Halo CME Mail

Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 02:50:08 +0000 (GMT)

From: Kevin Schenk

Subject: Full Halo CME at 23:30 UT on 2001/11/22

Status: O

UCMEO 93001 11123 2330/
11122 72030 80342 3001/ 299// 333// 41500
11122 62212 80012 35524 09704 4212/


EIT and LASCO observed 2 full halo CMEs on Friday November 22, 2001.  This
message pertains to the second event in the series.  This event was first
seen in C2 starting at 23:30 UT as a symetrical halo event with core.
Again due to the high velocity of the event only 1 frame in C2 was used.
The event was measured through the C3 field of view to 30 Rs to a
plan-of-sky speed of 1500 km/sec at PA 300 degrees.  This event produced
protons which are seen in the Lasco white light images.

EIT observes a CME event starting at 22:12 UT with southward dimming. The
CME takes off and is followed by a bright flare already in progress at
23:12 UT. This event comes from AR 9698 located in the SW quadrent at
location [S17; W24]. This flare is probably associated with the M9.9 flare
seen in GOES at 22:32 UT.  By 00:12 UT an impressive counter spiraling
arcade is seen.  This event is probably associated with the event observed

Images and movies of the combination of the 2 halo CMEs on this date are
found on the lasco server at:


Best reguards

Kevin Schenk
EIT and LASCO Operations
NASA-Goddard Space Flight Cen