandouras, I. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume
118, Issue 9, pp. 5437-5444 |
Publication Date: |
09/2013 |
Title: |
Magnetospheric sawtooth events during the solar cycle
23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume
118, Issue 10, pp. 6378-6388 |
Publication Date: |
10/2013 |
Title: |
Full halo coronal mass ejections:
Do we need to correct the projection effect in terms of velocity? |
Authors: |
Shen, Chenglong; Wang, Yuming; Pan, Zonghao; Zhang, Min;
Ye, Pinzhong; Wang, S. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research:
Space Physics, Volume 118, Issue 11, pp. 6858-6865 |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Quantitative comparison of methods for predicting the
arrival of coronal mass ejections at Earth based on multiview
imaging |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume
118, Issue 11, pp. 6866-6879 |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Investigation of the transient
cosmic ray decreases observed by voyagers in 2007: A numerical approach |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research:
Space Physics, Volume 118, Issue 12, pp. 7517-7524 |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
The first SEPServer event
catalogue ~68-MeV solar proton events observed at 1 AU in 1996-2010 |
Publication: |
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Volume 3,
id.A12, pp. |
Publication Date: |
03/2013 |
Title: |
Systematic Microwave Source
Motions along a Flare-Arcade Observed by Nobeyama
Radioheliograph and AIA/SDO |
Authors: |
Kim, Sujin; Masuda, Satoshi; Shibasaki, Kiyoto; Bong, Su-Chan |
Publication: |
Publications of the Astronomical
Society of Japan, Vol.65, No.SP1, Article No.S2 7 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
Relations between Strong
High-Frequency Microwave Bursts and Proton Events |
Authors: |
Grechnev, Victor V.; Meshalkina, Nataliya S.; Chertok, Ilya M.; Kiselev, Valentin I. |
Publication: |
Publications of the Astronomical
Society of Japan, Vol.65, No.SP1, Article No.S4 12 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
An Updated View of Solar Eruptive
Flares and the Development of Shocks and CMEs: History of the 2006 December
13 GLE-Productive Extreme Event |
Authors: |
Grechnev, Victor V.; Kiselev, Valentin I.;
Uralov, Arkadiy M.;
Meshalkina, Nataliya S.; Kochanov, Alexey A. |
Publication: |
Publications of the Astronomical
Society of Japan, Vol.65, No.SP1, Article No.S9 18 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
Microwave Negative Bursts as
Indications of Reconnection Between Eruptive Filaments and a Large-Scale
Coronal Magnetic Environment |
Authors: |
Grechnev, Victor V.; Kuz'menko, Irina V.; Uralov, Arkadiy M.;
Chertok, Ilya M.; Kochanov, Alexey A. |
Publication: |
Publications of the Astronomical
Society of Japan, Vol.65, No.SP1, Article No.S10 9 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
A Study of Coronal Holes Observed by SoHO/EIT and the Nobeyama
Radioheliograph |
Authors: |
Akiyama, Sachiko;
Gopalswamy, Nat;
Yashiro, Seiji;
Mäkelä, Pertti |
Publication: |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan,
Vol.65, No.SP1, Article No.S15 pp. |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
The energetic relationship among geoeffective solar
flares, associated CMEs and SEPs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 13,
Issue 8, article id. 978-990 (2013). |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
The interplanetary
mass ejections behaviour in the heliosphere |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Romanian Journal of Physics,
58, 3-4, p.383-394, 2013 |
Publication Date: |
00/2013 |
Title: |
Magnetic Flux of EUV Arcade and Dimming
Regions as a Relevant Parameter for Early Diagnostics of Solar Eruptions -
Sources of Non-recurrent Geomagnetic Storms and Forbush
Decreases |
Authors: |
Chertok, I. M.; Grechnev, V. V.; Belov, A. V.; Abunin, A. A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 282, Issue
1, pp.175-199 |
Publication Date: |
01/2013 |
Title: |
A Statistical Study on CMEs Associated
with DH-Type-II Radio Bursts Based on Their Source Location (Limb and Disk
Events) |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 282, Issue
1, pp.239-247 |
Publication Date: |
01/2013 |
Title: |
Solar Energetic Particle Events in the 23rd Solar
Cycle: Interplanetary Magnetic Field Configuration and Statistical
Relationship with Flares and CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 282, Issue 2, pp.579-613 |
Publication Date: |
02/2013 |
Title: |
Post-Eruption Arcades and Interplanetary
Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.5-15 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
The Solar Connection of Enhanced Heavy Ion Charge
States in the Interplanetary Medium: Implications for the Flux-Rope Structure
of CMEs |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.;
Mäkelä, P.; Akiyama, S.;
Xie, H.;
Yashiro, S.;
Reinard, A. A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.17-46 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Near-Sun Flux-Rope Structure of CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.47-58 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Coronal Hole Influence on the Observed Structure of
Interplanetary CMEs |
Authors: |
Mäkelä, P.; Gopalswamy, N.;
Xie, H.;
Mohamed, A. A.;
Akiyama, S.;
Yashiro, S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.59-75 (SoPh
Homepage) |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Propagation Characteristics of CMEs
Associated with Magnetic Clouds and Ejecta |
Authors: |
Kim, R.-S.; Gopalswamy, N.; Cho,
K.-S,; Moon. Y.-J.; Yashiro, S.; |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.77-88 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
A Comparative Study of Coronal Mass
Ejections with and without Magnetic Cloud Structure near the Earth: Are All
Interplanetary CMEs Flux Ropes? |
Authors: |
J. Zhang, P. Hess, W. Poomvises |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.89-104 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Comparison of Helicity Signs in Interplanetary CMEs
and Their Solar Source Regions |
Authors: |
Cho, K.-S.;
Park, S.-H.;
Marubashi, K.; Gopalswamy, N.;
Akiyama, S.;
Yashiro, S.;
Kim, R.-S.;
Lim, E.-K. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.105-127 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Magnetic Field Configuration Models and
Reconstruction Methods for Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Al-Haddad, N.; Nieves-Chinchilla, T.; Savani, N. P.; Möstl, C.; Marubashi, K.; Hidalgo, M.; Roussev, I. I.; Poedts, S.; Farrugia, C. J. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.129-149 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Observable Effects of Interplanetary Coronal Mass
Ejections on Ground Level Neutron Monitor Count Rates |
Authors: |
Blanco, J. J.; Catalán, E.; Hidalgo, M. A.; Medina, J.; García, O.; Rodríguez-Pacheco, J. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.167-178 |
Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
How Many CMEs Have Flux Ropes?
Deciphering the Signatures of Shocks, Flux Ropes, and Prominences in
Coronagraph Observations of CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.179-201 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
On Fields and Mass Constraints for the
Uniform Propagation of Magnetic-Flux Ropes Undergoing Isotropic Expansion |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.245-259 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Ineffectiveness of Narrow CMEs for Cosmic Ray
Modulation |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 2, pp.589-597 |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
Initial Fe/O Enhancements in Large,
Gradual, Solar Energetic Particle Events: Observations from Wind and Ulysses |
Authors: |
Tylka, Allan J.; Malandraki, Olga E.; Dorrian, Gareth; Ko, Yuan-Kuen; Marsden, Richard G.; Ng, Chee K.; Tranquille, Cecil |
Publication: |
Physics, Volume 285, Issue 1-2, pp. 251-267 |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Stealth Coronal Mass Ejections: A
Perspective |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 285, Issue 1-2, pp. 269-280 |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Propagation of Interplanetary Coronal
Mass Ejections: The Drag-Based Model |
Authors: |
Vršnak, B.; Žic, T.; Vrbanec, D.; Temmer, M.; Rollett, T.; Möstl, C.; Veronig, A.; Čalogović, J.; Dumbović, M.; Lulić, S.; Moon, Y.-J.; Shanmugaraju, A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 285, Issue 1-2, pp. 295-315 |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Imaging of 3D Density Structures During the Multiple Coronal Mass Ejections
of Late July to Early August 2010 |
Authors: |
Webb, D. F.;
Möstl, C.; Jackson, B. V.;
Bisi, M. M.; Howard, T. A.;
Mulligan, T.;
Jensen, E. A.;
Jian, L. K.;
Davies, J. A.;
de Koning, C. A.;
Liu, Y.;
Temmer, M.; Clover, J. M.;
Farrugia, C. J.;
Harrison, R. A.;
Nitta, N.;
Odstrcil, D.; Tappin, S. J.; Yu, H.-S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 285, Issue
1-2, pp. 317-348 |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Propagation of Fast Coronal Mass Ejections and Shock
Waves Associated with Type II Radio-Burst Emission: An Analytic Study |
Authors: |
Corona-Romero, P.; Gonzalez-Esparza, J. A.; Aguilar-Rodriguez, E. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 285, Issue 1-2, pp. 391-410 |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Speeds and Arrival Times of Solar
Transients Approximated by Self-similar Expanding Circular Fronts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 285, Issue 1-2, pp. 411-423 |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
ARTEMIS II: A Second-Generation Catalog of LASCO
Coronal Mass Ejections Including Mass and Kinetic Energy |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 288, Issue
1, pp.269-289 |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Comparison of Cone Model
Parameters for Halo Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Na, Hyeonock; Moon, Y.-J.;
Jang, Soojeong; Lee, Kyoung-Sun;
Kim, Hae-Yeon |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 288, Issue
1, pp.313-329 |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Radial Speed Evolution of Interplanetary Coronal Mass
Ejections During Solar Cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 288, Issue 1, pp.331-353 |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Measuring the Magnetic-Field Strength of the Quiet Solar Corona Using "EIT Waves" |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 288, Issue 2, pp.567-583 |
Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
The Two Sources of Solar Energetic Particles |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume 175, Issue 1-4, pp.
