Event 21
CME TimeSolar Source TimeLocateX-rayTypeHelicityMC AxisComment
21.1&rarr 212000/07/25 03:302000/07/25 02:43N06W08M8.0FL:UNLMM??unclear_NL_location
21.2&rarr 212000/07/25 03:302000/07/25 02:43S14W04----EPMMxxEP_from_EIT+YNAO,unmatch_MC?
Event Details

Result on 2011/12/20
Gopal, Hong, Cho, Pertti, Seiji, and Akiyama discussed this solar source. They agree about the previous result. #21.1 and #21.2 are multiple sources associated with 2000/07/25 03:30 CME.

******Previous Memo*********************************
Akiyama added one more solar source (EP:S14W04) of 2000/07/25 03:30 CME, because this CME may have multiple solar sources (#21.1 M8.0flare:AR9097 N06W08 and #21.2 EP:S14W04).
In case of #21.1 solar source, Cho pointed out the difference of the helicity sign between MDI and MC. So Akiyama picked up a eruptive filament associated with M8.0 flare as a 2nd candidate. The MDI helicity sign at EP location is the same of the MC helicity sign.

Need to check from other person.
Solar Source Images (Event 21.1&rarr 21)
Green contour is a flare loop observed with EIT.

Solar Source Images (Event 21.2&rarr 21)
Yellow contour is a eruptive filament observed by EIT and YNAO Ha movie.