Halo CME Mail

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 11:12

From: Guillermo Stenborg

Subject: Asymmetric Halo Event on 2004/09/01, most probably backsided

UCMEO 93001 40902 1500/
40901 61538 80018 0002/ 360// 113// 20442
///// ///// ///// ///// ///// /////

LASCO/EIT observed a complex event on 2004/09/01 that showed up 
as a very asymmetric halo CME. The event was first observed in 
C2 at about 15:38 UT above the WSW Limb as, apparently, two loop 
fronts embedded in a diffuse structure. Please note that by that 
time EIT was performing the Run #2 of the Shutterless Campaign 
(14:00 - 16:40 UT) and therefore there is only about 1 C2 image 
per hour (512x512) and no C3 images in that period of time. By 
17:50 UT the event developed as a very asymmetric full halo CME 
in C2; the leading edge in the SW direction having already left 
the C2 FOV, while in the E direction the front is barely above 
the C2 occultor. The event was first seen in C3 at 16:38 UT above 
the WSW Limb. Please also note that by that time a feature brighter 
to N starts developing toward ENE in the C3 FOV, and seems to give 
a different appearance to our event. By ~ 00:18 UT on next day the 
event is practically no longer visible, apparently without having 
reached the end of C3 FOV. The mean plane-of-sky speed for the LE 
of the outermost loop front at PA ~ 245 was ~ 442 km/sec. On the 
other hand, the inner front showed a plane-of-sky speed of about 
400 km/sec at PA ~ 250 (in both cases based only on C3 data).
GOES did not record any significant X-ray activity by the time. 
Likewise, the available EIT Fe XII images do not show any signature 
on the visible disk. Inspection of the EIT movie made with the 
images of the Shutterless sequence do not show anything (in the 
restricted FOV) that could be related to our event. See e.g.: 


The event has therefore been determined as an asymmetric 'full'
halo CME, most probably backsided. 

Images and movies of the event will shortly be made available at: 


Best wishes,
	Guillermo Stenborg

Dr. Guillermo A. Stenborg   
SOHO-LASCO Operations Scientist,                                           
CUA, MC 682.3, Bldg 26, Rm 001,   F: +1-301-286-0264         
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD 20771.              P: +1-301-286-2941

e-mail: stenborg@kreutz.nascom.nasa.gov