Event 44
CME TimeSolar Source TimeLocateX-rayTypeHelicityMC AxisComment
44.1→442003/08/14 20:062003/08/14 17:12S10E02C3.8FL+WAVE---------?xWAVE_from_EIT_diff,unclear_NL,unmatch_MC
44.22003/08/14 20:062003/08/14 13:24N21E17EPEP---------oxEP_from_EIT+OACt+MLSO
Event Details

Result on 2011/12/20
Gopal, Hong, Cho, Pertti, Seiji, and Akiyama discussed this solar source. There is no need for concern about #44.2.

******Previous Memo*********************************
This CME is identified as wave-like solar souce at S10E02 (AR10431) from 17:12 observed with EIT running difference movie.

#44.2 is filament eruption 4 hours before #44.1. #44.1 CME may inclued a filamet of #44.2.

[Additional Information]
Zhang et al. 2007 selected #43.1 CME. But source location was noted as a S30E00.
Solar Source Images (Event 44.1→44)
Yellow contour is a neutral line under arcade loops.

Solar Source Images (Event 44.2)
Yellow contour is a eruptive filament.