53-92 (SSRv
Homepage) |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
The Heliospheric
Magnetic Field |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume 176,
Issue 1-4, pp. 177-215 |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
The Solar Mass Ejection Imager and
Its Heliospheric Imaging Legacy |
Authors: |
Howard, T. A.;
Bisi, M. M.; Buffington, A.;
Clover, J. M.;
Cooke, M. P.;
Eyles, C. J.; Hick, P. P.;
Holladay, P. E.;
Jackson, B. V.;
Johnston, J. C.;
Kahler, S. W.;
Kuchar, T. A.; Mizuno, D. R.;
Penny, A. J.;
Price, S. D.;
Radick, R. R.; Simnett, G. M.; Tappin, S. J.; Waltham, N. R.;
Webb, D. F. |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume 180,
Issue 1-4, pp. 1-38 |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
Ensemble forecasting of coronal mass ejections using the
WSA-ENLIL with CONED Model |
Authors: |
Emmons, D.;
Acebal, A.; Pulkkinen, A.; Taktakishvili, A.; MacNeice, P.;
Odstrcil, D. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp. 95-106 |
Publication Date: |
03/2013 |
Title: |
The SCORE Scale: A Coronal Mass Ejection Typification
System Based On Speed |
Authors: |
Evans, Rebekah M.;
Pulkkinen, Antti A.; Zheng, Yihua; Leila Mays, M.;
Taktakishvili, Aleksandre;
Kuznetsova, Maria M.;
Hesse, Michael |
Publication: Publication Date: |
Space Weather, Volume 11, Issue 6, pp. 333-334 06/2013 |
Title: |
Testing the empirical shock arrival model using
quadrature observations |
Authors: |
Publication: Publication Date: |
Space Weather, Volume 11, Issue 11, pp. 661-669 11/2013 |
Title: |
Observations of Solar Energetic Particles from 3He-rich Events over a Wide Range of
Heliographic Longitude |
Authors: |
Wiedenbeck, M. E.; Mason, G. M.;
Cohen, C. M. S.;
Nitta, N. V.;
Gómez-Herrero, R.;
Haggerty, D. K. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 762, Issue 1, article
id. 54, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
01/2013 |
Title: |
The "Twin-CME" Scenario and Large Solar
Energetic Particle Events in Solar Cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 763, Issue 1, article
id. 30, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
01/2013 |
Title: |
Rotating Motions and Modeling of the Erupting Solar
Polar-crown Prominence on 2010 December 6 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 764, Issue 1,
article id. 91, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
02/2013 |
Title: |
Current Sheet Regulation of Solar Near-relativistic
Electron Injection Histories |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 765, Issue 2,
article id. 83, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
03/2013 |
Title: |
Bright Ray-like Features in the Aftermath of Coronal
Mass Ejections: White Light versus Ultraviolet Spectra |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 766, Issue 1,
article id. 65, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
03/2013 |
Title: |
Longitudinal and Radial Dependence of Solar Energetic
Particle Peak Intensities: STEREO, ACE, SOHO, GOES, and MESSENGER
Observations |
Authors: |
Lario, D.; Aran, A.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Dresing, N.; Heber, B.; Ho, G. C.; Decker, R. B.; Roelof, E. C. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 767, Issue 1,
article id. 41, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
04/2013 |
Title: |
Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability of the CME Reconnection
Outflow Layer in the Low Corona |
Authors: |
Foullon, Claire; Verwichte, Erwin; Nykyri, Katariina; Aschwanden, Markus J.; Hannah, Iain G. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 767, Issue 2,
article id. 170, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
04/2013 |
Title: |
The Height Evolution of the "True" Coronal
Mass Ejection Mass derived from STEREO COR1 and COR2 Observations |
Authors: |
Bein, B. M.; Temmer, M.; Vourlidas, A.; Veronig, A. M.; Utz, D. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 768, Issue 1,
article id. 31, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
A Bright Impulsive Solar Burst
Detected at 30 THz |
Authors: |
Kaufmann, P.;
White, S. M.;
Freeland, S. L.;
Marcon, R.;
Fernandes, L. O. T.;
Kudaka, A. S.; de Souza, R. V.;
Aballay, J. L.; Fernandez, G.;
Godoy, R.;
Marun, A.; Valio, A.; Raulin, J.-P.; Giménez de Castro, C. G. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
768, Issue 2, article id. 134, 9 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Does a Scaling Law Exist between
Solar Energetic Particle Events and Solar Flares? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
769, Issue 1, article id. 35, 5 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
Tracking Coronal Features from the Low Corona to
Earth: A Quantitative Analysis of the 2008 December 12 Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 769, Issue 1,
article id. 43, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
A Comparison of Solar Energetic Particle Event
Timescales with Properties of Associated Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 769, Issue 2,
article id. 110, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
A Comparison of the Intensities and Energies of
Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events with the Dynamical Properties of
Associated Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 769, Issue 2,
article id. 143, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
Electron and Proton Acceleration during the First
Ground Level Enhancement Event of Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 770, Issue 1,
article id. 34, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
On the Remote Detection of Suprathermal
Ions in the Solar Corona and their Role as Seeds for Solar Energetic Particle
Production |
Authors: |
Laming, J. Martin;
Moses, J. Daniel;
Ko, Yuan-Kuen; Ng, Chee K.;
Rakowski, Cara E.;
Tylka, Allan J. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 770, Issue 1,
article id. 73, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
Magnetic Structure Producing X- and M-class Solar
Flares in Solar Active Region 11158 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 770, Issue 1,
article id. 79, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
A Study of a Failed Coronal Mass Ejection Core
Associated with an Asymmetric Filament Eruption |
Authors: |
Joshi, Navin Chandra;
Srivastava, Abhishek K.;
Filippov, Boris;
Uddin, Wahab;
Kayshap, Pradeep; Chandra, Ramesh |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 771, Issue 1,
article id. 65, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
A Model for the Escape of Solar-flare-accelerated
Particles |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 771, Issue 2,
article id. 82, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Estimating the Arrival Time of Earth-directed Coronal
Mass Ejections at in Situ Spacecraft Using COR and HI Observations from
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 772, Issue 1,
article id. 70, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Interpreting Eruptive Behavior in
NOAA AR 11158 via the Region's Magnetic Energy and Relative-helicity Budgets |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
772, Issue 2, article id. 115, 18 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
A Filament Eruption on 2010
October 21 from Three Viewpoints |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
773, Issue 1, article id. 10, 8 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
A Study of Fast Flareless Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Song, H. Q.; Chen, Y.; Ye, D. D.; Han, G. Q.; Du, G. H.; Li, G.; Zhang, J.; Hu, Q. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 773, Issue 2,
article id. 129, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
The Location of Non-thermal
Velocity in the Early Phases of Large Flares—Revealing Pre-eruption Flux
Ropes |
Authors: |
Harra, Louise K.; Matthews, Sarah;
Culhane, J. L.;
Cheung, Mark C. M.;
Kontar, Eduard P.; Hara, Hirohisa |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
774, Issue 2, article id. 122, 14 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
09/2013 |
Title: |
Forecasting a Coronal Mass Ejection's Altered
Trajectory: ForeCAT |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 775, Issue 1,
article id. 5, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
09/2013 |
Title: |
Large-scale Coronal Propagating
Fronts in Solar Eruptions as Observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on
Board the Solar Dynamics Observatory—an Ensemble Study |
Authors: |
Nitta, Nariaki V.;
Schrijver, Carolus J.;
Title, Alan M.;
Liu, Wei |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
776, Issue 1, article id. 58, 13 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
10/2013 |
Title: |
Source Regions of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
and Variability in Heavy-ion Elemental Composition in Gradual Solar Energetic
Particle Events |
Authors: |
Ko, Yuan-Kuen; Tylka, Allan J.; Ng, Chee K.;
Wang, Yi-Ming;
Dietrich, William F. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 776, Issue 2,
article id. 92, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
10/2013 |
Title: |
Plasma Heating in a Post Eruption Current Sheet: A
Case Study Based on Ultraviolet, Soft, and Hard X-Ray Data |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 777, Issue 2,
article id. 93, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Study of Magnetic Helicity Injection in the Active
Region NOAA 9236 Producing Multiple Flare-associated Coronal Mass Ejection
Events |
Authors: |
Park, Sung-Hong;
Kusano, Kanya; Cho, Kyung-Suk;
Chae, Jongchul; Bong, Su-Chan; Kumar, Pankaj;
Park, So-Young;
Kim, Yeon-Han;
Park, Young-Deuk |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 778, Issue 1,
article id. 13, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Low-frequency Observations of Drifting, Non-thermal
Continuum Radio Emission Associated with the Solar Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Ramesh, R.;
Kishore, P.;
Mulay, Sargam M.;
Barve, Indrajit V.; Kathiravan, C.; Wang, T. J. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 778, Issue 1,
article id. 30, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
11/2013 |
Title: |
Inner Heliospheric Evolution
of a "Stealth" CME Derived from Multi-view Imaging and Multipoint
in Situ observations. I. Propagation to 1 AU |
Authors: |
Nieves-Chinchilla, T.;
Vourlidas, A.; Stenborg, G.; Savani, N. P.; Koval, A.; Szabo, A.;
Jian, L. K. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 779, Issue 1,
article id. 55, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
The Source Regions of Solar Energetic Particles
Detected by Widely Separated Spacecraft |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 779, Issue 2,
article id. 184, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
12/2013 |
Title: |
Waiting Times of Quasi-homologous
Coronal Mass Ejections from Super Active Regions |
Authors: |
Wang, Yuming; Liu, Lijuan;
Shen, Chenglong; Liu, Rui;
Ye, Pinzhong; Wang, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 763, Issue 2, article id. L43, 5 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
02/2013 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections as a Mechanism for Producing IR Variability in Debris Disks |
Authors: |
Osten, Rachel; Livio, Mario; Lubow, Steve; Pringle, J. E.; Soderblom, David; Valenti, Jeff |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 765, Issue 2, article id. L44, pp. (2013). |
Date: |
03/2013 |
Title: |
Peak Flux Distributions of Solar Radio Type-i Bursts from Highly Resolved Spectral Observations |
Authors: |
Iwai, K.; Masuda, S.; Miyoshi, Y.; Tsuchiya, F.; Morioka, A.; Misawa, H. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 768, Issue 1, article id. L2, pp. (2013). |
Date: |
05/2013 |
Title: |
A Study of a Failed Coronal Mass
Ejection Core Associated with an Asymmetric Filament Eruption |
Authors: |
Joshi, Navin Chandra;
Srivastava, Abhishek K.;
Filippov, Boris;
Uddin, Wahab;
Kayshap, Pradeep; Chandra, Ramesh |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
771, Issue 1, article id. 65, 13 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Estimating the Arrival Time of
Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejections at in Situ Spacecraft Using COR and HI
Observations from STEREO |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
772, Issue 1, article id. 70, 20 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
07/2013 |
Title: |
Prediction of Type II Solar Radio Bursts by
Three-dimensional MHD Coronal Mass Ejection and Kinetic Radio Emission
Simulations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 773, Issue
2, article id. L30, pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
Diffraction, Refraction, and
