Event 25
CME TimeSolar Source TimeLocateX-rayTypeHelicityMC AxisComment
25.1→252000/10/02 03:502000/10/02 02:48S09E07C4.1FL+EPPM??AR9176,small_FL+EP,unclear_NL
25.22000/10/02 20:262000/10/02 19:57S09E00C8.4FLPM??AR9176,small_FL,unclear_NL
25.32000/10/01 13:502000/10/01 12:55S10E15C3.8FLP?M??AR9176,small_FL,unclear_NL
25.42000/10/01 17:502000/10/01 15:24S21E28C4.7FLPMxxFL,unmatch_MC
Event Details

Result on 2011/12/20
Gopal, Hong, Cho, Pertti, Seiji, and Akiyama discussed this solar source. #25.3 is no need for concern. We selected #25.1 as a candidate. But #25.2 and #25.4 remained at memo as a reference database.

******Previous Memo*********************************
We picked four candidates up.

CME of #25.1, #25.2, and #25.3 are interst events. All three flares are small and no clear eruptive signatures. Though probabilities of back-side halos are still remain, to coincide for three times are not too often.
Only #25.1 CME has two solar sources (flare and eruptive filament). Only lower eruptive signature of #25.1 shows the same helicity sign between MDI and MC.

#25.4 is small flare but clear arcade loops and CME. Solar source location is little too south east. Zhang et al. 2007 selected this CMEs.

From Nitta's E-mail (2011/09/26 3:48 PM)
this was one of the events in Jie Zhang paper in 2007, where we could not convincingly identify the solar source (confidence level 3). So I now wonder what you have done to improve the identification of the solar source for the following events since Jie's paper. Most of them are confidence level 3 events.
#22, 24, 25, 27, 30, 54.
I appreciate it if you let us know how you have picked up one of the possibilities.

[Additional Information]
Zhang et al. 2007 listed selected #25.4

Solar Source Images (Event 25.1→25)
Green contours are a flare brightning area (upper) and a filament eruption (lower).

Solar Source Images (Event 25.2)
Green contour is a flare brightning area.

Solar Source Images (Event 25.3)
Green contour is a flare brightning area.

Solar Source Images (Event 25.4)
Yellow contours are a neutral line under arcade loops.