:Product: 20091219events.txt :Created: 2009 Dec 20 2102 UT :Date: 2009 12 19 # Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Please send comments and suggestions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov # # Missing data: //// # Updated every 30 minutes. # Edited Events for 2009 Dec 19 # #Event Begin Max End Obs Q Type Loc/Frq Particulars Reg# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3220 0010 0014 0017 G14 5 XRA 1-8A C2.9 6.0E-04 1035 3220 0014 0014 0019 LEA 2 FLA N30W46 SF 1035 3230 0049 0053 0055 G14 5 XRA 1-8A B2.3 5.0E-05 3240 0104 0109 0112 G14 5 XRA 1-8A B7.4 1.8E-04 3240 0107 //// 0147 LEA C RSP 036-129 CTM/1 3250 0123 //// 0123 PAL C RSP 027-110 III/1 3260 0136 0153 0155 G14 5 XRA 1-8A B9.1 3.2E-04 1035 3260 0151 0153 0158 LEA 3 FLA N31W45 SF 1035 3270 0648 0653 0656 G14 5 XRA 1-8A B1.4 4.7E-05 3320 0700 //// 1200 IZM F RNS 204 10 3280 0716 0719 0722 G14 5 XRA 1-8A B1.2 2.7E-05 3290 1030 1035 1039 G14 5 XRA 1-8A B1.5 6.0E-05 3300 1108 1113 1119 G14 5 XRA 1-8A B6.6 2.8E-04 3310 1133 1133 1133 SVI U RBR 245 120