Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 18:21:13 +0000 (GMT)
From: Simon Plunkett
Subject: Halo CME on 2000/07/07
Status: O LASCO observed a full halo CME today, 2000/07/07. The event was first visible as a diffuse front above the SW limb in C2 at 10:26 UT. It was later seen all around the occulting disks in both C2 and C3. The measured speed in the plane of the sky at PA 195 (SW) was 455 km/s, averaged through the C2 and C3 fields of view. There may be some acceleration in this region, up to about 10 m/s^2. EIT was not observing in its usual mode at the time of the CME, and no full-disk 195 A images are available between 07:13 UT and 13:13 UT. The image at 13:13 UT shows a bright arcade of loops near central meridian, just to the west of AR 9070, that was not present in the image at 07:13 UT. This may be the source of the CME, but the association is uncertain. Images and movies of this event can be found at the LASCO ftp server: Best wishes, Simon Plunkett. ++ | Simon Plunkett, E-mail: | | USRA, Mail Code 682.3, | | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Phone: +1-301-286-2941 | | Building 26, Room G-1, +1-301-286-3447 | | Greenbelt, MD 20771. Fax: +1-301-286-0264 | +