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Group I : Solar Sources (Ed Cliver, Doug Biesecker)


  1. What are the primary characteristics that make a CME or flare produce SEPs?
  2. Are electron accelerators also proton accelerators?
  3. How do shocks weaken as they move out from the Sun and how does the shock history affect SEP intensities and spectra at the shock peak?
  4. Are there any energetic particle features (either in electrons or ions) that can be related to the time or properties of CME collisions?
  5. Are there features associated with the spotty behavior of type II bursts in the electrons at 1 AU? What about the ion intensities or abundances?

Pre-processing activities:

  1. Sources of 3He-rich Events: Yashiro
  2. Analysis of Control Events (large flares/fast CMEs: no SEPs) (Cliver)
  3. Timing of Electron Injection Onset vs. Solar Source Signatures (Haggerty)
  4. Interacting CME Evaluation (Richardson)
  5. Type III-l Evaluation (MacDowall)

Group II: SEP Physics (Allan Tylka, Christina Cohen)


  1. How do the spectral shape and its time dependence for various SEP species vary with source and interplanetary parameters, CMEs, and shocks? (Cohen, Tuesday PM)
  2. Can event-to-event variation in composition be related to specific characteristics of the associated CMEs and flares?" (Tylka, Tuesday PM)
  3. What do time- and angular- variations in elemental abundance ratios reveal about Q/A (charge-to-mass) ratios and SEP transport properties? (Reames, Wednesday PM)
  4. Can we distinguish between the effects of temperature and density of the source plasma from the energy dependence of the Fe charge state? (Popecki, Wednesday, PM)
  5. What is the energy dependence of the streaming limit and how does it depend upon plasma parameters of the region through which the particles propagate? (Lee, Thursday PM)

Pre-processing activities:

Group III: Geospace Impact (Barbara Giles, Mary Hudson)


  1. How well can we characterize and predict SEPs and their impact on near-Earth space and theatmosphere?
  2. What is the relationship between SEPs and the energetic particles in the magnetosphere?
  3. How is SEP access to the inner magnetosphere determined during the transient phase?
  4. How are SEPs trapped and subsequently lost in the inner magnetosphere?
  5. What correlations are there between definable SEP parameters and corresponding effects on the atomosphere, geospace, technological systems?

Pre-processing activities: Version 1.

March 2002
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