Reflection of an Extreme-ultraviolet Wave Observed during Its Interactions
with Remote Active Regions |
Authors: |
Shen, Yuandeng; Liu, Yu;
Su, Jiangtao; Li, Hui;
Zhao, Ruijuan; Tian, Zhanjun; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Shibata, Kazunari |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 773, Issue 2, article id. L33, 6 pp. (2013). |
Publication Date: |
08/2013 |
Title: |
Statistical study of slow and fast
Halo CMES during 23rd solar cycle |
Authors: |
Publication: |
31st ASI Meeting, ASI Conference
Series, 2013, Vol. 9, pp 104 Edited by Pushpa Khare & C. H. Ishwara-Chandra |
Publication Date: |
00/2013 |
Title: |
Observations of CMEs and models of the eruptive corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
SOLAR WIND 13: Proceedings of the Thirteenth
International Solar Wind Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1539,
pp. 5-10 (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
Solar energetic particles and
their variability from the sun and beyond |
Authors: |
Mewaldt, R. A.; Cohen, C. M. S.;
Mason, G. M.;
von Rosenvinge, T. T.; Leske, R. A.; Luhmann, J. G.; Odstrcil, D.; Vourlidas, A. |
Publication: |
13: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference. AIP
Conference Proceedings, Volume 1539, pp. 116-121 (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
Kinematics of interplanetary
coronal mass ejections in the inner heliosphere |
Authors: |
Publication: |
13: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference. AIP
Conference Proceedings, Volume 1539, pp. 183-186 (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
A rogue solar energetic particle event at 0.33
AU: Importance of interplanetary structures in SEP events |
Authors: |
Lario, D.;
Ho, G. C.;
Roelof, E. C.; Decker, R. B.;
Anderson, B. J. |
Publication: |
SOLAR WIND 13: Proceedings of the
Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings,
Volume 1539, pp. 215-218 (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
Speed evolution of CME/shocks
using multi-spacecraft observations of type II radio bursts: A case study |
Authors: |
Manuel-Hernandez, T.; Aguilar-Rodriguez, E.; Gonzalez-Esparza, J. A.; Ontiveros, V. |
Publication: |
SOLAR WIND 13: Proceedings of the
Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings,
Volume 1539, pp. 235-238 (2013). |
Publication Date: |
06/2013 |
Title: |
Solar sources of the geoeffective events in September
2011 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, Proceedings of
the X Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA), held in
Valencia, July 9 - 13, 2012, Eds.: J.C. Guirado,
L.M. Lara, V. Quilis, and J. Gorgas., pp.792-797 |
Publication Date: |
05/2013 |
Publication Year 2012
Title: |
Ionospheric disturbances detected by
Authors: |
Carrillo-Vargas, A.; Pérez-Enríquez, R.; Rodríguez-Martínez, Mario; López-Montes, R.; Casillas-Pérez, G. A.; Araujo-Pradere, E. A. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 49,
Issue 11, p. 1570-1580. |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
Solar and interplanetary parameters of
CMEs with and without type II radio bursts |
Authors: |
Mujiber Rahman, A.; Umapathy, S.; Shanmugaraju, A.; Moon, Y.-J. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 50,
Issue 4, p. 516-525. |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Short Term Topological Changes of
Coronal Holes Associated with Prominence Eruptions and Subsequent CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research (2012);
doi:10.1016/j.asr.2012.03.008 |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Very intense geomagnetic storms and
their relation to interplanetary and solar
active phenomena |
Authors: |
N. S. Sxajko, G. Cristiani, C. H. Mandrini, A. Dal Lago |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research in press |
Publication Date: |
/2012 |
Title: |
Pseudo-automatic characterization of the
morphological and kinematical properties of coronal mass ejections using a
texture-based technique |
Authors: |
Carlos Roberto
Braga, Alisson Dal Lago,
Guillermo Stenborg |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research in press |
Publication Date: |
09/2012 |
Title: |
A statistical study of
post-flare-associated CME events |
Authors: |
M. Youssef, R. Mawad,
Mosalam shaltout |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research in press |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
Solar wind and geomagnetism: toward a
standard classification of geomagnetic activity from 1868 to 2009 |
Authors: |
Zerbo, J. L.; Amory Mazaudier, C.; Ouattara, F.; Richardson, J. D. |
Publication: |
Annales Geophysicae,
Volume 30, Issue 2, 2012, pp.421-426 |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Estimating the geoeffectiveness
of halo CMEs from associated solar and IP parameters using neural networks |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Annales Geophysicae,
Volume 30, Issue 6, 2012, pp.963-972 |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
The role of filament activation in a
solar eruption |
Authors: |
Rubio da Costa, F.; Zuccarello, F.; Fletcher, L.; Romano, P.; Labrosse, N. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume
539, id.A27 |
Publication Date: |
03/2012 |
Title: |
Observation and Simulation of
Longitudinal Oscillations of an Active Region Prominence |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 542,
id. A52 |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
A SOHO/UVCS study of coronal outflows at
the edge of an active region complex |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume
545, id.A8 |
Publication Date: |
09/2012 |
Title: |
Characteristics of DH type II bursts,
CMEs and flares with respect to the acceleration of CMEs |
Authors: |
Prakash, O.; Umapathy, S.; Shanmugaraju, A.; Pappa Kalaivani, P.; Vršnak, Bojan |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
337, Issue 1, pp.47-64 |
Publication Date: |
01/2012 |
Title: |
Characteristics of CMEs associated with
solar flares and DH type II radio bursts based on source position |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
338, Issue 2, pp.227-231 |
Publication Date: |
04/2012 |
Title: |
Distinctions between the characteristics
of before and after DH CMEs associated flares |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
340, Issue 1, pp.1-8 |
Publication Date: |
07/2012 |
Title: |
Hot and cool plasma ejections in the
solar corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, eprint arXiv:1203.0783 |
Publication Date: |
03/2012 |
Title: |
On the Interplanetary Coronal Mass
Ejection Shocks in the Vicinity of the Earth |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Earth, Moon, and Planets, Volume 109,
Issue 1-4, pp. 13-27 |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
The dynamics of solar activity and
anomalous weather of summer 2010: 2. Relationship with the active longitude
zone; effects in the west and east |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Asronomy,
Volume 52, Issue 1, pp.1-15 |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Cosmic ray modulation
during the solar activity growth phase of cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Gushchina, R. T.;
Belov, A. V.;
Eroshenko, E. A.; Obridko, V. N.; Paouris, E.; Shelting, B. D. |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy, Volume 54, Issue 4, pp.430-436 |
Publication Date: |
07/2014 |
Title: |
Formation of coronal mass ejections at
different phases of solar activity |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 52,
Issue 8, pp.1005-1014 |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
Can solar wind viscous drag account for
coronal mass ejection deceleration? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geophysical Research Letters , Volume
39, Issue 19, CiteID L19107 |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
Plasma properties from the
multi-wavelength analysis of the November 1st 2003 CME/shock event |
Authors: |
Carlo Benna, Salvatore Mancuso, Silvio Giordano, Lorenzo Gioannini |
Publication: |
Journal of Advanced Research in press |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Solar and interplanetary triggers of the
largest Dst variations of the solar cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Cerrato, Y.; Saiz, E.; Cid, C.; Gonzalez, W. D.; Palacios, J. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 80, p. 111-123. |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
Geometry of the 20 November 2003
magnetic cloud |
Authors: |
Marubashi, Katsuhide; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Kim, Yeon-Han; Park, Yong-Deuk; Park, Sung-Hong |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A1, CiteID A01101 |
Publication Date: |
01/2012 |
Title: |
Type II solar radio bursts: Modeling and
extraction of shock parameters |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A3, CiteID A03104 |
Publication Date: |
03/2012 |
Title: |
Cyclic loss of open solar flux since
1868: The link to heliospheric current sheet tilt
and implications for the Maunder Minimum |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A4, CiteID A04102 |
Publication Date: |
04/2012 |
Title: |
Understanding shock dynamics in the
inner heliosphere with modeling and Type II radio data: The 2010-04-03 event |
Authors: |
Xie, H.; Odstrcil, D.; Mays, L.; St. Cyr, O. C.; Gopalswamy, N.; Cremades, H. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A4, CiteID A04105 |
Publication Date: |
04/2012 |
Title: |
Coronal mass ejection-driven shocks and
the associated sudden commencements/sudden impulses |
Authors: |
Veenadhari, B.; Selvakumaran, R.; Singh, Rajesh; Maurya, Ajeet K.; Gopalswamy, N.; Kumar, Sushil; Kikuchi, T. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A4, CiteID A04210 |
Publication Date: |
04/2012 |
Title: |
On the autonomous detection of coronal
mass ejections in heliospheric imager data |
Authors: |
Tappin, S. J.; Howard, T. A.; Hampson, M. M.; Thompson, R. N.; Burns, C. E. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A5, CiteID A05103 |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
Type II solar radio bursts: 2. Detailed
comparison of theory with observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A6, CiteID A06105 |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
Radio-loud CMEs from the disk center
lacking shocks at 1 AU |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.; Mäkelä, P.; Akiyama, S.; Yashiro, S.; Xie, H.; MacDowall, R. J.; Kaiser, M. L. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A8, CiteID A08106 |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Dependence of solar proton events on
their associated activities: Coronal mass ejection parameters |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A8, CiteID A08108 |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Acceleration and deceleration of coronal mass ejections during propagation and interaction |
Authors: |
Fang Shen, S. T. Wu, Xueshang
Feng, and Chin-Chun Wu |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A11, CiteID A11101 |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Authors: |
C. Cid, H. Cremades, A. Aran, C. Mandrini, B. Sanahuja, B. Schmieder, M. Menvielle, L. Rodriguez, E. Saiz, Y. Cerrato, S. Dasso, C. Jacobs, C. Lathuillere, and
A. Zhukov |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
117, Issue A11, CiteID A11102 |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Application of Support Vector Machine to
the Prediction of Geo-Effective Halo CMEs |
Authors: |
Choi, Seonghwan; Moon, Yong-Jae; Vien, Ngo Anh; Park, Young-Deuk |
Publication: |
Journal of the Korean Astronomical
Society, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 31-38 |
Publication Date: |
04/2012 |
Title: |
Solar wind drivers of geomagnetic storms
during more than four solar cycles |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Space Weather and Space
Climate, Volume 2, id.A01 |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
Near-earth solar wind flows and related
geomagnetic activity during more than four solar cycles (1963-2011) |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Space Weather and Space
Climate, Volume 2, id.A02 |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
Presence of solar filament plasma
detected in interplanetary coronal mass ejections by in situ spacecraft |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Space Weather and Space
Climate, Volume 2, id.A10 |
Publication Date: |
07/2012 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections: Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Living Reviews in Solar Physics, vol. 9,
no. 3 |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
Coronal type II bursts and
interplanetary type II bursts: Distinct shock drivers |
Authors: |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume 17, Issue 2, p.
