IDL Setup & Software Tips

The following is a set of examples of how to run useful IDL programs. The examples are aimed toward getting quick access and display of various SOHO and Yohkoh datasets. The programs are contained within the SolarSoft tree.


A special IDL startup has been created for the workshop. To invoke IDL, type: sidl. If you have particular IDL routines to run at the workshop, you can include them as follows. Log into the umbra ISTP account and create a directory using your last name (e.g. mkdir,kaiser). Copy your .pro files into the directory, together with any README files. Once in IDL, load them into the path by typing:

IDL> load_istp,/name

where name is your last name (e.g. /kaiser). When copying software, try to make the file names unique to avoid potential name conflicts. Avoid using hard-wired path names. For example, use $ISTP_DATA to reference the ISTP data directory instead of a path name like /service/trace-arch00/trace05/istp/data. Also use $ISTP for the ISTP login directory.

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