117-129. |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
A multiwavelength study of an M-class
flare and the origin of an associated eruption from NOAA AR 11045 |
Authors: |
Dwivedi, B. N.; Srivastava, Abhishek K.; Kumar, Mukul; Kumar, Pankaj |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume 17, Issue 5, p.
542-551. |
Publication Date: |
07/2012 |
Title: |
Hot and cool plasma ejections in the
solar corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics |
Publication Date: |
03/2012 |
Title: |
Computer Vision for the Solar Dynamics
Observatory (SDO) |
Authors: |
Martens, P. C. H.; Attrill, G. D. R.; Davey, A. R.; Engell, A.; Farid, S.; Grigis, P. C.; Kasper, J.; Korreck, K.; Saar, S. H.; Savcheva, A.; Su, Y.; Testa, P.; Wills-Davey, M.; Bernasconi, P. N.; Raouafi, N.-E.; Delouille, V. A.; Hochedez, J. F.; Cirtain, J. W.; Deforest, C. E.; Angryk, R. A.; de Moortel, I.; Wiegelmann, T.; Georgoulis, M. K.; McAteer, R. T. J.; Timmons, R. P. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 275, Issue 1-2,
pp. 79-113 |
Publication Date: |
01/2012 |
Title: |
The Free Energy of NOAA Solar Active
Region AR 11029 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 276, Issue 1-2,
pp. 133-160 |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Forecasting a CME by Spectroscopic
Precursor? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 276, Issue 1-2,
pp. 219-239 |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
A Statistical Study on the Morphology of
Rays and Dynamics of Blobs in the Wake of Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Song, H. Q.; Kong, X. L.; Chen, Y.; Li, B.; Li, G.; Feng, S. W.; Xia, L. D. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 276, Issue 1-2,
pp. 261-276 |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Dynamics of CMEs in the LASCO Field of
View - Statistical Analysis |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 276, Issue 1-2,
pp. 277-291 |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Two-Station Interplanetary Scintillation
Measurements of Solar Wind Speed near the Sun Using the X-band Radio Signal
of the Nozomi Spacecraft |
Authors: |
Tokumaru, M.; Fujimaki, S.; Higashiyama, M.; Yokobe, A.; Ohmi, T.; Fujiki, K.; Kojima, M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 276, Issue 1-2,
pp. 315-336 |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Recent Developments of NEMO: Detection
of EUV Wave Characteristics |
Authors: |
Podladchikova, O.; Vuets, A.; Leontiev, P.; van der Linden, R. A. M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 276, Issue 1-2,
pp. 479-490 |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Correlations Between CME Parameters and
Sunspot Activity |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 278, Issue 1,
pp.203-215 |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
The Radial Variation of Interplanetary
Shocks in the Inner Heliosphere: Observations by Helios, MESSENGER, and
Authors: |
Lai, H. R.; Russell, C. T.; Jian, L. K.; Blanco-Cano, X.; Anderson, B. J.; Luhmann, J. G.; Wennmacher, A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 278, Issue 2,
pp.421-433 |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
Coronal Density Structures and CMEs:
Superior Solar Conjunctions of Mars Express, Venus Express, and Rosetta:
2004, 2006, and 2008 |
Authors: |
Pätzold, Martin; Hahn, Matthias; Tellmann, Silvia; Häusler, Bernd; Bird, Michael K.; Tyler, G. Leonard; Asmar, Sami W.; Tsurutani, Bruce T. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 279, Issue 1,
pp.127-152 |
Publication Date: |
07/2012 |
Title: |
Unusual Emissions at Various Energies
Prior to the Impulsive Phase of the Large Solar Flare and Coronal Mass
Ejection of 4 November 2003 |
Authors: |
Kaufmann, Pierre; Holman, Gordon D.; Su, Yang; Gimenez de Castro, C. Guillermo; Correia, Emilia; Fernandes, Luis O. T.; de Souza, Rodney V.; Marun, Adolfo; Pereyra, Pablo |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 279, Issue 2,
pp.465-475 |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Estimating Travel Times of Coronal Mass
Ejections to 1 AU Using Multi-spacecraft Coronagraph Data |
Authors: |
Kilpua, E. K. J.; Mierla, M.; Rodriguez, L.; Zhukov, A. N.; Srivastava, N.; West, M. J. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 279, Issue 2,
pp.477-496 |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Observational Tracking of the 2D
Structure of Coronal Mass Ejections Between the Sun and 1 AU |
Authors: |
Savani, N. P.; Davies, J. A.; Davis, C. J.; Shiota, D.; Rouillard, A. P.; Owens, M. J.; Kusano, K.; Bothmer, V.; Bamford, S. P.; Lintott, C. J.; Smith, A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 279, Issue 2,
pp.517-535 |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Study of CME properties using high
resolution data |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
The beginning of halo coronal mass ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Galactic Cosmic Ray Modulation and the
Last Solar Minimum |
Authors: |
Paouris, E.; Mavromichalaki, H.; Belov, A.; Gushchina, R.; Yanke, V. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 280, Issue 1,
pp.255-271 |
Publication Date: |
09/2012 |
Title: |
Studying Sun-Planet Connections Using
the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO) |
Authors: |
Pérez-Suárez, D.; Maloney, S. A.; Higgins, P. A.; Bloomfield, D. S.; Gallagher, P. T.; Pierantoni, G.; Bonnin, X.; Cecconi, B.; Alberti, V.; Bocchialini, K.; Dierckxsens, M.; Opitz, A.; Le Blanc, A.; Aboudarham, J.; Bentley, R. B.; Brooke, J.; Coghlan, B.; Csillaghy, A.; Jacquey, C.; Lavraud, B.; Messerotti, M. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 280, Issue 2,
pp.603-621 |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
Three-Dimensional Properties of Coronal
Mass Ejections from STEREO/SECCHI Observations |
Authors: |
Bosman, E.; Bothmer, V.; Nisticò, G.; Vourlidas, A.; Howard, R. A.; Davies, J. A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue
1, pp.167-185 |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
On the Nature and Genesis of EUV Waves:
A Synthesis of Observations from SOHO, STEREO, SDO, and Hinode
(Invited Review) |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue
1, pp.187-222 |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
The Large Longitudinal Spread of Solar
Energetic Particles During the 17 January 2010 Solar Event |
Authors: |
Dresing, N.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Klassen, A.; Heber, B.; Kartavykh, Y.; Dröge, W. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue 1, pp.281-300 |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Large Proton Anisotropies in the 18
August 2010 Solar Particle Event |
Authors: |
Leske, R. A.; Cohen, C. M. S.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Christian, E. R.; Cummings, A. C.; Labrador, A. W.; Stone, E. C.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.; von Rosenvinge, T. T. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue 1, pp.301-318 |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Multi-spacecraft Study of the 8 November
2000 SEP Event: Electron Injection Histories 100° Apart |
Authors: |
Agueda, N.; Lario, D.; Ontiveros, V.; Kilpua, E.; Sanahuja, B.; Vainio, R. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue 1, pp.319-331 |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Observations of ICMEs and ICME-like
Solar Wind Structures from 2007 - 2010 Using Near-Earth and STEREO
Observations |
Authors: |
Kilpua, E. K. J.; Jian, L. K.; Li, Y.; Luhmann, J. G.; Russell, C. T. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue 1, pp.391-409 |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Energetic Particles Measured in and out
of the Ecliptic Plane During the Last Gnevyshev Gap |
Authors: |
Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.; Blanco, J. J.; Heber, B.; Gómez-Herrero, R. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue 1, pp.491-499 |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Non-thermal "Burst-on-Tail" of
Long-Duration Solar Event on 26 October 2003 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue 2, pp.749-763 |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
Kinematics and Flare Properties of
Radio-Loud CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue
2, pp.765-777 |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections and the Index of
Effective Solar Multipole |
Authors: |
Obridko, V. N.; Ivanov, E. V.; Özgüç, A.; Kilcik, A.; Yurchyshyn, V. B. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue 2, pp.779-792 |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
Effects of Hysteresis Between Maximum
CME Speed Index and Typical Solar Activity Indicators During Cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 281, Issue
2, pp.839-846 |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
Properties of Ground Level Enhancement
Events and the Associated Solar Eruptions During Solar Cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.; Xie, H.; Yashiro, S.; Akiyama, S.; Mäkelä, P.; Usoskin, I. G. |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume 171, Issue
1-4, pp. 23-60 |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
What Are Special About Ground-Level
Events?. Flares, CMEs, Active Regions and Magnetic Field Connection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume 171, Issue
1-4, pp. 61-83 |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
The Time Structure of Ground Level
Enhancements in Solar Cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume 171, Issue
1-4, pp. 85-95 |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
A Comparison of Ground Level Event e/p
and Fe/O Ratios with Associated Solar Flare and CME Characteristics |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume
171, Issue 1-4, pp. 121-139 |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
A Twin-CME Scenario for Ground Level
Enhancement Events |
Authors: |
Li, G.; Moore, R.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Zhao, L.; Labrador, A. W. |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume 171, Issue
1-4, pp. 141-160 |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
On the probability of occurrence of
extreme Space Weather events |
Authors: |
Pete Riley |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume 10, CiteID S02012 |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Energetic particles detected by the
Electron Reflectometer instrument on the Mars Global Surveyor, 1999-2006 |
Authors: |
Delory, Gregory T.; Luhmann, Janet G.; Brain, David; Lillis, Robert J.; Mitchell, David L.; Mewaldt, Richard A.; Falkenberg, Thea Vilstrup |
Publication: |
Space Weather: The International Journal
of Research and Applications, Volume 10, CiteID
S06003 |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
The Relationship Between the Expansion
Speed and Radial Speed of CMEs Confirmed Using Quadrature Observations of the
2011 February 15 CME |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, Nat; Mäkelä, Pertti; Yashiro, Seiji; Davila, Joseph M. |
Publication: |
Sun and Geosphere |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
High Angular Resolution Radio
Observations of a Coronal Mass Ejection Source Region at Low Frequencies
during a Solar Eclipse |
Authors: |
Ramesh, R.; Kathiravan, C.; Barve, Indrajit V.; Rajalingam, M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 744,
Issue 2, article id. 165 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
01/2012 |
Title: |
Magnetic Field Strength in the Upper
Solar Corona Using White-light Shock Structures Surrounding Coronal Mass
Ejections |
Authors: |
Kim, R.-S.; Gopalswamy, N.; Moon, Y.-J.; Cho, K.-S.; Yashiro, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 746,
Issue 2, article id. 118 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Flare-generated Type II Burst without
Associated Coronal Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Magdalenić, J.; Marqué, C.; Zhukov, A. N.; Vršnak, B.; Veronig, A. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 746,
Issue 2, article id. 152 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
The Origin of the EUV Late Phase: A Case
Study of the C8.8 Flare on 2010 May 5 |
Authors: |
Hock, R. A.; Woods, T. N.; Klimchuk, J. A.; Eparvier, F. G.; Jones, A. R. |
Publication: |
submitted to The Astrophysical Journal |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Solar Energetic Particle Events and the
Kiplinger Effect |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 747,
Issue 1, article id. 66 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
03/2012 |
Title: |
Maximizing Magnetic Energy Storage in
the Solar Corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 750,
Issue 1, article id. 25 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
The Occurrence and Speed of CMEs Related
to Two Characteristic Evolution Patterns of Helicity Injection in Their Solar
Source Regions |
Authors: |
Park, Sung-Hong; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Bong, Su-Chan; Kumar, Pankaj; Chae, Jongchul; Liu, Rui; Wang, Haimin |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 750,
Issue 1, article id. 48 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
Initiation and Development of the
White-light and Radio Coronal Mass Ejection on 2001 April 15 [ Erratum: 2012ApJ...754..156D ] |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 750,
Issue 2, article id. 147 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
Post-Coronal Mass Ejection Plasma
Observed by Hinode |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 751,
Issue 1, article id. 21 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
The Location of Solar Metric Type II
Radio Bursts with Respect to the Associated Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Ramesh, R.; Lakshmi, M. Anna; Kathiravan, C.; Gopalswamy, N.; Umapathy, S. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 752,
Issue 2, article id. 107 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
Automatically Detecting and Tracking
Coronal Mass Ejections. I. Separation of Dynamic and Quiescent Components in
Coronagraph Images |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 752,
Issue 2, article id. 144 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
Automatic Detection and Tracking of
Coronal Mass Ejections. II. Multiscale Filtering of Coronagraph Images |
Authors: |
Byrne, Jason P.; Morgan, Huw; Habbal, Shadia R.; Gallagher, Peter T. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 752,
Issue 2, article id. 145 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Wave Trains
within a Global EUV Wave and Sequential Transverse Oscillations Detected by
Authors: |
Liu, Wei; Ofman, Leon; Nitta, Nariaki V.; Aschwanden, Markus J.; Schrijver, Carolus J.; Title, Alan M.; Tarbell, Theodore D. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 753,
Issue 1, article id. 52 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
07/2012 |
Title: |
Radio Signatures of Coronal-mass-ejection-Streamer
Interaction and Source Diagnostics of Type II Radio Burst |
Authors: |
Feng, S. W.; Chen, Y.; Kong, X. L.; Li, G.; Song, H. Q.; Feng, X. S.; Liu, Ying |
Publication: |
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 753, Issue 1, article id. 21 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
07/2012 |
Title: |
Evidence for the Wave Nature of an
Extreme Ultraviolet Wave Observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on
Board the Solar Dynamics Observatory |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 754,
Issue 1, article id. 7 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
07/2012 |
Title: |
Hard X-Ray Observations of a Jet and
Accelerated Electrons in the Corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 754,
Issue 1, article id. 9 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
07/2012 |
Title: |
Deflections of Fast Coronal Mass
Ejections and the Properties of Associated Solar Energetic Particle Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 754,
Issue 2, article id. 100 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Impulsive Acceleration of Coronal Mass
Ejections. II. Relation to Soft X-Ray Flares and Filament Eruptions |
Authors: |
Bein, B. M.; Berkebile-Stoiser, S.; Veronig, A. M.; Temmer, M.; Vršnak, B. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 755,
Issue 1, article id. 44 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
Abrupt Changes of the Photospheric Magnetic Field in Active Regions and the
Impulsive Phase of Solar Flares |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 756,
Issue 2, article id. 144 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
09/2012 |
Title: |
Prior Flaring as a Complement to Free
Magnetic Energy for Forecasting Solar Eruptions |
Authors: |
Falconer, David A.; Moore, Ronald L.; Barghouty, Abdulnasser F.; Khazanov, Igor |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 757,
Issue 1, article id. 32 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
09/2012 |
Title: |
Radial Dependence of Peak Proton and
Iron Ion Fluxes in Solar Energetic Particle Events: Application of the PATH
Code |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 757,
Issue 1, article id. 75 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
09/2012 |
Title: |
Mass loss in pre-main sequence stars via
coronal mass ejections and implications for angular momentum loss |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, eprint arXiv:1209.6410 |
Publication Date: |
09/2012 |
Title: |
Observations and Magnetic Field Modeling
of a Solar Polar Crown Prominence |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 757,
Issue 2, article id. 168 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
Are Decaying Magnetic Fields Above
Active Regions Related to Coronal Mass Ejection Onset? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 758,
Issue 1, article id. 22 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
Low Ionization State Plasma in Coronal
Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 758,
Issue 2, article id. 116, 8pp, (2012). |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Title: |
Magnetic Energy and Helicity Budgets in
the Active-region Solar Corona. II. Nonlinear Force-free Approximation |
Authors: |
Georgoulis, Manolis K.; Tziotziou, Kostas; Raouafi, Nour-Eddine |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 759,
Issue 1, article id. 1, 18pp, (2012). |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
The Deflection of the Two Interacting
Coronal Mass Ejections of 2010 May 23-24 as Revealed by Combined in Situ
Measurements and Heliospheric Imaging |
Authors: |
Lugaz, N.; Farrugia, C. J.; Davies, J. A.; Möstl, C.; Davis, C. J.; Roussev, I. I.; Temmer, M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 759,
Issue 1, article id. 68, 13pp, (2012). |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
A Statistical Study of Solar Electron
Events over One Solar Cycle |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 759,
Issue 1, article id. 69, 12pp, (2012). |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
A Study of the Heliocentric Dependence
of Shock Standoff Distance and Geometry using 2.5D Magnetohydrodynamic
Simulations of Coronal Mass Ejection Driven Shocks |
Authors: |
Savani, N. P.; Shiota, D.; Kusano, K.; Vourlidas, A.; Lugaz, N. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 759,
Issue 2, article id. 103, 11pp, (2012). |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Mass Loss in Pre-main-sequence Stars via
Coronal Mass Ejections and Implications for Angular Momentum Loss |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 760,
Issue 1, article id. 9, 11 pp. (2012). |
Publication Date: |
11/2012 |
Title: |
Two-plasma Model for Low Charge State
Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Observations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 760,
Issue 2, article id. 141, 8 pp. (2012). |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
On the Relationship Between Coronal
Magnetic Decay Index and CME Speed |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 761, Issue 1, article
id. 52, 6 pp. (2012). |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
Differential Emission Measure Analysis
of Multiple Structural Components of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Inner
Corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 761,
Issue 1, article id. 62, 15 pp. (2012). |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
Composition Structure of Interplanetary
Coronal Mass Ejections From Multispacecraft
Observations, Modeling, and Comparison with Numerical Simulations |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 761, Issue 2, article
id. 175, 12 pp. (2012). |
Publication Date: |
12/2012 |
Title: |
Investigation of the Formation and
Separation of an Extreme-ultraviolet Wave from the Expansion of a Coronal
Mass Ejection |
Authors: |
Cheng, X.; Zhang, J.; Olmedo, O.; Vourlidas, A.; Ding, M. D.; Liu, Y. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 745, Issue 1, article id. L5 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
01/2012 |
Title: |
Simultaneous Observations of a
Large-scale Wave Event in the Solar Atmosphere: From Photosphere to Corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 752, Issue 2, article id. L23 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
Size distributions of solar flares and
solar energetic particle events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 756, Issue 2, article id. L29 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
09/2012 |
Title: |
The Relationship between the Sudden
Change of the Lorentz Force and the Magnitude of Associated Flares |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 757, Issue 1, article id. L5 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
09/2012 |
Title: |
A Catalog of Solar X-Ray Plasma
Ejections Observed by the Soft X-Ray Telescope on Board Yohkoh |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement,
Volume 199, Issue 1, article id. 10 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
03/2012 |
Title: |
Commission 49: Interplanetary Plasma and
Heliosphere |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, Natchimuthuk; Mann, Ingrid; Bougeret, Jean-Louise; Briand, Carine; Lallement, Rosine; Lario, David; Manoharan, P. K.; Shibata, Kazunari; Webb, David F. |
Publication: |
Transactions IAU,
Volume 7, Issue T28, p. 95-124 |
Publication Date: |
04/2012 |
Title: |
Factors affecting the intensity of solar
energetic particle events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
RETROSPECTIVE: Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Astrophysics
Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1436, pp. 247-252 (2012). |
Publication Date: |
05/2012 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections on the Sun and
Their Relationship with Flares and Magnetic Helicity |
Authors: |
Porfir'eva, G. A.; Yakunina, G. V.; Borovik, V. N.; Grigoryeva, I. Y. |
Publication: |
The Sun: New Challenges, Astrophysics
and Space Science Proceedings, Volume 30. ISBN 978-3-642-29416-7.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, p. 229 |
Publication Date: |
07/2012 |
Title: |
Energetic Particle and Other Space
Weather Events of Solar Cycle 24 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Proc. 11th Annual Astrophysical Conference, Palm Springs,
CA March 19-23, 2012 |
Publication Date: |
08/2012 |
Title: |
The Kinematics and Morphology of Solar
Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Thesis, 265 pages, 91 figures |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Kinematic Properties of
Globally-Propagating Waves in the Solar Corona |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Thesis, 216 pages, 78 figures |
Publication Date: |
02/2012 |
Title: |
Investigation of the Forces that Govern
the Three-Dimensional Propagation and Expansion of Coronal Mass Ejections
from Sun to Earth |
Authors: |
Publication: |
A Dissertation Submitted to George Mason University |
Publication Date: |
06/2012 |
Title: |
Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections in
the Inner Heliosphere |
Authors: |
Publication: |
PhD Thesis completed in Trinity College Dublin,
Astrophysics Research Group |
Publication Date: |
10/2012 |
Publication Year 2011
Title: |
Predictions of SEP events by means of a
linear filter and layer-recurrent neural network |
Authors: |
Valach, Fridrich; Revallo, Miloš; Hejda, Pavel; Bochníček, Josef |
Publication: |
Acta Astronautica, Volume 69, Issue 9-10, p. 758-766. |
Publication Date: |
11/2011 |
Title: |
Actors of the main activity in large
complex centres during the 23 solar cycle maximum |
Authors: |
Schmieder, B.; Démoulin, P.; Pariat, E.; Török, T.; Molodij, G.; Mandrini, C. H.; Dasso, S.; Chandra, R.; Uddin, W.; Kumar, P.; Manoharan, P. K.; Venkatakrishnan, P.; Srivastava, N. |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 47,
Issue 12, p. 2081-2091. |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Representation of solar features in 3D
for creating visual solar catalogues |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Advances in Space Research, Volume 47,
Issue 12, p. 2092-2104. |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal mass
ejection detection using wavelets, curvelets and ridgelets:
Applications for Space Weather monitoring |
Authors: |
P.T. Gallagher,; C.A. Young,; J.P. Byrne,; R.T.J. McAteer |
Publication: |
in Space Research, Volume 47, Issue 12, p. 2118-2126 |
Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
On the relationship of shock waves to
flares and coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Nindos, A.; Alissandrakis, C. E.; Hillaris, A.; Preka-Papadema, P. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume
531, id.A31 |
Publication Date: |
07/2011 |
Title: |
Rotation of an erupting filament
observed by the STEREO EUVI and COR1 instruments |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume
531, id.A147 |
Publication Date: |
07/2011 |
Title: |
Statistical properties of supertactive regions during solar cycle 19-23 |
Authors: |
A. Q. Chen, J. X. Wang, J. W. Li, J.
Feynman and J. Zang |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume
534, id A47 |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
Search for indications of stellar mass
ejections using FUV spectra |
Authors: |
Martin Leitzinger,
P. Odert, I. Ribas, A. Hanslmeier, H. Lammer, M. L. Khodachenko,
T. Zaqarashvili and H. O. Rucker |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Online
First |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
A new look at a polar crown cavity as
observed by SDO/AIA. Structure and dynamics |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume
533, id.L1 |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
Flare occurrence and the spatial
distribution of the magnetic helicity flux |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume
535, id.A1 |
Publication Date: |
11/2011 |
Title: |
Dynamical evolution of a magnetic cloud
from the Sun to 5.4 AU |
Authors: |
Nakwacki, M. S.; Dasso, S.; Démoulin, P.; Mandrini, C. H.; Gulisano, A. M. |
Publication: |
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume
535, id.A52 |
Publication Date: |
11/2011 |
Title: |
Relations estimated at shock
discontinuities excited by coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy Reports, Volume 55, Issue 4,
pp.359-373 |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Solar flare-related eruptions followed
by long-lasting occultation of the emission in the He II 304 Å line and in
microwaves |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Kuzmenko, I. V.; Chertok, I. M.; Uralov, A. M. |
Publication: |
Astronomy Reports, Volume 55, Issue 7,
pp.637-648 |
Publication Date: |
07/2011 |
Title: |
Some properties of the development of
the perturbed zone and shock preceding a coronal mass ejection |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astronomy Reports, Volume 55, Issue 11,
pp.1038-1050 |
Publication Date: |
00/2011 |
Title: |
Relationship of ground level
enhancements with solar, interplanetary and geophysical parameters |
Authors: |
Firoz, K. A.; Hwang, J.; Dorotovič, I.; Pintér, T.; Kaushik, Subhash C. |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
331, Issue 2, pp.469-484 |
Publication Date: |
02/2011 |
Title: |
Erratum to: Relationship of ground level
enhancements with solar, interplanetary and geophysical parameters |
Authors: |
Firoz, K. A.; Hwang, J.; Dorotovič, I.; Pintér, T.; Kaushik, Subhash C. |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
332, Issue 1, pp.219-219 |
Publication Date: |
03/2011 |
Title: |
Relationship of great soft X-ray flares
with other solar activity phenomena |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
334, Issue 1, pp.83-102 |
Publication Date: |
07/2011 |
Title: |
Studies on some properties of coronal
mass ejections based on angular width |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
335, Number 2, pp. 373-378 |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Characteristics of DH type II bursts,
CMEs and flares with respect to the acceleration of CMEs |
Authors: |
Prakash, O.; Umapathy, S.; Shanmugaraju, A.; Pappa Kalaivani, P.; Vršnak, Bojan |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Online
First |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
Studies on some properties of coronal
mass ejections based on angular width |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume
335, Issue 2, pp.373-378 |
Publication Date: |
10/2011 |
Title: |
Dependence of Forbush-decrease
magnitudes on parameters of solar eruptions |
Authors: |
I. M. Chertok,
A. V. Belov, V. V. Grechnev |
Publication: |
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of
Sciences: Physics, 2011, Volume 75, Number 6, pp. 796-698 |
Publication Date: |
00/2011 |
Title: |
X-ray Plasma Ejections and their
association with other solar-activity phenomena |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Central European Astrophysical Bulletin,
p. 145-154 |
Publication Date: |
00/2011 |
Title: |
Solar sources of interplanetary shocks
on November 7-11, 2004 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Asronomy,
Volume 51, Issue 1, pp.23-27 |
Publication Date: |
02/2011 |
Title: |
Moreton wave, "EIT wave", and
type II radio burst as manifestations of a single wave front |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Asronomy,
Volume 51, Issue 8, pp.1045-1048 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Structural and dynamic features of
geoeffective coronal ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Geomagnetism and Asronomy,
Volume 51, Issue 8, pp.1058-1062 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Earth-Affecting Solar Causes Observatory
(EASCO): A potential International Living with a Star Mission from Sun-Earth
L5 |
Authors: |
Gopalswamy, N.; Davila, J. M.; St. Cyr, O. C.; Sittler, E. C.; Auchère, F.; Duvall, T. L.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Maksimovic, M.; MacDowall, R. J.; Szabo, A.; Collier, M. R. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 5-6, p. 658-663. |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal mass ejections—Propagation time
and associated internal energy |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial
Physics, Volume 73, Issue 5-6, p. 671-677. |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Strong rotation of an erupting quiescent
polar crown prominence |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 10, p. 1138-1147. |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Models for coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 10, p. 1148-1155. |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Multipoint ICME encounters: Pre-STEREO
and STEREO observations |
Authors: |
Kilpua, E. K. J.; Jian, L. K.; Li, Y.; Luhmann, J. G.; Russell, C. T. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 10, p. 1228-1241. |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Three-dimensional reconstruction of
coronal mass ejections using heliospheric imager
data |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 10, p. 1242-1253. |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Interaction between magnetic clouds and
the heliospheric current sheet at 1 AU as it is
observed by one single observation point |
Authors: |
Blanco, J. J.; Hidalgo, M. A.; Rodriguez-Pacheco, J.; Medina, J. |
Publication: |
Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 11-12, p. 1339-1347. |
Publication Date: |
07/2011 |
Title: |
Three-dimensional MHD simulation of the
evolution of the April 2000 CME event and its induced shocks using a
magnetized plasma blob model |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A4, CiteID A04102 |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Statistical study of coronal mass
ejection source locations: Understanding CMEs viewed in coronagraphs |
Authors: |
Wang, Yuming; Chen, Caixia; Gui, Bin; Shen, Chenglong; Ye, Pinzhong; Wang, S. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A4, CiteID A04104 |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
How is open solar magnetic flux lost
over the solar cycle? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A4, CiteID A04111 |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Distribution and clustering of fast
coronal mass ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A4, CiteID A04220 |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Numeric and analytic study of
interplanetary coronal mass ejection and shock evolution: Driving,
decoupling, and decaying |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A5, CiteID A05104 |
Publication Date: |
05/2011 |
Title: |
Multipoint observations of coronal mass
ejection and solar energetic particle events on Mars and Earth during
November 2001 |
Authors: |
Falkenberg, T. V.; Vennerstrom, S.; Brain, D. A.; Delory, G.; Taktakishvili, A. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A6, CiteID A06104 |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Energetic storm particle events in
coronal mass ejection-driven shocks |
Authors: |
Mäkelä, P.; Gopalswamy, N.; Akiyama, S.; Xie, H.; Yashiro, S. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A8, CiteID A08101 |
Publication Date: |
08/2011 |
Title: |
Three-dimensional MHD simulation of two
coronal mass ejections’ propagation and interaction using a successive
magnetized plasma blob model |
Authors: |
Shen, F.; Feng, X. S.; Wu, S. T.; Song, W. B.; Guo, J. P. and Zhou, Y. F. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A9, CiteID A09103 |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
Velocity profile of interplanetary
coronal mass ejections beyond 1 AU |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A12, CiteID A12102 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Statistical study of coronal mass
ejection source locations: 2. Role of active regions in CME production |
Authors: |
Chen, Caixia; Wang, Yuming; Shen, Chenglong; Ye, Pinzhong; Zhang, Jie; Wang, S. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A12, CiteID A12108 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Global-scale observations of ionospheric
convection during geomagnetic storms |
Authors: |
Gillies, D. M.; McWilliams, K. A.; St. Maurice, J.-P.; Milan, S. E. |
Publication: |
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume
116, Issue A12, CiteID A12238 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections: Models and Their
Observational Basis |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Living Reviews in Solar Physics, vol. 8,
no. 1 |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Solar Flares: Magnetohydrodynamic
Processes |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Living Reviews in Solar Physics, vol. 8,
no. 6 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Detection and tracking of coronal mass
ejections based on supervised segmentation and level set |
Authors: |
Joshi, Navin Chandra; Bankoti, Neeraj Singh; Pande, Seema; Pande, Bimal; Pandey, Kavita |
Publication: |
New Astronomy, Volume 16, Issue 6, p.
366-385. |
Publication Date: |
10/2011 |
Title: |
Relationship between interplanetary
field/plasma parameters with geomagnetic indices and their behavior during
intense geomagnetic storms |
Authors: |
Norberto A. Goussies, Marta
E. Mejail, Julio Jacobo, Guillermo Stenborg |
Publication: |
Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 31,
Issue 6, p. 496-501. |
Publication Date: |
10/2011 |
Title: |
The Features of Microwave Solar
Radiation Observed in the Stage of Formation and Initial Propagation of
Geoeffective Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
O. A. Sheiner,
V. M. Fridman |
Publication: |
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 2011, Volume 54, Number 10. pp. 655-666 |
Publication Date: |
00/2011 |
Title: |
The effects of earthward directed
interplanetary coronal mass ejections on near-Earth S band signal links |
Authors: |
D. D. Morabito, O.
P. Verkhoglyadova, D. Han, J. E. Riedel |
Publication: |
Radio Science, 46,
RS6001, doi:10.1029/2011RS004718, 2011 |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
The inversion of the real kinematic
properties of coronal mass ejections by forward modeling |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Research in Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 237-244 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
02/2011 |
Title: |
Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections:
A Statistically Determined Flare Flux - CME Mass Correlation |
Authors: |
ChongJing Yuan and QiuGang Zong |
Publication: |
Science China Technological Sciences,
Volume 54, Number 2, pp.431-440 |
Publication Date: |
02/2011 |
Title: |
Gamma-Ray and High-Energy-Neutron
Measurements on CORONAS-F during the Solar Flare of 28 October 2003 |
Authors: |
Kuznetsov, Sergei N.; Kurt, Victoria G.; Yushkov, Boris Y.; Kudela, Karel; Galkin, Vladimir I. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 268, Issue 1,
pp.175-193 |
Publication Date: |
01/2011 |
Title: |
Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections:
A Statistically Determined Flare Flux - CME Mass Correlation |
Authors: |
Aarnio, A. N.; Stassun, K. G.; Hughes, W. J.; McGregor, S. L. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 268, Issue 1,
pp.195-212 |
Publication Date: |
01/2011 |
Title: |
Computer Vision for the Solar Dynamics
Observatory (SDO) |
Authors: |
Martens, P. C. H.; Attrill, G. D. R.; Davey, A. R.; Engell, A.; Farid, S.; Grigis, P. C.; Kasper, J.; Korreck, K.; Saar, S. H.; Savcheva, A.; Su, Y.; Testa, P.; Wills-Davey, M.; Bernasconi, P. N.; Raouafi, N.-E.; Delouille, V. A.; Hochedez, J. F.; Cirtain, J. W.; Deforest, C. E.; Angryk, R. A.; de Moortel, I.; Wiegelmann, T.; Georgoulis, M. K.; McAteer, R. T. J.; Timmons, R. P. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Online First |
Publication Date: |
01/2011 |
Title: |
Homologous Flares and Magnetic Field
Topology in Active Region NOAA 10501 on 20 November 2003 |
Authors: |
Chandra, R.; Schmieder, B.; Mandrini, C. H.; Démoulin, P.; Pariat, E.; Török, T.; Uddin, W. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 269, Issue 1,
pp.83-104 |
Publication Date: |
03/2011 |
Title: |
Particle Acceleration and Propagation in
Strong Flares without Major Solar Energetic Particle Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 269, Issue 2,
pp.309-333 |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Kinematic Evolution of a Slow CME in
Corona Viewed by STEREO-B on 8 October 2007 |
Authors: |
Shen, Chenglong; Wang, Yuming; Gui, Bin; Ye, Pinzhong; Wang, S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 269, Issue 2,
pp.389-400 |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Failed Eruption of a Filament as a
Driver for Vertical Oscillations of Coronal Loops |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 270, Issue 1,
pp.191-203 |
Publication Date: |
05/2011 |
Title: |
Validation of CME Detection Software (CACTus) by Means of Simulated Data, and Analysis of
Projection Effects on CME Velocity Measurements |
Authors: |
Bonte, K.; Jacobs, C.; Robbrecht, E.; de Groof, A.; Berghmans, D.; Poedts, S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 270, Issue 1,
pp.253-272 |
Publication Date: |
05/2011 |
Title: |
Correlation between CME and Flare
Parameters (with and without Type II Bursts) |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 270, Issue 1,
pp.273-284 |
Publication Date: |
05/2011 |
Title: |
Relationship between the Parameters of
Coronal Holes and High-Speed Solar Wind Streams over an Activity Cycle |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 270, Issue 1,
pp.297-310 |
Publication Date: |
05/2011 |
Title: |
Correlation Analyses Between the
Characteristic Times of Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events and the
Properties of Associated Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 270, Issue 2,
pp.593-607 |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Quantitative Analysis of CME Deflections
in the Corona |
Authors: |
Gui, Bin; Shen, Chenglong; Wang, Yuming; Ye, Pinzhong; Liu, Jiajia; Wang, Shui; Zhao, Xuepu |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 271, Issue 1-2,
pp. 111-139 |
Publication Date: |
07/2011 |
Title: |
Streamer Wave Events Observed in Solar
Cycle 23 |
Authors: |
Feng, S. W.; Chen, Y.; Li, B.; Song, H. Q.; Kong, X. L.; Xia, L. D.; Feng, X. S. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 272, Issue 1,
pp.119-136 |
Publication Date: |
08/2011 |
Title: |
Tracking a Ulysses High-latitude ICME
Event Back to Its Solar Origins |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 272, Issue 1,
pp.137-157 |
Publication Date: |
08/2011 |
Title: |
Distributions of Energy and Mass of
Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 273, Issue 1,
pp.117-123 |
Publication Date: |
10/2011 |
Title: |
Characteristics of Type-II Radio Bursts
Associated with Flares and CMEs |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 273, Issue 1,
pp.143-162 |
Publication Date: |
10/2011 |
Title: |
Relation Between the 3D-Geometry of the
Coronal Wave and Associated CME During the 26 April 2008 Event |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 273, Issue 2,
pp.421-432 |
Publication Date: |
03/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal Shock Waves, EUV Waves, and
Their Relation to CMEs. I. Reconciliation of "EIT Waves", Type II
Radio Bursts, and Leading Edges of CMEs |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Uralov, A. M.; Chertok, I. M.; Kuzmenko, I. V.; Afanasyev, A. N.; Meshalkina, N. S.; Kalashnikov, S. S.; Kubo, Y. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 273, Issue 2,
pp.433-460 |
Publication Date: |
11/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal Shock Waves, EUV Waves, and
Their Relation to CMEs. III. Shock-Associated CME/EUV Wave in an Event with a
Two-Component EUV Transient |
Authors: |
Grechnev, V. V.; Afanasyev, A. N.; Uralov, A. M.; Chertok, I. M.; Eselevich, M. V.; Eselevich, V. G.; Rudenko, G. V.; Kubo, Y. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 273, Issue 2,
pp.461-477 |
Publication Date: |
11/2011 |
Title: |
The 17 January 2005 Complex Solar Radio
Event Associated with Interacting Fast Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Hillaris, A.; Malandraki, O.; Klein, K.-L.; Preka-Papadema, P.; Moussas, X.; Bouratzis, C.; Mitsakou, E.; Tsitsipis, P.; Kontogeorgos, A. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 273, Issue 2,
pp.493-509 |
Publication Date: |
11/2011 |
Title: |
Combined Analysis of Ultraviolet and
Radio Observations of the 7 May 2004 CME/Shock Event |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 273, Issue 2,
pp.511-523 |
Publication Date: |
11/2011 |
Title: |
The Global Context of Solar Activity
During the Whole Heliosphere Interval Campaign |
Authors: |
Webb, D. F.; Cremades, H.; Sterling, A. C.; Mandrini, C. H.; Dasso, S.; Gibson, S. E.; Haber, D. A.; Komm, R. W.; Petrie, G. J. D.; McIntosh, P. S.; Welsch, B. T.; Plunkett, S. P. |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 274, Issue 1-2,
pp. 57-86 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Observables Indicating Two Major Coronal
Mass Ejections During the WHI |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 274, Issue 1-2,
pp. 219-232 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal Transient Events During Two
Solar Minima: Their Solar Source Regions and Interplanetary Counterparts |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Solar Physics, Volume 274, Issue 1-2,
pp. 233-249 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Microflares and the Statistics of X-ray
Flares |
Authors: |
Hannah, I. G.; Hudson, H. S.; Battaglia, M.; Christe, S.; Kašparová, J.; Krucker, S.; Kundu, M. R.; Veronig, A. |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Volume 159, Issue
1-4, pp. 263-300 |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
The Heliospheric
Magnetic Field |
Authors: |
Andre Balogh, Geza
Erdos |
Publication: |
Space Science Reviews, Online First |
Publication Date: |
10/2011 |
Title: |
Polarimetric localization: A new tool
for calculating the CME speed and direction of propagation in near-real time |
Authors: |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume 9, Issue 3, CiteID S03001 |
Publication Date: |
03/2011 |
Title: |
Modeling of coronal mass ejections that
caused particularly large geomagnetic storms using ENLIL heliosphere cone
model |
Authors: |
Taktakishvili, A.; Pulkkinen, A.; MacNeice, P.; Kuznetsova, M.; Hesse, M.; Odstrcil, D. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume 9, Issue 6, CiteID S06002 |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Evaluating predictions of ICME arrival
at Earth and Mars |
Authors: |
Falkenberg, T. V.; Taktakishvili, A.; Pulkkinen, A.; Vennerstrom, S.; Odstrcil, D.; Brain, D.; Delory, G.; Mitchell, D. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, Volume 9, Issue 9, CiteID S00E12 |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
A Tool for Empirical Forecasting of
Major Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Solar Particle Events from a Proxy
of Active Region Free Magnetic Energy |
Authors: |
Falconer, D.A. Barghouty, A. F., Khazanov, I., and Moore, R.L. |
Publication: |
Space Weather, 9, S04003 |
Publication Date: |
/2011 |
Title: |
Maximum Coronal Mass Ejection Speed as
an Indicator of Solar and Geomagnetic Activities |
Authors: |
Kilcik, A.; Yurchyshyn, V. B.; Abramenko, V.; Goode, P. R.; Gopalswamy, N.; Ozguc, A.; Rozelot, J. P. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 727,
Issue 1, article id. 44 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
01/2011 |
Title: |
Differential Rotation of the Ultraviolet
Corona at Solar Maximum |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 729,
Issue 2, article id. 79 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
03/2011 |
Title: |
Radio Evidence of Break-out
Reconnection? |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 730,
Issue 1, article id. 57 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
03/2011 |
Title: |
Erratum: "Comprehensive Analysis of
Coronal Mass Ejection Mass and Energy Properties Over a Full Solar
Cycle" (2010,
ApJ, 722, 1522) |
Authors: |
Vourlidas, A.; Howard, R. A.; Esfandiari, E.; Patsourakos, S.; Yashiro, S.; Michalek, G. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 730,
Issue 1, article id. 59 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
03/2011 |
Title: |
Radio Observations of the Solar Corona
During an Eclipse |
Authors: |
Kathiravan, C.; Ramesh, R.; Barve, Indrajit V.; Rajalingam, M. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 730,
Issue 2, article id. 91 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Constraints on Coronal Mass Ejection
Evolution from in Situ Observations of Ionic Charge States |
Authors: |
Gruesbeck, Jacob R.; Lepri, Susan T.; Zurbuchen, Thomas H.; Antiochos, Spiro K. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 730,
Issue 2, article id. 103 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
Time Distributions of Large and Small
Sunspot Groups Over Four Solar Cycles |
Authors: |
Kilcik, A.; Yurchyshyn, V. B.; Abramenko, V.; Goode, P. R.; Ozguc, A.; Rozelot, J. P.; Cao, W. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 731,
Issue 1, article id. 30 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
04/2011 |
Title: |
A Comparative Study of Confined and
Eruptive Flares in NOAA AR 10720 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 732,
Issue 2, article id. 87 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
05/2011 |
Title: |
Structure and Dynamics of the 2010 July
11 Eclipse White-light Corona |
Authors: |
Pasachoff, J. M.; Rušin, V.; Druckmüllerová, H.; Saniga, M.; Lu, M.; Malamut, C.; Seaton, D. B.; Golub, L.; Engell, A. J.; Hill, S. W.; Lucas, R. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 734,
Issue 2, article id. 114 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
06/2011 |
Title: |
Plasma Heating During a Coronal Mass
Ejection Observed By the Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 735,
Issue 1, article id. 17 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
07/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal Jets, Magnetic Topologies, and
the Production of Interplanetary Electron Streams |
Authors: |
Li, C.; Matthews, S. A.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Sun, J.; Owen, C. J. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 735,
Issue 1, article id. 43 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
07/2011 |
Title: |
Transition Region Emission from Solar
Flares during the Impulsive Phase |
Authors: |
Johnson, H.; Raymond, J. C.; Murphy, N. A.; Giordano, S.; Ko, Y.-K.; Ciaravella, A.; Suleiman, R. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 735,
Issue 2, article id. 70 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
07/2011 |
Title: |
Magnetic Field-line Lengths in
Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Inferred from Energetic Electron Events |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 736,
Issue 2, article id. 106 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
08/2011 |
Title: |
Plasmoid Releases in the Heliospheric Current Sheet and
Associated Coronal Hole Boundary Layer Evolution |
Authors: |
Foullon, C.; Lavraud, B.; Luhmann, J. G.; Farrugia, C. J.; Retinò, A.; Simunac, K. D. C.; Wardle, N. C.; Galvin, A. B.; Kucharek, H.; Owen, C. J.; Popecki, M.; Opitz, A.; Sauvaud, J.-A. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 737,
Issue 1, article id. 16 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
08/2011 |
Title: |
Impulsive Acceleration of Coronal Mass
Ejections. I. Statistics and Coronal Mass Ejection Source Region
Characteristics |
Authors: |
Bein, B. M.; Berkebile-Stoiser, S.; Veronig, A. M.; Temmer, M.; Muhr, N.; Kienreich, I.; Utz, D.; Vršnak, B. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 738,
Issue 2, article id. 191 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejection Dynamics Regarding
Radial and Expansion Speeds |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 738,
Issue 1, article id. 107 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
The Dynamics of Stellar Coronae
Harboring Hot Jupiters. II. A Space Weather Event
on a Hot Jupiter |
Authors: |
Cohen, O.; Kashyap, V. L.; Drake, J. J.; Sokolov, I. V.; Gombosi, T. I. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 738,
Issue 2, article id. 166 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
Impulsive Acceleration of Coronal Mass
Ejections. I. Statistics and Coronal Mass Ejection Source Region
Characteristics |
Authors: |
Bein, B. M.; Berkebile-Stoiser, S.; Veronig, A. M.; Temmer, M.; Muhr, N.; Kienreich, I.; Utz, D.; Vršnak, B. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 738,
Issue 2, article id. 191 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
Acceleration of Coronal Mass Ejections
from Three-dimensional Reconstruction of STEREO Images |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 739,
Issue 1, article id. 8 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
09/2011 |
Title: |
Uncovering the Wave Nature of the EIT
Wave for the 2010 January 17 Event through Its Correlation to the Background Magnetosonic Speed |
Authors: |
Zhao, X. H.; Wu, S. T.; Wang, A. H.; Vourlidas, A.; Feng, X. S.; Jiang, C. W. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 742,
Issue 2, article id. 131 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Evolution of Spinning and Braiding
Helicity Fluxes in Solar Active Region NOAA 10930 |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 743,
Issue 1, article id. 33 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Lateral Offset of the Coronal Mass Ejections
from the X-flare of 2006 December 13 and Its Two Precursor Eruptions |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 743,
Issue 1, article id. 63 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Influence of the Ambient Solar Wind Flow
on the Propagation Behavior of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Temmer, Manuela; Rollett, Tanja; Möstl, Christian; Veronig, Astrid M.; Vršnak, Bojan; Odstrčil, Dusan |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 743,
Issue 2, article id. 101 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
The Solar Decimetric
Spike Burst of 2006 December 6: Possible Evidence for Field-aligned Potential
Drops in Post-eruption Loops |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 743,
Issue 2, article id. 145 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
On the Possible Mechanisms of Two
Ground-level Enhancement Events |
Authors: |
Firoz, Kazi A.; Moon, Y.-J.; Park, S.-H.; Kudela, K.; Islam, Jamal N.; Dorman, Lev I. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 743,
Issue 2, article id. 190 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Case Study of Four Homologous
Large-scale Coronal Waves Observed on 2010 April 28 and 29 |
Authors: |
Kienreich, I. W.; Veronig, A. M.; Muhr, N.; Temmer, M.; Vršnak, B.; Nitta, N. |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 727, Issue 2, article id. L43 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
02/2011 |
Title: |
Polarization of the Charge-exchange
X-rays Induced in the Heliosphere |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 732, Issue 2, article id. L21 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
05/2011 |
Title: |
Identification of Super- and Subcritical
Regions in Shocks Driven by Coronal Mass Ejections |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 739, Issue 2, article id. L64 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
10/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal mass ejections and their heliospheric consequences |
Authors: |
Affiliation: |
AA(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA) |
Publication Date: |
00/2011 |
Title: |
Pre-Eruption Magnetic Configurations in
the Active-Region Solar Photosphere |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Physics of Sun and Star Spots,
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume
273, p. 495-498 |
Publication Date: |
08/2011 |
Title: |
Extreme Coronal Mass Ejections in Young
Low-Mass Stars |
Authors: |
Aarnio, A. N.; Stassun, K. G.; Matt, S. P.; Hughes, W. J.; McGregor, S. L. |
Publication: |
16th Cambridge Workshop on
Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 448,
proceedings of a conference held August 28- September 2, 2010 at the
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Edited by Christopher M.
Johns-Krull, Matthew K. Browning, and Andrew A. West. San Francisco:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012., p.43 |
Publication Date: |
12/2011 |
Title: |
Selected Solar Influences on the
Magnetosphere: Information from Cosmic Rays |
Authors: |
Publication: |
The Sun, the Solar Wind, and the
Heliosphere, by M.P. Miralles and J. Sánchez
Almeida. Proceedings of the conference held 23-30 August, 2009 in Sopron,
Hungary. IAGA Special Sopron Book Series, Vol. 4. Berlin: Springer, 2011.
ISBN: 978-90-481-9786-6, p.199 |
Publication Date: |
00/2011 |
Title: |
Storm on the Sun (Chapter 12) |
Authors: |
Hannu E. J. Koskinen |
Publication: |
Physics of Space Storm From the Solar
Surface to the Earth, by Hannu E. J. Koskinen,
Springer Praxis Books, Springer, 2011. pp. 299-322 |
Publication Date: |
00/2011 |
Title: |
Coronal Mass Ejections, An Introduction,
Chapter 2 History |
Authors: |
Timothy Howard |
Publication: |
Astrophysics and Space Science Library,
1, Volume 376, pp. 19-62 (2011). |
Publication Date: |
00/2011 |